Are You A Badass At Making Money Yet? You Can Be. Here’s How

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I'm Jennifer Myers, Founder of Agent Grad School and host of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, The Agent Grad School Podcast.  My goal for each episode is to give you actionable steps you can implement today to grow your real estate business.

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If you are following along with us in the Agent Grad School Summer Book Club, August’s book was You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master The Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero.

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August’s Book:

You Are A Badass at Making Money: Master The Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero.

“You can have excuses or you can have success; you can’t have both.” <—- My favorite quote from our August book club choice.

Here’s another one: “If you’re ready to make more money, you can.”

So, then, what’s standing in our way?

There’s only one reason: what we believe about money.

What you believe about money, creates how we feel about what’s possible for us, which fuels what we do or don’t do, which, in turn, creates the amount of money we have.

This book is full of powerful lessons about how we can go from wherever we are with our money situation to where we want to be when it comes to our income and net worth.

Our fearless leader throughout the book is the author, Jen Sincero. She shows us how she went from broke in more ways than one and living in a garage, to making millions of dollars per year. She shares her story and says it all came down to one thing–managing her thoughts and beliefs about money.

So, where do our money beliefs come from and how do they show up in our lives today?

Most likely in ways we never realized until we are willing to look at what we’ve been taught about money from our past, what we believe about money today, and being willing to admit that what we believe about money deep down is proportionate to the amount that shows up in our bank accounts, whether we like it or not.

Don’t like what we see? We’ve got to change what we believe to be true about our relationship with money.


Start by reading Jen Sincero’s book, listen to our book club discussion and then grab the free workbook below to help you uncover your beliefs about money–where they came from, how they are showing up in our businesses today, and even how to predict our future when it comes to money too.

