The 5 Pillars of A Six-Figure Real Estate Business

Our best resources for agents who are ready for
6-Figure years
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I'm Jennifer Myers, Founder of Agent Grad School and host of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, The Agent Grad School Podcast.  My goal for each episode is to give you actionable steps you can implement today to grow your real estate business.

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Do you ever feel like you are working too hard and still not having the results you want?

Or maybe you feel like you are always chasing clients, dealing with disloyal internet leads, or like clients are slipping through your fingers for one reason or another.

Have you ever experienced what I call the real estate agent see-saw. That’s when you have a bunch of clients, you spend so much time servicing those clients and getting them to settlement that when that’s done you look up and you have no clients coming in.

Or, maybe you aren’t getting the referrals or repeat clients you were hoping you would. You see your clients homes on the market with another agent.

If you’ve experienced any of these, chances are you are missing one or more of the 5 Pillars of A Six Figure Real Estate Business.

These are 5 Pillars that create a rock-solid foundation in your real estate business. One that you can build anything you want on top of.

Listen in to today’s episode to learn what the 5 Pillars are, why they are crucial for every successful real estate business and how to create them in your business.

To your success,


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Pillar 1: Marketing YOU

Pillar 2: The Initial Consultation

Pillar 3: The Doing/During Phase

Pillar 4: The Under Contract Phase

Pillar 5: The After Phase

Join the Agent Grad School Inner Circle (it’s free!)

