Never Show A Home Without Doing This First

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I'm Jennifer Myers, Founder of Agent Grad School and host of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, The Agent Grad School Podcast.  My goal for each episode is to give you actionable steps you can implement today to grow your real estate business.

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I want every real estate agent to hear this loud and clear: STOP SHOWING HOUSES TO PEOPLE YOU’VE NEVER MET BEFORE.

Just to make sure you got this:


Not only is meeting someone you’ve never met dangerous, opening doors for strangers is not a worthy value proposition.

It doesn’t answer the question, why should someone choose you.

Why not?

Because any other real estate agent can do the same exact thing.

If your value proposition is who can show up to unlock a door the quickest, you will be quickly and easily replaced by the next real estate agent because nothing is setting you apart from every other real estate agent out there.

Instead of opening doors quickly, you need to add true value to people’s lives from the first moment they come in contact with you.


When it comes to the beginning of a client relationship, which is what we are talking about today, require that your potential client meet with you first.

Yes, I get that online leads won’t want to do that. But, as you know, here at Agent Grad School, we believe there are far better and less expensive ways to get clients than paying for them.

On today’s episode of Confessions of A Top Producing Real Estate Agent, learn why first having an initial consultation with every single client is crucial to your business and even how to get buyers to want to show up to one.

Spoiler alert:

The secret to getting a buyer to show up for an initial consultation is to explain the benefits they will get from this meeting.

You’ve got to clearly explain, what’s in it for them, what they are going to get out of this meeting and answer why should they meet with you.

If you aren’t giving them a good enough reason to meet with you, they won’t.

In today’s episode freebie, get the exact email I’ve been using for over a decade to explain why a buyer should come to the initial consultation. This email has a 90% conversion rate.

Any buyer who doesn’t attend an initial consultation, doesn’t get to move forward to the next phase of working togeher–seeing houses.

No meeting, no showings. Period.

Having this policy has saved me hundreds of hours of driving around unnecessarily with disloyal or noncommittal buyers and allows me to focus on buyers who have committed to me and see my value.

Now that’s a fun real estate business.

Having requirements and setting boundaries with your clients and potential clients helps everyone. It’s good for you, it’s good for your clients and it’s good for business.

Plus, you’re worth it. Why would you want to be running all over town with someone who won’t give you an hour of their time or commit to working with you before you give them hours of your time showing them houses?

No thanks.

Requiring a buyer to meet with you for thirty minutes before you start showing houses every weekend is not asking too much, and may even save your life one day.

It’s that important.

Listen to today’s episode and start implementing this in your business today to keep yourself safe while answering the question why should someone choose you.

What you hear on today’s episode is likely different than what you may be hearing elsewhere, but a business like this is possible and way more enjoyable than dealing with online leads who just want you to open a door.

Listen to today’s episode, download invitation to the initial consultation email and start implementing today.

If you need more help with how to implement this in your business, we teach you exactly how to do this inside Agent Grad School. There is a step-by-step process we teach that will completely change the way you work with buyers and how buyers see you.

Now more than ever, it’s time to finally have the real estate business you’ve always wanted, full of clients that actually want to meet with you before asking you to show them houses and who won’t waste your time.

We’ve got a proven, step-by-step roadmap to do this and can show you how to do this in your real estate business too.