To your success,


Episode Transcript

On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We’re talking about money. Why? Because it was the topic of our August book, club, selection, and discussion. The book is called You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero how to master the mindset of wealth. And one of my favorite quotes from the book is “You can have excuses or you can have success, but you can’t have both”. Wow. Another one is, “if you want to make more money, you can”. Another good one, but what’s standing in our way according to Jen Sincero, the author of this awesome and hilarious book, is how we think about money, our beliefs about money and how we think about our relationship with money. So for example, do you think things like money are hard? I have to work hard for my money. There’s never enough money. I’ll feel differently when I have a certain amount of money. Or do you say things like making money as fun? There’s ways to get the amount of money that I need for my life. Things like that. You can see how your relationship with money will be completely different based on the way that you think about money and this book dives deep into discovering what your beliefs are about money and how those beliefs are showing up by the numbers in your bank account. Now definitely read this book, listen to this book club conversation that we’re having on today’s episode. But if you want to dive deep and start uncovering your own beliefs, I put together a little workbook of writing prompts to help you discover what your beliefs are about money and how they’re being reflected to you in your real estate business. So if you want to grab that totally free, if you’re a part of the Agent Grad School, inner circle, you already got it. So no need, but if you aren’t part of our, even in grad school, in our circle, then you can go to Asian grad forward slash You Are A Badass and you can scroll down and there’s a link to the workbook. You can download it. And just so you don’t miss this in the future, we’ll add you to the inner circle too. So listening to our book club conversation, and just as a reminder, we have a summer book club where our students pick the books that we are reading one per month, one for June, one for July, and one for August. And the whoever suggested the book Leeds, the book club conversation. So you’ll be hearing a lot from one of our students today, as she leads us into the discussion for this awesome book, we had an August called You Are A Badass At Making Money, mastering the mindset of wealth by Jen Sincero. Listen in, welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I use the date two became top producing agents. Now through this podcast and agent grad, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside of the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business. You’ve always wanted it. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. How is what you learned about money growing up, impacting your real estate business today? I don’t feel like we got like, let’s get to the, how does it, how does, how is that impacting your real estate business? I don’t know if Amy, you want to start since you were just talking or anybody else, like I’m really curious, like it’s one thing, right. To be like, oh isn’t that interesting way back when, but like it’s another thing to then say like here’s how it’s impacting my success today. I’m curious anybody. Well, for me I do get more. I feel like I do have a little more fear of not having it because there was like, you know, she talks about things that you shouldn’t say it like, you know, I can’t, or I don’t or things of that nature because the story was also told that like not having it it’s super bad because you don’t get nice things and you can’t pay your bills. And so there’s always still been that fear. Like yes, money is really great, but also like be very careful with your money Amy or like, you know, don’t overspend don’t, you know, so I fall with me. I fall into the trap of like gen probably gnosis not hiring administrative help doing too many things myself because I’m like, oh, I don’t want to pay for that. You know, waiting years to buy a desktop computer instead of a laptop, because I’m like, this is fine. I’ll let the 13 inches for it’s the last decade, decade, you know? And, and getting out of that growth mentality, like, you know, Jennifer has been really good about teaching me how to like invest in things that are important, but I still have a hard time with it, you know, letting go of the fear when I’m putting money in my 401k, you know, I mean, in our house we like had a bunch of cash lying around you, you know? So that’s where it comes into play for me, like having the faith to believe in the systems that I wasn’t raised around, you know, nobody was, we were just putting in under the mattress and, and, and feeling okay. Like she talks about that a lot. I think, you know, so that’s where it is for me. Anybody else? I’m so curious. What about you, Jen? Yeah, it’s funny. So I’ve, so for me growing up money was about, it always felt like we had just enough to have the bare minimum. And when my parents got divorced, there was a lot of fighting about money because there wasn’t like enough, right? Like there’s just enough, but not enough to like, not fight over. It’s kind of this may or may not be true. Right. But like, this was like my interpretation of it as a child. And so I think one of the things that drives my success is something along the lines of like, I don’t want to fight about money. I don’t want to, I don’t want to feel like there’s not enough. And I don’t wanna feel like I grew up in like both my parents worked for the government. Right. So there was no like, you know, hopefully, one day we’ll have more money. It was like, this is how much money we’re going to have for our whole lives, deal with it kind of thing. And I think that’s one