Become an Agent Grad School Student

Episode Transcript

And today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. There are five pieces, five pillars that are part of every single real estate agents business, and even part of every single real estate transaction. I’m going to tell you what those five pillars are and why they’re so important and why you need to be aware of them and creating systems around them in your business as really the foundation, the strong, solid foundation that you build your business on top of. So in this is a really important episode of everything I’ve ever taught. I almost feel like I could, I wish I could rewind and go back to day one of the podcast and start here. Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I use in date two became top producing agents. Now through this podcast and, I’m showing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. So here’s how I think every real estate agent’s business should be. It should have clients coming to you, wanting to work with you and fully understanding why you are different from every other real estate agent notice. I did not say better. I said different. And these five pillars, putting them into your business, not only create the strong, strong foundation for your business, so that you can build anything you want. However, you want your real estate business to look, you can make that happen and like rest that on the five pillars that I’m about to explain to you, right? So if you think about like your real estate business, I always say it’s like building a house, right? This would be the concrete foundation that you’re pouring, that you can build any house on top of no matter how you want it to look, you start ideally with a very solid foundation concrete foundation. And that’s what these five pillars do. So on today’s episode, I’m going to tell you what they are, why they are so important and give a little bit of background into each one. But if I was to go into detail about how you put them into each, how you put each into your business, we would be here for hours be that’s what I literally have five modules talking about inside agent grad school. So we would be here for a really long time, but the first step towards change, if you have a business that you want to change, that you want to make easier. If you want to stop working to the bone, stop feeling like where’s my next client coming from stop feeling like you have to you’re spending so much time servicing your clients. All of a sudden you don’t have any clients. And you want to really weather, not just the ups and downs of the market, but of the year. There’s like, you know, yearly flows to the market. There are times when the market changes and shifts, right? Building your business with these five pillars as the foundation is what creates that solid foundation. That no matter what happens, whatever the market’s doing, whatever’s happening, you, you don’t move around so much. You have that strong foundation. Okay? So let’s just dive into, I’m going to say what the five pillars are. Then I’m going to take each one step by step, and I’m going to explain how, you know, in your business, whether or not it’s a pillar that you should be focused on and kind of the first steps to take. And okay, so let’s just dive in. So the five pillars, the first is marketing. The second is lead conversion. The third is what I call the doing phase, which I will explain. The fourth pillar is called the Under Contract phase. And the fifth pillar is what I call the after phase. Okay? So I’m going to explain each and everyone in order. Now, these five pillars are also the five steps that you and your clients go through in a transaction together. Think about it. Step one, you need to market yourself. You need to become known to somebody in order for them to want to work with you. Okay? We’re going to talk about that. Then you have to have a way to convert them from knowing you to actually working with you, right. Then you have to do the things that they hired you to do. Either help them buy a house, sell a house or both. Then you move into that under contract phase. Then you move into that after phase, which is how you keep in touch with your clients and add value after the transaction. Okay? So let me go a little bit in more detail about each one of these pillars and how you know, which pillar you need to work on first. It depends on what’s happening in your business and also kind of where you are in your business. I’ve been an agent for a while or not. And by the way, for all of them, we just opened enrollment and we had tons of new agents come in, new students, come in. And the very first thing that they’re asked to do is take a quiz. So they know where to start in the course, our course agent grad school is built around something. We call the core curriculum and the core curriculum, or these five pillars, the marketing, you phase, the lead conversion phase, which all explaining specifically what that is an agent grad school, the doing phase, the under contract phase and the after phase. Okay? So not every agent should start from pillar. Number one, for example, if you are an agent who has a lot of transactions under their belts, but maybe it’s just working too hard or you don’t have a consistent flow of clients coming to you. I would recommend starting in the after phase, not the before phase. Okay? So this quiz, and when I’m going to subscribe today is how you know where you have the holes in your business, where it’s kind of leaking water and where you need to plug or concentrate on first and foremost. So I’ll give you some clues on too. As I talk through each one of these pillars on how you know, whether that’s a pillar, you should focus on. Now, some of you listening to this and some of our students, they need to work on all four pillars, especially you newer agents and that’s okay, but you cannot work on all five pillars at the same time. So don’t go into overwhelm. Don’t start thinking like I got don’t do all this I’m so behind don’t have any of those thoughts. You pick the pillar that is going to give you the results that you want the fastest. Okay? So I’ll explain what that is. As I go through each pillar. So pillar number one is what I call marketing. You, you see, you can’t do any of the other pieces of the puzzle. You can’t convert clients into you. Can’t convert, leads