To your success,


Episode Transcript

Never ever show a house before doing this. Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent I’m your host. Jennifer Myers listen in. As I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the U S even opening my own brokerage full of agents taught me to serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents at the same strategies I use. And date two became top producing agents. Now through this Podcast and agent Grad School dot com, I’m sharing the same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. And today’s episode is the importance of the initial consultation with your buyer clients. On the seller side, we also call it an initial consultation instead of a listing appointment. So all of the things we’re going to say today also applies to the listing side. But today, specifically, we’re talking about your buyers and why you should never ever skip the initial consultation before you start showing them houses. And before you start actually feeling like you have a real client, and we’re going to show you how to get them to not only want to show up for it, but also tell you how to have an initial consultation. That’s so good that they’ll want to work with you and only you and also refer everyone they know in today’s real estate industry. Unfortunately, there are still agents out there that are meeting strangers at houses. I think that’s a lot, has a lot to do with kind of the old way of getting clients. And, you know, you get a call maybe from a sign or something like that. And the value proposition in the old days was unlocking the door. Being able to give them access, to see the house before they could see it online and things like that. But also these days, that’s kind of re-emerging because we have these online leads that expect you just to drop everything and show them a house and meet them at a house. But not only does that start off the relationship with your clients on the wrong foot. One that does not provide true, real value to our client’s lives and their search for a home, but it’s dangerous. So I know it’s not the first time you’ve heard of this idea of an initial consultation. That’s not a revolutionary concept. We’re not going to drill into that. We’re going to talk about why agents are still not doing them and an agent Grad School, here’s the reasons I hear from our students. They say things like, well, they don’t want to meet with me. They want me to start showing them houses right away. The clients don’t want to go to them. They don’t have time. Other students say, I don’t really know what to say at the initial consultation. That’s so impactful that it will set up an entire way that we work together. How do we do that? And when I do met meet them, what part of the process does this happen? Like they don’t quite know where to fit it in and you definitely can’t fit it in after you’ve already shown them a house. It’s kind of like you can’t, you know, what’s the saying about milk? You can’t, I don’t know. Well, I know you can’t once the whole, the horses of the barn. Yeah. Once The horse is all of the barn, it’s too late. The horse on its way. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That’s the enemy, everybody. And as always, she’s here to, as the first graduate of agent Grad, School ever, she’s been doing this now for 10 years. And so the reason I really love sharing her perspective with you is because she’s been through it. She is now a master at it. So she’s been through the like, Oh my gosh, I did this wrong. Or I haven’t been doing it right. Got over that, learn the right way to do it. And then have that evolution of getting better and better over the years. And now it really has mastered not only this concept, but so many. So I bring her in because I want you to get that. It’s not just me talking from down from the, you know, ivory tower or something like that. But it’s also people using it over the last decade and kind of the evolution of how you get better and better. So let’s talk through one of the first reasons why agents don’t have initial consultations and that’s getting that, getting clients to want to show up for them. So how do we do that? And an agent Grad School we teach three different ways. Number one, the first and foremost we teach in marketing. You got to have a niche. You’ve got to set yourself apart from every other real estate agent out there. So the way that I did that in my business was I, and all of my marketing, my niche was first time home buyers. And in marketing you, we tell, we help you with what your niche is and how to pick one and how to get great at it and how to communicate it. But you’ve got to have a niche because that automatically brings the type of clients and the type of clients that I can add value to right directly to me, I cut through like the C of real estate agent’s sameness. And if there is a first time home buyer that somehow sees my marketing, I’ve already stand out in their way. So they already want to meet with me because they already see that I’m not just like everybody else. I actually specialize in what they need help in. So that’s number one. And getting clients went to show up to want to show up is setting yourself apart from the beginning, every single marketing piece you do. The second piece is keeping in touch with them. There’s a baby step because so often people don’t want to go from meeting you at an open house or meeting you at a party or a referral to very next day meeting with you. And so that baby step is keeping in touch with them with a weekly email newsletter, giving them value, added information and agent Grad School land. We call that the coup the scoop, and we call that swipe file. It is one topic per week that helps your niche, make their dreams come true. And so that’s number two. And so that’s all happening in the background. It’s when you