reason I became an entrepreneur because I didn’t love that feeling of feeling like out. Like there was no choice in the matter it was just like, here’s what we’re going to make and we’re going to work 30 years and we’re all going to just live like that. Right. So I think that’s what drove my decision. I think not to like work for somebody else or feel like there was like, like a feeling on what I was able to create for myself financially and otherwise. So that’s kind of how, how it impacted my real estate business. I think it’s no coincidence that I became an entrepreneur and that I was successful in real estate because that idea of not having that cap was so intriguing to me. And then being able to like, almost like surprise myself on, on what that like blowing the lid off of. It was very rewarding for me, not necessarily about the money, more just like, look like I don’t need to be kept kind of thing. I think that’s how it’s impacted my business. That’s so interesting. And I, yeah, and that actually reminded me also have the same feeling I talked in, in another session in another zoom session about landing in real estate because of the drive to be an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship brought, which I saw as freedom and similar to Amy, my parents also, I related work to time away from family. So my, you know, my mom worked two to three jobs and which meant that her schedule was all over the place. My parents divorced when I was young. And so it was her and I, my dad works for the airline. And so his schedule is literally 365, 24 7. He would work on holidays. And so work meant I could not see one or the other one parent or, or, or the other parent. And so I think that’s why part of my, why, which we’ll get to in, in a little bit is making sure that yes, I can make money, but I really am adamant about it being around my family because I want it to be present. I don’t want to be, I mean, I feel, I feel like this is like bashing their experience, like their experience, but I totally understand that they had to do what they needed to do. It just meant that I couldn’t see them all the time. So in my business, I’m so adamant about, yes, I want to make money. Yes. I want to work hard. But yes, it’s so important that I’m still visible to my family, to the kids, Erica and Kristen, Kristen, I thought I saw your hand up. Yeah. I, I just, I kinda had a little epiphany while we were talking about this in terms of how it has impacted my real estate business. And I’m not sure how my negative view of money has impacted it, but I know that it has. And here’s what I realized. So my sister, who was my best friend in the world, she and I grew up in the same house and we heard the same messages from our parents, but she took them very differently. And the way I describe my sister and I is she and I both, we, this is actually true. We both want a Range Rover, right? Like that’s kind of my dream car. And I want an all-black one with tinted windows. You can’t see me inside. Cause God forbid anyone see me driving a car. And my sister’s like, oh hell no. I want everyone to see me. Those windows are going to be clear and down and I’ll be waving at the window. And so my point is like, my sister took the messages. We got very differently and she has about three or four years ago. She started a medical device company and she is making money hand over fist. Like it is just raining in her house money to the point where the other day she said to me and she’s like, Kristen, I can’t tell anyone else this. But I went shopping in Chicago and I’ll tell you, there was nothing that I wanted. Like I have all this money. I could buy anything I wanted, she’s going on and on. And I’m like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Crime, your river. What are the, my point is for some reason, like her attitude toward money has, must have helped her just attract the budget, Braze out of it. And here I am struggling with it still. And I’m going to really have to figure out I gotta, I gotta figure this out. So that’s my epiphany. And I’m going to reread this book again and rework some of the things that I did in it. So thank you, Vanessa. Welcome Erica. Yeah, I have the opposite. I grew up with two college-educated entrepreneurs and I swore to God, I was never, ever, ever going to open up a business for myself. Never, never, never, because every night at dinner, all we talked about was houses, building houses, selling houses, buying houses. Clients’ the whole thing. That’s all we ever to. The point where my sister and I had an intervention one night and said, can we please talk about something else besides housing? But you know, cause we were in like seventh and, and fourth grade, we didn’t care. We had nothing to add to those conversations. And so, so we had this big intervention and we quit talking for a long time. Now I’m sh we get back together and that’s all we talk about. My sister is a first-grade teacher and I’ve had more careers than you can even shake a stick at. I get bored really easily. And, and I think everybody kind of knows my story with the housing industry and how it was a really good-looking abusive boyfriend. And after we broke up after 2008, that was it. I was never going back to him. And he showed up on my door 10 years later, without a shirt on and long flowing hair telling me he change baby. He had changed. He was a better man. He was, he wasn’t going to abuse me like that anymore. And I went, oh, okay. I guess I’ll try being a real estate agent. And so my thing about that, the growing up his, I learned when you own your own business, you just have too many bosses too bosses. And I’ve really had to struggle with putting that out of my mind and really putting my clients not as bosses, but as partners in the transaction and, and really trying to change that mindset. And it’s working. I’m glad I am doing that work and putting that in there because I