into clients. You can’t help them buy or sell a house. You can’t have them go under contract and you can’t talk with them after the transaction, unless you have clients coming to you. Now, marketing is something I could talk for days about. And it’s something that a lot of, especially real estate agents think they’re doing marketing, but it’s really not marketing. That works. So the first thing in this pillar is if you don’t have clients reaching out to you, wanting to work with you, if you’re not answering the question, why should somebody choose you above all other options, including not doing anything at all? If your marketing does not answer those questions, if it does not answer very clearly who you help and exactly how you help them and your, your marketing is not what I call magnetic. It’s not drawing people towards you. Then you need to focus on your marketing. You need to tighten your message. You need to add some clarity. You need to become more known. Okay? So there’s a lot of pieces to the marketing piece and sending just sold cards or sending, you know, handwritten notes, knocking on doors and even paying for leads is not marketing. Marketing means people, people who know you and don’t know you understand when and why they should reach out to you so that you can actually help them. Okay. Now, the other thing I’ll say about these pillars is these are things that like you don’t want to necessarily solve entirely before moving on to the next pillar. Especially with my students in the Agent Grad School, I always say this is level one, get level one, figured out, then put it out into the world and then start working on pillar two pillar, three pillar, four party pillar five, put the basics in place so that you are moving forward. The best thing you can do when it comes to marketing is be out into the world, put yourself in front of the people that you can help and then make it clear to them. There are all sorts of ways who you are, that you’re a real estate agent and specifically how you can help them. So again, you guys hear me talk about these examples. It’s just the easiest example or my own examples. So in my marketing, it was very clear. I was attracting, I was creating a magnet for first-time home buyers. I made it clear why I was a real estate agent was because of my first-time home buy, experienced home-buying experience. I made it clear how I could help them over and over and over again in my weekly emails and on my website that I was really fixated on solving the problem of affordability, because that is the thing that most first time home buyers that is what’s stopping them, all their thoughts about affordability and for some it’s valid. And for some they’re really just things that are obstacles that they think are on their way, but they aren’t in their way. So week after week after week, I would remove those obstacles and would kiolbe very clear who I was talking to and how I could help them. And that brought more and more clients to me. Okay. That is magnetic marketing. That explains why people should choose you. And of course, because I’m Asian grad school, right Marketing You is a play on words as in marketing university, which is, you know, one of the modules inside agent grad school, but also marketing you, Y O U, because you have to market you before you market anything else before you can market a house before you can help people, you have to give them a reason about why they should work with you. That is the goal of your marketing. So if you’re a brand new agent, that’s, this is where you should be focused your time. You shouldn’t be not thinking about anything else other than how you get people to know that you’re an agent and why they should work with you. Now, if you are a more seasoned agent and you do not have clients coming to you, that’s because it is not clear to people when and why they should work with you. And so you have to focus on strengthening that message and making it super clear. Even an agent grad school, I make it very clear what I can teach real estate agents to do. That’s who I help and how I can help them is I can help them bring clients to them. And I do that inside agent grad school and with this podcast. Okay. Another way that you can make your marketing magnetic is to create offers or guarantees, right? So there’s all sorts of ways to do this, but you want to make it irresistible. You want to make it so that you stand out and you giving people a reason to move to the next step, which is the pillar. Number two, you have to have a lead conversion mechanism. What I teach an inside agent grad school is there’s two lead conversion mechanisms. There’s the weekly newsletter. Well, there’s really three. There’s our website, weekly newsletter. And then when those people who’ve come to your website and are getting your email, when they, when they raised their hand, the next step is to get them to an initial consultation. Now, if you’re an agent who thinks that initial consultations are not something your buyers or sellers want to do, or are a waste of time, the biggest waste of time ever is starting to show houses to people stopping what you’re doing, going, driving in your car, spending time and energy with a client who is not loyal in any way, shape or form. So you get a lead through your marketing. Your next step in your marketing is your emails and your website. And those irresistible offers that magnetism, why they should choose you. Then they raise their hand and they say, Hey, I heard about you. I’d love to have you. I have some houses I want to see I’m already approved by 11. Whatever they say does not matter. You send them, you, you bring, you invite them to an initial consultation or an initial conversation that can happen in person. That can hope it happened over zoom. But ideally, it is with the decision-makers involved and it’s face to face. It doesn’t have to be in person. It’s still Zoom to Zoom. I highly recommend this, not be a phone. Call this be either a zoom. It’s a scheduled time. It’s not something you interrupt people’s day. And all of a sudden start talking to them for 30 minutes, but you have consults. Now it’s funny. I think about all the things that require consults. And if you think about all of the things that are so important to our lives and all the people that we hire and pay a lot of money and our lives to help us