finally get it up and running, it’s all happening, almost what feels like automatically. But those first two tests do two steps are crucial to having somebody understand what value you provide to their life before they even contact you. So that’s number one, but the third and final way you get them to show up. And this is what I call the Holy grail of the emails. It’s the email invitation. So when somebody contacts you and says, I’m, there is a specific script that we use that I created over 10 years ago. And actually he’s now 13 years ago now because you’ve been using it Amy for 10 years, that is copy and paste. So I started using it and I would just reiterate re like iterate, iterate, make it better, make a buck. And there was this day when it was just perfect and it was working. And then I started giving it to Amy and it worked on her people. And then I gave it to everybody else at my brokerage, 12 residential. And it worked for them. Now, this freebie you can have too. So this email script is today’s freebie, it’s the download. So go to agent Grad School dot com go to this episode and download that script so you can see why it’s so important and any talk to us a little bit about this evolution for you. Like, why were you doing the initial consults before we started working together? And if so, if so, why? And if not, why, and then talk about how you get them to want to show up. And that process a little bit, because that’s a huge roadblock. I think so many agents, like nobody wants to do it. And of course they don’t because you actually have to give them a reason to want to meet with you. So talk a little bit about that and how you’ve used that in your business. Yeah. So I definitely did not do initial consults before coming to dwell residential. I, you know, a lot of agents, you know, pulling people out of grocery stores. No, not really, but you know, meeting people at open houses, calling them, they’re not answering that kind of thing, you know, and then she’s starting to show houses. So this was like a novel concept to me anyway. And you know, it is true. I think you set it up correctly that like the first steps have to be an active before you get to the initial consult. You have to give them a reason to come to meet you because there’s 13,000 different other agents they could come spend their time with everybody’s time is precious, right. So how do you get them there? And I think, like you said, the first two pieces are setting that up and, and with your, with your letter that you’re talking about your email, and I think then making it very easy for them. You know, we like things that are easy, right? That’s why we love to go shopping online. We can click and it comes through our door. So, you know, as an agent, I made it as easy as possible. I’ll meet you at 8:00 AM. I’ll meet you at 7:00 AM. I’ll drive 30 minutes to meet you 40 minutes after work, all of that kind of stuff. So make it easy for them, a coffee shop near where they work or live. You know, if your office is nearby, great, give them instructions, make it really simple. Also make sure you have their contact information so that if they are late or they get lost or something like that, that you have that information and then be prepared and be ready to go. If they see that, you know, you’ll see with, if you download the script, that it is a very specific, and it asks specific things of The the buyer or the L or the seller. And if they’re really interested in you and they’ve reached out to you, that script should, should be the initial, you know, reason. They, then the next natural step should be to meet. They don’t always meet there’s a lot. I mean, we’re human beings, right? They’ll make excuses, don’t have time. Clients don’t understand the importance. So we have to understand the importance and we have to be the driver of, of our own business. Anytime I’ve ever allowed a client to skip an initial consult is always ended up going for a lead down the road, or we’ve had to backtrack and go back to all of the things that we didn’t discuss, because we did meet the first time because the client didn’t think it was important or couldn’t do it. Or I let them lead me down a different road. But, but it’s crucial. It’s like the first day, you know, you’re, you’re online dating you meet the person in the coffee shop like that first, first initial setup is really how the relationship’s going to go. Once they start working with you, or maybe they’ll decide not to work with you, but at least you’ll have that level of clarity and that’s. But before we talk about what happens at the initial consult, talk a little bit about the email specifically, like this email guys is very, very, it will not look orchestrated. And I know when you hear the word script and copy and paste, you think it sounds canned, but the email itself does not sound cannon. Again. We always say there is a script you copy and paste. That’s the beginning, that’s the template. And then you add something personal. Usually a client will say something like this is my first home, or I’m not a first time home buyer, or I’m looking here and there. And you address that of course at first. But then the email has certain paragraphs that does certain things to convince the buyer, why having an initial consult and spending their time, everybody is busy spending their time to meet with you. And w and it, what it does is set up the relationship that there’s actually more to this than just getting in the car and showing houses and putting that out there to the beginning immediately already sets you apart. But the paragraphs in that email are very orchestrated. They’re there for a purpose. And in marketing, you, we teach you how to create an email that speaks to your niche. So when you download the email, it’s going to sound like it’s just for first time home buyers. But when you have a different