grew up with really negative connotations about being an entrepreneur and owning your own business and how much work it took and how much you just had to be so involved in it. And I really try and, and cordoned off my entrepreneurship. Like this is my job. This is what I do. And I enjoy it and I like it, but I’m not making my family live it with, you know, so that’s been interesting. So one thing that I did like about this book is how she really put my, you were going to call it the mind control, but I don’t mean upon others, but upon yourself, how you really, how you really have to be aware of what you’re thinking and in all situations, and really embrace the positive ways of thinking and not the negative ways of thinking. And it really made me question a lot about and turns out I have 11 negative thoughts initially, and then I have to turn up. Oh, sorry. I was just about to say that leads right into the next takeaway, but okay, go ahead. Sorry. Yeah, you go ahead. So in the book, so the other key takeaway that are, or at least that I took away from the book was that we should treat money the way we want to be treated. And so she talks about writing a letter to money and she gave some examples, which I thought were so interesting and I feel, and that’s when I realized that, you know, when I did the dear money letter, I was like terrified of it. And the danger that I, that I sort of perceive as it bringing to my family and then digging deeper as to why, you know, then that’s when I thought of being younger and being told, you know, kind of have to be quiet about it. You don’t want to let too many people know it’s not, it’s not going well Over at Your aunt’s country. And so we don’t want anyone to that and that sort of thing. And so it was really interesting and she also talks about how we should change what we tell ourselves around money. So stories might mindset and mantras. And throughout the book, she has several mantras and every time she wants us to sort of journal, I am grateful for, for money because it’s just a constant reminder to thank money and that, sorry, I’m going to move you guys a little bit and that we should trust in ourselves that we can bring in the dough and the money. And yeah. So really just kind of changes our perspective around money, how we treat it and treat it as though it’s a part of the family kinda thing. And that it’s just, you know, something that can be positive for us. Anybody else want to add anything? Well, and then she said, I like that. It’s a renewable resource. You know, I think like so much like, so I really like I’m going to hack this, that like there’s no end to it, right? Like I think with real estate, I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes, you know, have maybe a really good month and I’ll be like, oh my God, what is September gonna look like? What is it going to be better? It’s going to be worse. Does it, you know, and get into that mindset of like trying to control the outcome of the stuff I’ve already done with the money. Even though there’s no reason to be concerned, I would just be concerned. You know? So yeah, like reminding myself that it’s renewable and it’s not a finite deal because sometimes I think that’s my mindset. Like that’s it the thought of God, it’s not going to go away. You know, even though that’s not even based in reality in any way, shape, or form, I’m where I am in my business. So it’s frustrating that I do that, but I’m going to have to practice some of the mantras, like she said, So, yeah. And she really talks about how it really changes your perspective and brings about ideas and just new things that you, might’ve not seen if you start to sort of switch how you talk about and to money, which is kind of silly to think about like talking to money and making it part of like your daily sort of positive thing. But I forget what the question is. Oh, sorry. Sorry guys. I’m not used to. Okay. And so then the next question is what money mantra would you create for your real estate business? So you were on my wall right next to me. Well, no, It’s more like for me, I think the mantra is that. And I think this goes with what you had on the previous slide, which is trusting ourselves. We should trust our in ourselves that we can bring in the dough. So I think for some reason, like she talks about money, but I think ultimately like this book is about like, you know, creating what we want in our life, which usually has to do with like success and, and then, therefore, money, you know, I really think it’s like, you know, money is just like a symbol. I think of getting what we want in our life. Having the success that we dream about. And for me the mantra is that like, I always tell myself whether they’re true or not like, but what I tell myself are things like people who need me will find me there are enough clients to go around. There’s like, there’s more there’s ever, there’s, there’s, there’s always a flow of people who want, how, what I, what I could provide in their lives versus like I know the very first, like, you know, I always talk about niching or picking an audience. Right. And the very first thing most people think about is like lack right. Versus the abundance. And so for me, it’s all an abundant mantra. Like there is enough to go around is my biggest, biggest mantra that I feel like I don’t know where it came from, but I feel like VAT is what I needed and what I need even to this day to keep going often. Yeah, that is so the last one that there’s enough is something that I have to continuously remind me because sometimes when we’re out here, like trying to reach out to people and getting the responses that we sort of envisioned, I do have to say that there, that there’s enough. And I also have to remind myself, well, maybe it’s not meant to be right now. Maybe I’m being prepared for this to happen in a little bit, like in just a couple months and that kind of thing. And