with, they all do consults. Your doctor does a consult. A lawyer does a consult. A financial advisor does a consult. Your dentist does a consult. Your insurance person doesn’t consult. They just don’t start selling you insurance. They have to understand and what you have to insure, right? So be one of these people. And I know a lot of agents are not doing consults and they’re skipping right to the showings. And I’m telling you that alone, inviting somebody to an initial consultation and giving them a reason why they should meet with you is already something that’s going to differentiate yourself among other real estate agents and could even be the reason people choose you. Okay. Now, why should somebody meet with you when they don’t want to all they want to do? I can hear you guys. I can hear you guys talking. I can hear you say they just want to see houses. Of course, that’s what they want to do because that’s, what’s fun. But, you know, in order for them, for you to actually help them accomplish their goals, which is to buy the right house at the right price in the right location, you cannot do that by showing them the houses that they pick. And if that is your approach, you’re not being a guide. You’re not being a counselor in their life. You’re just being a door opener. Okay. So do not skip the initial consultation. And for me again, you have to find the reason why they should meet with you. So for me, for my first-time home buyers, the reason they should, I gave them to meet with me is because I wanted to discuss, I wanted to educate them on the process of buying a home. They didn’t understand what it looked like. It was so crucial that they understand the steps involved and they didn’t. And I knew that by educating them about the process of buying a home, not only would I help educate them and actually make them a better buyer, but I could learn a lot about what they were looking for and how I could help them and remove even more fears and more obstacles. Okay. So I, inside agent grad school, I teach a very specific, very, I wouldn’t say scripted as the right word, but you ask certain questions at certain times and you do certain things, but you do it in your own way. And it’s really important that you don’t focus your initial consultations on what they’re looking for. There’s so much more to talk about. That’s just one aspect. I think there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 stages to the initial consultation and what your, what they are looking for is just one stage. That’s just one thing to talk about of the seven things to talk about in an initial consultation. Okay. But you have to, in order for them to want to show up, you have to give a reason you have to every step of the way in between the pillars and getting them from one pillar to the next, you have to have smooth transitions. So the way that I created smooth transitions was number one, I gave them a homework assignment, and number two, I explained why they should meet with me the education and the kind of bonus thing, right? Like the level two thing was, I said, there are a ton of first-time homebuyer programs out there. And a lot of first-time homebuyers qualify, but they don’t even know that they exist. So after I educate you on the process, let’s look at what you’re looking for, what your income is and whether or not you qualify for any of these programs. You only have one shot to get them for first-timers. So I don’t want you to miss any, like I did. Okay. Do you see how that’s a compelling reason to meet with me? I didn’t make it about what they were looking for at all. It’s definitely what I talked about when I got in front of them, but I made it about more than that. So that’s how you transition them and get people to want to meet with you. And that initial consultation is so crucial and sets up the entire rest of the transaction but in your entire relationship with them. So after the initial consultation, there are certain things that you need to do again, to transition into the doing phase. But the next phase to get into the doing phase is, well, you get into the doing phase. So you have to have a smooth transition in there, and you have several steps that you need to take or send them a handwritten note to set them up on daily emails. I introduced them to a lender. I have a meeting about their finances, and then they move on to the During Phase. After they’ve been approved, after they understand their finances, we have absolute clarity about the numbers. We then move on to the doing phase and that’s where most real estate agents go immediately. So if you’re skipping the marketing and you’re skipping, which is the reason why somebody should choose you and you’re skipping the initial consult, and you’re going straight to showing houses, you are missing, you are really missing the foundational piece of building that relationship and having them understand why they should use you, how you’re different, why they should refer you, why they should use you again. Okay. You’re not a commodity. You’re not a door opener, you actually aren’t a counselor and you have a value to provide them. And those first two steps ground that value and help them realize how you can actually help them. And so by heat, by the time we get to showing houses, they have, they’re like, oh my gosh, I’m, you know, we’re, I’m so happy with my decision to work with you. Okay? They’re not going anywhere. And you don’t have to worry about loyalty or losing people or any of that stuff, because you’ve set that up in the first two phases. So in the doing phase, the goal is to create a, one of a kind experience for your buyers and for your sellers. You want to have a process. You went to explain how that process works to both your clients, meaning both your buyers and your sellers, and for those who do both with you. So for example, I have a very specific process that I talk about with my sellers. It’s a four-step process for selling, getting their home sold. It talks about how we prep for the house, how we market their house, how we list their house, live on the market and what we do after it goes under contract. Okay. That is my process. That is the experience, the framework that I explained to them, and it’s my framework, meaning they feel like I’m creating structure inside their chaos. Selling a home could be one of the most stressful things for