niche, you rewrite those paragraphs in a way that speaks to your niche. But it’s just an example of how to get a buyer after buyer at this point. Do you ever get pushback with that email or do you have to do a little arm wrestling? Or like, for me, it was, if you’re not, I knew this email worked because I was meeting with two to three new buyers every single week, turning them into clients every single week and also having successful outcomes with them. And so I know it worked, so it was at the point where if somebody wasn’t willing to meet, I just moved on to the next person. Yeah. I mean, that’s, that’s, that’s pretty much where I am right now. I mean, I’m most everybody that I send that email to, you know, I do meet with, and that sounds kind of like crazy, like, wow, you meet with all of these people. And like, yeah, I do. You know, because it’s worth it, it’s a hundred percent worth it. And it’s exactly what you said. Do you know, a script is like, kind of, you know, I wish we had a different word for it because it really is a hundred percent maybe a template. It, it, it’s, it’s what you do. And in, instead of writing it over and if, you know, a bunch of different ways, we’ve, we’ve, we’ve it. So that it’s like, you know, speaks exactly to what we want to happen. Like you said, so it’s not canned. It’s not that we are somehow just like generalizing everybody. Right. But this is our niche. And so this is what we’re, we’re saying we’re offering to you. And it speaks to, to that person. And in depth, I mean, generally that the response back is like, wow, thank you so much. For all of that information. I, I would Gander our guests, our guests that most agents or most training is if you get an email, that’s a warm body and you set up a new, like, meet them immediately, like, hi, what do you want to see a house? Or like, Oh, you know, I mean, and we have this happen too. People will say, I saw this great house. Can you go show this to me? No. And that’s not in a row. And so then we, you know, we take a step back and say, this looks like a, you know, interesting house and then go through the process, you know? So we’re taking them through the process even because they don’t know that they need the process. Right. And we do. So the initial consultation for me also weeded out people who weren’t serious buyers. Right? So for me, at some point, you know, you’re going to get so busy that you can’t take on every buyer. And so if there’s a buyer that’s not willing to kind of meet you halfway and, and take your advice on how this should go. And what’s in their best interests. From the beginning to me, I’m not going to spend time with that buyer in a car and showing them houses, cause they’re not gonna come to fruition. So for me, it’s also a way to quote unquote, test buyers, to see how serious they are about buying a house. Because if they won’t give me one hour, why should I give them ours in the car, showing them houses? If they can’t give me one hour of really making sure that this gets set up correctly, their home search gets set up correctly. And that email explaining the why. Right? That’s the one important you can’t just say like, great, let’s meet and talk about your home search. No, you have to explain why that meeting is so important and what you’re actually going to discuss that as Amy mentioned, that they don’t realize they need, right. So let’s move on to, okay. Let’s just pretend. And I know this happens too. A lot of agents, they have the meeting scheduled, but like they ghost them or they reschedule the clients, ghost them, or they reschedule. And how do you get the client to actually show up for that meeting? And we do this two ways. Number one, we like Amy said, make it easy on them. So in the email that you hopefully have downloaded and are now reading, you’re seeing that there’s an invitation to one of the last paragraph. It says very specifically, would you like to come to S something like, would you like us? Would you like to meet at our office? Which by the way, is sometimes scary for people. We don’t say that in the right. Or would you like to meet near in a coffee shop near your home or office? Please let me know a few days and times that work for you. And then we can just say where our different offices are. So it gives them the option. I think that’s really important. It’s, you know, don’t make it scary for people who don’t want to meet you at your office. Cause that I know it seems silly, but for a lot of people that’s kind of scary or it gives them a reason like, Oh, that’s not in the right part of town or I can’t get there on time. And so you get making it easy for them and going to them right then. And there, it gives them no excuse not to show up. And then the second thing we do is we give them a homework assignment. So we call that thoughts to dwell on it. And the reason we called it, that is because again, the brokerages dwell and it was a play on words, right. And it’s called thoughts to dwell on before we meet. And what’s great about this. A homework assignment is, again, it makes them put skin in the game, but it also prepares them for the type of questions that we’re going to be asking them at the initial consultation. Not only that, but it also sets you apart. And it says, Oh my gosh, this agent has a homework assignment for me. And when you look at those questions, it really has them starting to think outside the box about their home search. And so it puts you at this advantage that they’re like, huh? I never really thought of my home search like that. What’s also great is The when there’s couples, it makes them have a conversation. We say, make it fun, you know, get a glass of wine and talk about it. It’s a way for them to have some skin in the game so that they actually wanna show up and talk about this stuff. So again, in marketing, you, we teach you how to create, how to