so, because I do find that there are instances in our lives where our, or at least in my life where I’ve looked back at the timing of things and re and, and realize like, oh, I see why at that moment. I really wanted it to happen next day, but it didn’t happen until like two months later. And it worked out for that. So I do have to remind myself that there are sort of people that do want my services and that the timing will happen when it happens. And then I should, and that I need to continue doing what I need to do in the meantime. So I think another one that for me, that comes to mind is, I am valuable and I have value to provide. And not of anything other than like, I have something to say, I have something to share and I know that it can help people in this, you know, again, same thing when I had no evidence literally to the facts, not just in my real estate business in the beginning, but an agent grad school in the beginning, you know, and just knowing that regardless of the evidence, I have something to share, I have something to say, I have value to provide and somebody out there needs what I have to offer. That’s another one that for me, that’s constantly, That’s a good point. And Jen Sincero actually goes into how in order to make, when she made the leap and started to say, you know what, I’m tired of being broke basically. And I’m tired of living in my garage. She, she decided to charge for coaching services, even though she didn’t necessarily have the credentials, she just knew she trusted herself, that she can, how do I put it that she, even though she didn’t have the credentials to start charging people, she just trusted herself that she would know what to do, and that she’d find out how to find a way. And I, yeah. And so it’s also that trust, which totally need, you know, to keep reminding myself that I know what I’m doing. And if, and if I don’t, I know where to go to ask for help and learn what kind of stuff. I think that’s a good Jennifer, you’re talking about value. Like I know for me in the beginning of my real estate business, like I really doubted my value and Jennifer knows this from being my broker at the time, you know, I would, I would get give concessions quite a bit and then financially, financially, because I’d be like, well, I didn’t say this one thing. And so then they probably thought, you know, she’s upset and I’m S I’m just gonna give her a thousand dollars. Then you be like, why, but you didn’t, you know, and, or, you know, if I made, you know, I was just always trying to compensate like somehow with, you know, or sometimes feeling like, wow, did I really deserve this giant check, you know, or w equal and knowing full well that I had worked really hard, you know? And over the years now, I don’t have the, I, I rarely provide money as the concession, unless there’s a significant reason to do so. But in the beginning, I think part of the reason I did it was not because I was necessarily doing something wrong or bad, but because I, I let people define my value for me. Right. I let them say, well, I want this or that. And so then I say, well, yeah, you’re probably right. And I mean, it’s a lot, it’s a big commission, you know, I’d say to myself, it’s the big kitchen. Anyway, it’s probably like $9,000 or something that I then give them a couple thousand dollars just chipping away at it. And, you know, looking now it’s like I was chipping away at myself. You know, I was chipping away every time, a little bit of that value because I was insecure. I was scared. And I was, and I didn’t think my value is there. And Jane kept saying, you are so valuable and you know, all these things, and you’re this really great person and you just do it. And I would be like, I’m doing it, you know? But then I would, then I would fall into that, you know, often of, of giving things away or taking blame in situations where it really wasn’t necessary or putting up with things that I, that were just downright and put up a bubble you shouldn’t put up with. And I did that and it’s not because I was new. It was because I doubted my value for a very, very long time. And even when I had the best cheerleader ever, Jennifer Myers standing behind me going, You Are, you are all these things. And I know because they taught you these things that I’m watching you do them. It still took a long time, you know? So I don’t know if anyone struggles with that in their business, but, you know, I couldn’t wish it away. I couldn’t make it go away. You know, I just had to keep giving away. I mean, kinda like this girl until I was like, you know, kind of sick of giving all this money away, you know, like I’m working really hard, maybe, you know, and Jennifer had been like, stopped. She stopped doing it. I’d be like, okay. And then I’d do it again. Maybe six months later or something. So I really have progressed a great deal on that because of this, what John’s talking about value, you know, but it took a long, it took a while. So anyway, Erica, I think my mantra is just surrender. And I mean, I mean that in a positive way, like honest to God when I kind of, I thought I had a bitch and then I didn’t have it turns out I didn’t have the right niche. And so I got excited about another niche and it worked so much better. I just surrendered to that niche. I just surrendered to “these are my people I surrender to”. Jennifer’s what she said. Like I didn’t, I quit making excuses. I quit putting up defenses. I just surrendered and said, look, if you want to do this job and be successful and get the money that you need to, to do to live life, how you need to live it, you just need to set your luggage down and move forward because all this luggage do you carry around with you in the frame of defenses and excuses and all the other stuff. Once I set that luggage down, I made huge gains much faster than I ever even thought possible. And so that’s, that’s my mantra. Just shut up and surrender