our sellers. Am I creating this framework and communicating with it, communicating about it. And with them step by step in the process, I really truly create an experience that they enjoy, even though it’s stressful, even though it’s a lot of work, even though, you know, I probably don’t need to communicate as much as I have I do. It’s because I’m constantly trying to create an experience that my clients love. I want them to go, wow. Like, thank God we had you telling us what to do. Every single one, every step of the way, it was so much less stressful to be working with you. That’s what I want to hear. Okay. So let me just pause there. So from those three pillars in your business, then lead to going under contract. And if you do those three pillars first going, the looking phase, the looking process or the selling process becomes so much more enjoyable, not just for your clients, but for you as well. And it also leads to a shorter doing phase, like shorter from listing the house to under contract. Okay? So the way that you get clients to under contract quickly is you slow them down and you make sure that they go through each one of these steps. Now, how do you know? It’s very clear if you need to be working on your marketing, right? It’s because you don’t have clients coming to you. You’re feeling you’re always hustling. You’re always worried about the next client. You’re always feeling you have to get, get, get clients, no clients should be coming to you. So that’s how, you know, if you’re, if you’re needing to focus in your, on your marketing, how do you know if you need to focus on your initial consultation phase? If one of two things is happening, either you’re not doing it, which is a majority of real estate agents that I come into contact with, or be your initial consultation or whatever your lead conversion mechanism is having clients slip through your fingers, meaning they don’t end up actually working with you, or it creates anxiety around you wondering whether you have a client or not wondering, do you check in with them or not? If you’re wondering what’s going on, if you don’t have absolute clarity, which is the goal and the point of the initial consultation for both you and your clients, that means you have to work on that initial consultation phase or pillar. Okay. In your doing phase, again, you’re creating a framework, you’re communicating this framework. You’re kind of making it feel safe for them to operate within your framework. Like you’ve got them, there’s a rhyme and a reason, and this is how we’re going to, you know, attack this crazy market. And here’s how we’re going to do this. Right? If you have clients who are taking or kind of like taking either a really long time or really change, like changing their criteria while you’ve started or changing their price range, if things are kind of drastically moving around or not moving at all and During Phase, then, you know, that’s where you need to be working on things. How the during phase should feel is very systematic, very clear, very like, here’s what we’re going to do now. Here’s what we’re going to talk about next. Here’s what next week’s going to look like should be very, very methodical. And you should be able to communicate that with your clients. So they understand the methodology that you are using to work with them. So if you don’t have a methodology, you need to create one for your buyers and for your sellers. Now that is how you get clients to happily work with you, happily meet with you and really eliminate buyer’s remorse or seller’s remorse and enjoy the process of working with you. But here’s the thing. Next, you have to have an Under Contract system. You have to have an Under Contract System that operates in your business because here’s what happens with most real estate agents that I have seen. I do one of two things as their clients go under contract. Either they’re spending way too much time in the Under Contract phase, which then like, kind of creates the Seesaw in their business where they’re spending way too much time there and no time trying to get clients or convert clients or working with clients. And they feel very ragged. Like they’re working too much. It’s because you’re doing too much in the under contract phase, in addition to doing too much in all of these other phases as well. But the other thing that I see is real estate agents so quickly wanting to hire or pay a transaction coordinator, and then completely forgetting about the fact that they’re involved in the process. And you don’t want to do that as well. What you really want. And this is where that CRM comes in. You guys have heard me talk about CRMs. Your CRM is what is going to run all of these pillars for you in your business. But the place to start, the question I always get is when do I know when I need to start with my CRM? There are people that would say start it immediately. And I don’t disagree with that, but a CRM does cost money. It does cost some time to get set up and how, you know, whether it’s like I need a CRM right now is, is in two ways. Either you have clients coming to you and you can’t keep track of everybody. That’s when you need a CRM. And or if you’re spending way too much time in that under contract phase, or you’re feeling like there’s too much to do in that under contract phase. And you’re kind of feeling like, I don’t know when the deadline it is. And I don’t know what I should be saying to my clients when you need to have a CRM installed because it can do all that for you or at the very least prompt you. Okay. So that is when I knew it was time for me to have a CRM is because I had all these clients coming in and I felt kind of squeezed by that. And I also felt squeezed by that under contract period. And that is the moment where you say, I need a CRM and you needed a CRM before you move on to hiring anybody. Now, recently I did a three-week three-step training for any of you guys that are in my inner circle. I invited you all. I was quote-unquote, “off the podcast” in August, I did a free training. So if you aren’t already about CRMs and how to scale your business and how to use a CRM to save you from having to hire somebody or at least push that off until you’re at least like three transactions, if not four a week. So some of our most successful students run a solo business. They don’t even have a full-time or even