take that idea and concept and make it your own for your own brand, the brand that you created in your niche. So that’s not one of the free downloads here, but talk a little bit about that concept and why that works so well. And like clients love it, right? Yeah. They love that. They love our thoughts to dwell on. And you know, I think when we did it, we were like, Oh, let’s see if this works. Right. You know, will people fill this out? Will people take it seriously? You know, it’s attached to an email. Maybe they won’t even see it, you know, who knows? And surprisingly like almost like 80% of the people fill it out, bring it to the initial consult and we discuss it. Well, it’s funny because the whole reason I created this, and this is, again, it just a takeaway anytime, like, cause I’ve started asking pretty tough questions. And especially when there was couples, they would like look at each other and be like, I don’t know. Right. So when I started seeing that in my initial consult, I said, wait a second, I got to back this train up. How do I get them to not feel uncomfortable when I’m like, kind of battering them with questions they’ve never thought of. And so that’s why I put that hallmark piece in is really to make the initial consult go better. But lo and behold, I had never known that it was going to actually make people want to talk to us and do all these other things. Right. And then print out a piece of paper and it in a parentless world and bring it to the, you know, to, to the, I mean, that’s, that takes a little effort, you know? And, and so that, that shows they’re engaged because you’ve invested in them, they’re investing back, you know, and then, you know, it is intimidating on the initial consult because there are a lot of questions we’re asking. And if anybody gets asked a bunch of questions within 30 minutes, they’re going to feel like, Oh my gosh. You know? And so this takes the heat off. We’ve already kind of opened up the door a little, we’ve started to question them on paper a little, you know, get their mind going. And especially with couples, cause I always tell them, do it separately. And then like you can read to each other or we’ll read it together, you know? And they love that. And so speaking of making people feel comfortable, let’s talk about that next step. So you’ve given them a reason why they need to show up for the initial consult and why it’s important for their experience of buying or in another episode, selling their house. You’ve given them a homework assignment and made it easy on them so that like, there’s more of a guarantee for them to actually show up. But then it’s really important to set a tone when they actually show up and you do this a few ways. Number one, you show up early. So especially if, whether it’s at the office or at a coffee shop, you show up there early, you make sure that like the lights are on, the doors are open. It looks like there’s something alive here happening. You’re not rushing in throwing your books down when they’re already sitting in your waiting room. And if you’re meeting in a coffee shop again, you show up early, make sure you get a good quiet table in the corner. And we also always give them a sign if we’re meeting them in public. So if we’re meeting, if we’ve made the decision to meet at a coffee shop or something like that, we have, what’s called the red folder and that has a, it’s called a buyer packet. And again, we give you all of this and agent Grad School. So we say, I’ll have a red folder on the table. So you notify me. So that’s really important because, you know, I, you know, when like, like you said, like on a first date or something, you go and you’re like, is that the person is that the person like, and so it gives that signal. And so automatically you’re putting them at ease. You you’re, you’re doing your job of kind of being the leader of the situation and anything else you want to add to that? Yeah. And they’re not like looking around wondering if you look like you’re, you know, Google picture or whatever, you know, they’re like, it’s very easy and they feel like, you know, okay, you’ve, you’ve taken care of me. Yeah, yeah. From the get go. Yeah. And make sure you have their phone number in case, you know, they need to get in touch with you, traffic, weather, anything like that. Just just say what’s the best place to contact email. Cause I, I mean email or phone, I had not done that in the beginning sometimes. And you know, time ago, you know, are they showing up? Are they not? And they, it helps them because then if they’re stressed and they’re running late, they’re like, Hey, I’m so sorry I’m running late. And it just eases a situation. Yeah. So you’ve done all these things to set yourself apart, make sure that they feel taken care of, put yourself as the leader and, and, and, and really show that you’re doing all of this for their best interests. So before they even show up for the initial consult, you’ve made such an impact and you’ve set yourself up so differently. And then the initial consult starts. Now, one thing that’s really important. So often I’ll be sitting in a coffee shop and I’ll hear a real estate agent talking to a potential client. And what I keep hearing is the agent talking about themselves or talking about the market or talking about the house that sold or the, this or that. That is not what the initial is about. What the initial consultation is for is to ask them questions and for you to get to know them. And by doing that, they actually get to know you as well. So again, I get, let’s keep with the analogy of the first date, right? You know, every, the best first dates in the best engaging conversations are when people ask questions about you, right. And you get to talk about yourself, Right. Nobody wants to be on a date with that guy or a girl who is just talking about themselves the whole