to the things that you have to do to be successful. I feel like Eric always has these like mic drop moments and we can end here, you know like Eric always ways to be last. Like every single one, I’m like everyone’s points have been so spot on. And then somehow Eric had the end. It’s just like, and that’s, that’s it. I feel like she needs to end with like, and welcome to my Ted talk, you know, till the end to like really nail it And keep her going. You know, I’m a little tired in here. So Not at all, not at all Erica, But it really is true for me. That was a big thing. Just shut up, surrender to what you need to do and take in and accept about yourself, about this industry, about whatever, whatever the scenario is, even in my personal life. And, and just, and I have been so much happier and easygoing and confident, and, and I, this is going to be okay, this has been my best year that I’ve ever had, or it’s set up to be that way. I know things can go slide south, but I’m not thinking they will, we’ll work it out. Whatever I need to do is what I’ll do. But, and I think a hundred percent of it is because I just shut up and surrendered and, and, you know, I remember when Jennifer’s like, maybe you need to switch niches. And I was like, oh, no, no, no, oh, I worked too hard on the Mitch. I have what is going to keep, and then I’m like, shut up Erica and just do it. And the best thing. And I, I think I’m in the same niches as Jen and it’s been a great niche. Yeah. And so that actually goes really well into the next, which is like, when you find that flow, it’s important to know your why and really understand that because when you’re in the flow and like when you start to make progress, things are going to come up. And so, you know, your, why you will keep going. And so some of the things that she says in the book that Jen Sincero says is, you know, you want to create specific goals, but still allow ideas to come in that even though, so she talks about how, even though she talks about being specific on what you want to accomplish, she doesn’t want that to confine sort of the trajectory to get there. Kind of put us in a box of ho of like, the only way to get to that place is X, Y, and Z, because a, B and C might come from the left or the right side, and kind of not be your idea of the way to get there. But what, but even though it’s not your idea, it might actually help you to get there faster. Does that make sense? Okay. Yeah. Whenever you guys are like, so Jennifer, how do I blank? Right. Like, I don’t always, I don’t have all the answers. I can tell you how I did it, but ultimately, right. Like I give you a framework, but ultimately you have to fill in those little pieces. And I think that’s like, what she’s saying in this, in this chapter is like, you know where you’re headed, but like, you don’t know exactly like every nook and cranny on the way there, you kinda just have to figure it out as you go. Yeah. And so she does talk about, you know, one of the ways to kind of create that invite, like the right environment to get you there is to not only change your mindset, but also just the people around you get a coach or a mentor, hint, hint, Jennifer Myers, and like talk to other people that have, that have been where ha that have, that are, or have been where you want to be, because she did. I think there’s, there’s, there’s a line in the book where she says, you know, you could either take you three years or a coach or a mentor can, you can tell you the right way to go. And like 18 seconds, that kind of thing, The way now, what you can’t see. Yes, yes. Right. Yeah. 28 seconds. Yeah. Which is different than telling you like exactly what to do every step of the way, but saying like, why don’t you look here? What about this? Yeah, yeah. Actually. Yeah. And yeah. And so, and I believe that was also like, you know, she actually said, she actually said not if, if there are people that are around you that are family, that you just can’t get rid of, but that might not quite understand sort of your new mindset and goals and that sort of thing to really not mention it and just kind of work on what you’re doing, which is counter or what you tend to hear a lot of the times when they say like announce it and, you know, make sure that folks are aware and so that you have like some countability. But I think what she meant was like, have that, have that accountability, but with people that, I guess the only phrase that I’m thinking of, like dream from the same, Kool-Aid like in front of you guys, I’m like, yes, I want to make this much money. And that versus other people might sort of see that as like get put off by that kind of announcement. And so just creating that environment where you kind of like a safe zone, if you will, of your money goals and future and all of that. Oh yes. The question. So what actions, if any, will you take toward your real estate business that we’ll move you closer to your, why Can you give us an example of Vanessa? Cause like your, why is to be, I think what’s your why? And like what action are you taking? Yeah. And the question, So my, why is to create, to create a real estate business where a successful real estate business, where we’re family is sort of at the center of, I guess that’s more of a goal, sorry. So my, why would be, I’m doing this so that my kids really don’t grow up with the way that I did and are able to see mommy and are able to go to the store and ask for something and get that put in their cart and that kind of thing. Whereas, you know, just kind of different ways of a little bit different than the way that I grew up. And so I’m doing this for them essentially, and actions that I’ll be taking to kind of be a successful agent, to be able to do those things for them would be like setting up my swipe file content in MailChimp for the rest of the year. Because I think right now we’re going as like, as we go into Q4, that’s