admin at all, because they’re able to employ, apply these systems and these pillars into their business and use that CRM as like the cog that runs all of it. Okay. So put off hiring as much as possible for all of you that were in those trainings in August. You heard all about how exactly to do that in our CRM. And if you miss those trainings, I highly recommend joining the inner circle because they give free trainings in there all the time. And there’s all sorts of things that I talk about in my emails that I don’t talk about on this podcast. So if you want to join that, go to forward slash inner circle. Okay? So you need an under contract. We’re in the under contract pillar, you need an under contract system in your business. You need to know exactly what to do when they go under contract, what to do every single week. And the way that you do that is with that CRM last but not least. You need to have what I call an After Program. The after phase, the after pillar of your business is so crucial. I want you to visualize each one of these pillars, not as necessarily Pillars, although those are, that’s a great visual, because you can set and build any business that you want, whatever you want your business to look like. You can build it on top of these pillars. But first, I want you to think of these as like arrows that create a circle. So the marketing pillar leads to the initial consultation pillar, which leads to the doing pillar, which leads to the after pill, excuse me, to the under contract pillar, which then leads to the after pillar, which then leads to the before pillar. Meaning how clients come to you, excuse me. So if you have, if you have a hard time getting clients, repeat clients or getting referrals from clients, or you find yourself having to do things that you don’t really want to do, and like ask for business, call people that you’ve worked with, drop off cookies, all of that kind of stuff. So if you’re feeling like you’re spending a lot of timekeeping in touch with past clients, but you’re not actually getting business from those past clients, then you have to work on your after phase. If you are a seasoned agent and you have past clients, it is nine times more likely that you’re going to work with a past client or a referral from that past client. And it’s less expensive. Speaking, being marketing. It’s less expensive. It’s nine times easier to get a client to work with you a second time than it is to go find a new client yet. So many real estate agents. I know don’t have an after system that actually works that not only provides value to your clients, because that’s the goal. You want to provide value to them as homeowners so that they see you as somebody that they can go to with anything real estate relate. I always say, I want to be your go-to source for all things real estate. So whether you’re a homeowner or you’re buying and selling with me actively, I want to provide value to you. And it is a great way to keep in touch with your clients in a way that doesn’t feel salesy. You don’t have anything to sell them, but if you provide, if you provide value and you’re an expert in that in their eyes, then they will want to work with you again, because you created this amazing experience. And then you’ve kept in touch with them all this time. And you provided value all this time. So naturally, without you having to ask or beg, call, meet for coffee, meet for lunch. Any of that nonsense, that’s purely not sustainable. It’s not scalable. You cannot do those things and run a business at a high capacity. There’s just not enough time in the day to do it all. So you have to provide value so that they naturally want to refer you. They naturally understand when they should come with you, who they should refer you to, and they want to work with you again. So you have to develop that system in your business, how I do it. And what I teach inside agent grad school is a once a week or every other week email helping them be great homeowners. Things like is time to refinance. Should you refinance how to save money on your home renovations? The three contractors that you need to have annual checkups with, you know, your HVAC, your termite, that kind of stuff. And then slowly but surely as the years go on, or year goes on, you start talking about how you can help them sell or buy and sell, right? You shift the conversation every now and then you add in some, like, here’s also how I can help you when it, when it’s ready or who you can refer me for, refer me to. So you’ve got that happening, but also you want to create an after face, these touchpoints in your business that happened after the transaction. So, perfect example is like, I usually call a week after they’ve moved in may or may not be a week after settlement, but I always ask them, when are you moving in? And I call them a week after and I say, Hey, how’s it going? How’s moving. What questions do you have? Right? And again, this is my CRM keeping track of all this for me and telling me when I should call my clients to check in. So it’s nothing I have to remember, but I have a whole system of little to-dos like that happen after the transaction so that I can tell, I can create an experience for my clients, that our relationship isn’t over, just because they bought or sold a house. I don’t want them to think of me as a salesperson. I want them to think of me as their counselor, as their guide, as their go-to resource for all things real estate. And what that does is naturally send referrals without asking and naturally sense repeat clients. And so that then feeds clients coming to me. Okay. So all of these pillars are, are, are they build on top of the other? And if you remove one, just like the Pillars In like a chair, for example, right? If you remove one leg of the chair, it’s not going to sit. Right. Okay. So these five pillars all need to happen in your business in order to build something, have that strong foundation and create an experience for your clients and have them wanting to come to you. So as you look at your business, be thinking about, do I need clients to come to me? Am I spending time? Am I skipping over that initial consultation, spending time with people driving people around that I shouldn’t be is, am I creating an experience when my clients are like, oh my gosh, this is so amazing when I’m helping them buy and sell is the