time. Right. You know, and it’s holds true in business. You know, they don’t want you to just listen to what you have been doing and real estate, your real estate career is probably have no real particular interest to them. So asking them questions and what’s most important to them, again, starts to set you from the past that you out from the pack. Because I think as agents, we naturally think we have to sell ourselves. And that’s not what this is about. This is about getting to know this individual, a person and or people and what they’re looking to do. And then we have a whole like framework outline document that we use. Yeah. A visual aid, essentially, that also frames the conversation for them because we pull it out and we say, this is what we’re going to talk about today. Right. Correct. And yeah. And we set it up. So that then the next step is like, okay, we’re sitting here having coffee. They know we’re going to talk about these particular things like these seven things in front of us or whatever they are. And, and so then they can kind of sit back to, they, you know, there’s, they’re like a day they’re as scared as you are, you know, kind of like it is a day. And so the ability to like take control, be the leader, set them at ease and then get the information that you need to help them. And then they walk away feeling like, well, this person really generally cares about what we are looking for or what our objectives are, you know? And it also helps you get more quickly, you know, through the process of finding them the right house. You know, if you just go out and show people how says that that means nothing and that doesn’t add value. And so I think that’s, what’s really important, not just in this episode, but in every episode that we do that I hope you take away is that your job as a real estate agent, isn’t to open doors or show houses your job from beginning to end from every marketing piece you do to every client interaction, including the things that we’re talking about here is to add value to their life in a way that only you can, in a way that they can’t on their own in a way that no other agent can. And I know that sometimes sounds like a big like Lyft, but as you can see, there’s these tiny little things that you can do that sets you apart and creates that relationship and creates that dynamic. And even though it sounds like a big lift, right. To set yourself apart and look like every different from every single real estate agent out there, when you think about it, that that feels overwhelming. But what we’re trying to do is break this process down to say, here’s how you can do that in the initial consult. What I love about having a framework, when people say, you know, we have a script, right? We teach a and a framework. We give you a visual aid and what’s really, what do you know? There’s an initial pushback, even from myself and I’m like script, no, right. But if you have an outline, you have a script, you have a framework to work with. That framework is not only important for you, but it’s also important for when you start the initial consultation to explain the framework that you’re going to go through. And so that’s why this visual aid that we talk about is so important because they say, okay, I don’t just have, I’m not just here to have a conversation. I’m actually here to talk through a very specific step-by-step process and actually learn things that I didn’t realize I was going to learn. Right. Because I mean, I’m sure most agents will say whether you’re a first time home buyer or a third time home buyer, the process is very intimidating and there are a lot of details. And so the fact that you could provide a visual aid so that when we’re talking, it’s not just talking, it’s like, Oh, she’s talking about this particular part, the financing part, we break it down into small, like digestible pieces. So when they walk away, they’re like, okay, this is manageable. This is doable. As opposed to, I mean, especially too with like the internet and like, what’s my interest rate in a thousand different websites and thousands of agents, you know, it’s overwhelming. I hear this all the time from clients. So important for them to get, like, here’s what we’re talking about now. And here’s how it pertains to the next step in the process. And here’s where we are in this process. Right? So this framework is super crucially important and it is truly your guide for the initial consultation. And it creates a like, almost like an agenda without seeming like it’s an agenda, right? Like it’s not a PowerPoint. It’s truly a piece of paper that has a step-by-step process that we do. We give to them too at the end. So they, they hold onto it and they know what the next steps are going to be. Yeah. And within the script, right? Like this framework has like boxes, right? And you get this when you are a member of your most successful year is when we start going through this process and you each box right. Is a framework for you. Cause you’re like, okay, I remember what I’m supposed to say during this. And the script quote unquote is again, just a guide for you and you learn how to make it your own for your niche and your audience. And you’re way of saying things like when you first learned the script, I was literally like, do not change it, keep doing it, but now, right, you made it your own after. I mean, it’s going to be uncomfortable if you haven’t done it like anything, you know, I mean, it’s a, it’s uncomfortable at first and you have to just practice. And, you know, I wish one piece of advice I would give people is like practice with your friend or your husband or your boyfriend, or whatever, pretend like, you know, to, to just practice a little more at home. And it just takes time to, to, to make it your own and to feel comfortable with it. But once you do, it’s very empowering. You feel really