under contract phase going smoothly for everyone involved. Another clue how you know, to focus on the under contract phase is if ever your clients email you or call you and say, Hey, I don’t really know what I should be working on right now. I feel a little too quiet, like what’s going on. You never, ever, ever want to get that from your clients. And if that has ever happened to you, you need to focus on your Under Contract phase. And then last but not least, if you are a seasoned agent, and you’re not getting clients or not adding value to your clients or both ideally in after the transaction in a way that feels like not a ton of work for you, not a heavy lift, then you’re going to want to focus on that. After phase, I usually my seasoned agents, 90% of the time, they need to start in that after phase, then they move to the before phase. Then depending on where the holes are in their business, they either go to the under contract phase, the During Phase or the initial consultation for brand new agents, you have to start in the marketing. You have to become known and answer the question. Why should somebody choose you? There’s so many real estate agents out there and your clients probably know a couple. So you have to tell them why you’re going to focus in on that marketing. And then you want to go linearly through those, through those pillars. Then you want to focus once you kind of have a good reason why people should choose you, then you want to focus on, okay, well, what happens when somebody actually says, Hey, I want something you have to get good at that initial consultation. Now, now that you know what they all are, I want to just prepare you for some bumps in the road. You are not going to get this all figured out. Number one, pick one pillar at a time. That’s one reason I designed agent grad school to be a year long program, because I want each agent to take one pillar at a time, understand it, implement it, and then iterate on top of it. Make it better over time. Do not try to have everything be perfect. Just start with the bare minimum, get it out into the world, get feedback, make it better, get more feedback, make it better. And also be prepared that as you develop these systems, and as you change the way that you interact with your clients, it’s going to feel awkward. You’re not going to, you’re going to be scared to do the initial consultation. You’re going to fail at that initial consultation, at least 20 times. The only reason I know exactly what to say and what questions to ask an initial consultation is because I failed at it so many times that I was like, Hmm, that didn’t work. Let me try this. That also didn’t work. Let me try this until I perfected it. So that was one thing I really want to bestow upon. All of our students, all of our listeners is expect to do poorly or expect to quote unquote, “fail”. The first couple of times you do any of this, okay? Like the first reason that you choose, why somebody should choose you probably is not going to work. Don’t give up, keep finding, keep digging, keep clarifying, keep making it clear. Keep going. As you put each one of these systems into place until you become a master at each one, these five pillars. Not only when I realized this is exactly what I need to focus on in my business. And I need to think of it almost like train cars, right? This is what happens in a transaction. This is what I need to build my business. On top of, I was able to build a whole brokerage on top of these five pillars and really understanding what needs to happen during each one of these phases, in the transaction, knowing exactly what to do, who should do them, how they should be done and preparing my client for it. That is how you create a business that people want to interact with, but you have to start somewhere. So I want to ask you which pillar do you think is most important for you to start on first? And then I want you to think about what you want to put into your business to make that pillar as strong as possible. I want you to try some things, try some new things, see what works, see what doesn’t work and build a one of a kind real estate business. That really is truly you. Okay? That is why people want to work with you because you’ve built something that they can’t get anywhere else. And your job is to build it and then communicate about it and bring clients to you and create that experience for them. So, which of those five pillars are you going to start with? And then after you’re finished, go to the next one and listen, if you want help with this, this is what I teach inside and grad school. This is the core curriculum inside agent grad school. I give you everything. I did everything I did. And including like my exact email scripts, do this, then do this then. And I even give you my CRM workflows. If you use my CRM, which I use revolve, you guys all know that I, you literally push a button and you install all your workflows with all my email templates and all my tattoos into your CRM. So first step become aware of these five pillars. Next step. Be really honest with yourself. Where are the holes in your business? What do you need to focus on first, try to do this yourself, using everything that I teach you here in this podcast, including this, this particular podcast, if you want extra help, that is when you decide to become an agent grad school student. And we would love to hap have you, you would always go to forward slash and roll and find out how you can enroll. All right? I hope this podcast has helped you. I hope it brings awareness to how to structure your business and create that strong unshakable unbreakable foundation that you can build your business on top of, thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial-free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business. And how about life? They love outside the business too, but we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, if you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell your agent friends to listen in to thank you so much for supporting this show for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success. That’s what this is all about. See you next time. On another episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. And until then, Tom, hang with me over at We’ll see you there.

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