comfortable in you’re walking into that initial consult and you know exactly how you’re going to say it. What you’re going to say, how many minutes you’re going to be in that coffee shop, probably what your takeaways are. And it just, you know, as a, as you grow your business and become a busier agent, you need to have that structure because in the beginning, yes, I spent way too much time explaining everything. And I think my people got overwhelmed. I was exhausted. And it was, And hours later, they’re like, can we go now? But now, you know, right. One thing we say about the script and framework is keep it to 30 minutes. And if, depending on the number of questions they have, it could be the 45. And so you start with a conversation with that. And by the way, the script has, it takes about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on your question. So they’re already prepared for that amount of time. Again, we can’t go through the whole initial consultation we spend. I mean, how many years have you been practicing this and getting better at it? 10 years, 10 years, probably a year. Like, you know, eight, I started to really get my groove. And it doesn’t mean that those were unsuccessful. You know, all those other years of those, I got those clients. I, you know, this people became my clients. I just got more confident. I got better at it. And it’s like, anything in life, the more you practice, the better you’re going to get at it. You know? And, and, and so don’t beat yourself up. If you walk away going, geez, why did I say that? Or I forgot to mention this, or, or something like that, you know, you’ll get better over time, but just the fact that you’re there and you have all of those things, it sets you apart from 99% of the agents that are working anywhere that you know, in your market, And then ending the initial consultation, I think is also crucially important. And we recommend and teach that the way to end the consultation is, first of all, don’t ask if you want to work together, right. Unless they, like, you just move forward to the next step. And you say, the next step in our process is dented into app. And you explain exactly what you’re going to do and what exactly what they’re going to do. And some clients say, great, I can’t wait. You know, when do you think I’ll get that? Or when do you think, you know, or when do you need that by? And then we go into that and other clients say, you know, I’m talking to a few other agents, I’ll get back to you. And we say, great, I’ll hold off from these next steps until you let me know that we’re working together. But just so you know, those would be the next steps once you make your decision. So it’s very clear what’s happening next when it needs to happen on both sides. And they want to know, I mean, the, the, you know, I’ve had some consultations in towards the end. It’s kind of like, they’re looking at you, like, okay, like tell me what to do next and not know whatever way, but they, you know, and so, yeah, you’ve got to make, you’ve got to, you’ve got to end it so that they understand what’s next. So let’s just recap because whether you become an agent grad school student or not, I want you to understand this framework when it comes to your initial consultation. So number one, never, ever, ever, ever skip them, no matter what, excuse your clients, give, give you a number to have a reason and make it very clear to your clients, why they need to show up for it. What are the benefits what’s in it for them for free for doing that? Because they don’t think they need it. None of them do. We just don’t have a miracle clients. Right? Right. They come to the initial console because of that email script that you now have as a download that you can look at and create your own, then give them a piece of homework, give a reason to want to show up with you, make it easy on them. Number three, create the tone, set the tone that you care about them. And that you’re always one step ahead of them by making them feel at ease before they even show up. And when they walk in the door as well, then when you start your buyer consultation, have a framework share that framework. So it’s clear with them have an outline and a script essentially that you make your own so that every conversation goes essentially the same and then end the initial consultation with very clear steps of what happens next. Not at all. So many times I teach the initial consult and then an agent will just like, wonder if there’s a client or not. And I’m like, no, there is like absolute clarity, whether or not this client is working with you. And like what happens next? So make sure that you end with that level of clarity and not a question. And either of your minds, I start applying this, these techniques to your business around your initial consultation, do not skip them and just know that this sets you up and answers that question that every client has, which is why should I choose you among all other options and why, and how do I buy a home at all? So thank you for listening. Stay tuned for next week’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode. Remember change happens when you take action. So apply what you learned today to your own real estate business. If this episode has helped you subscribe, leave a review and share it with all your real estate agent friends, and as always, if you want even more great resources to create the real estate business you’ve always wanted and have the life you want outside your business to head over to agent Grad School dot com and sign up for the free weekly trainings, you’ll get free classes, discounts, and other goodies that only go out to real estate agents on that email list. See you next week. Right here on Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent the Agent Grad School Podcast.

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