something we could do. And that’s something that we’ve talked about in other sessions. One of the other things that I’m doing is fixing up all like all of the templates and in real ball, just things like that. If that makes sense, I felt like I was going in a circle. No, but also I think that is also from watching you. That’s also how you, how it helps you pick your niche because I remember your first niche being like people moving out of the city and to the suburbs, then you realized you checked in with your why. And you’re like, but wait a second. I don’t want to spend two hours commuting to these condos. And so I’m going to now niche where I live so that I’m not gone as much like that would be, I feel like an example of what actions are you taking to move you closer to your why? It was like, wait a second. That would have been a great niche. I could have made all this money. I have like everybody, like I’m in the pool with those people. They’re my people. I know all of them, but that’s going to take me away from what I’m actually wanting to do, which is be present with my kids. It became your north star to make your decisions, knowing that there was pros and cons to that choice. Yeah. I think it was really tempting to stay as a city to suburban agent where I can help those move, like moving from the cities to the suburbs. And I think on paper looked great and the pros and cons the pros more outweighed the cons. But the one con that I just kept going back to was I’m going to be like, I’m not going to be able to tuck my kids in for bet. If I have a listing priest, like if I have a listing presentation in the evening on a weeknight. And so it was just, even though it felt like just one or two cons, that one right there just did not sit well. And yeah, it was my north star and kind of going back to the drawing board and seeing what I could do and creating a business that really treasured my why. So Erica, you’re not the only one that changed niches. So you hopped off. I think another one for me, it was like, and kind of how I came up with like my approach to marketing my real estate business. And you know, what I offer is I really wanted to work with people who I could actually help. One of the reasons I quit my PR job is because I just felt like, I wanted to see the impact of the work I was doing one-on-one with people. And I felt like in my previous job, I, I knew there was some kind of impact maybe, but I couldn’t see it. And so for me, I like really truly had this desire to help people, which then led me to like, okay, I don’t want to help people who don’t need help, which then led me to choosing my niche also, which was like, who needs the most help? People who have never done this before and I can help them because I have done it before, regardless of the fact that four years in, I sold to you how this, so it’s not about, like, I also was trying to use that to my advantage of like, I have no experience, but at least I’ve done the thing. And so it became this alignment. So I think that was always, for me, at least that’s always my, why is like, I want to help people who want help, not, it wasn’t about the money for me. It wasn’t about selling houses for me, it was helping people. So that led me to make the decisions that I made, which then led to kind of where it led to coincidentally, you know, selling a lot of houses, a lot of money, you know? And it wasn’t like the goal, but it was the by-product I forgot who was saying that was an Amy or Jen. Yeah. Anybody else? I think for me moving forward, like this hasn’t always been mine, but like I’ve noticed it’s something that I really like just generally like solving problems for people I love, like when they think something’s not possible. And then I show them that it’s possible just generally, whether that’s, you know, I did a lot of first time home buyers do, and I still do that, but now I’m kind of getting into this whole different category of like helping people when they get stuck, finding the wrong house, buying a house too quickly, trying to buy itself the same time, thinking their house. Isn’t, it’s funny. The thing that was the most, like I just kind of talked about like my value and de-valuing myself. I almost look at my at houses when I go to them, like, how do I make this value shine? How do I take these negatives and make them positive? And it’s kind of like how I felt about myself sometimes. You know? And so every time, you know, because people are busy and they’re working and I do have a good eye for looking at a house and understanding like what I can do to help people, you know, without spending a lot of money, that’s the big part, anyone or a lot of people can help people stay at home, you know? But, but what’s the story we’re going to tell about your house, right? Or helping people understand that it’s not just buying a house because the house is in the right neighborhood or the right price at one, the buyer side, or what have you like helping people understand a larger context of what decisions they’re making. Right. And how to get there. But I do love the challenge. Give me a crappy house any day, the week you give me an okay model. You mean fabulous. You know, the fabulous houses are pretty easy. Like there’s so much, but like things that are challenging, I like, like, how can I figure out what pink color should I put here? How will this, can we paint these cabinets? Could we do this? Could we do that? You know, people think that that’s not super valuable right now because the market’s so hot, but things are changing and there’s always ways to make your house more valuable. And then people are like blown away when the final product is done and we sell it, you know? And so it’s just that being able to like show people like, Hey, there’s some magic here that somebody else might not be able to show you and it’s not going to cost you a lot of money. It’s going to cost you money. It’s all it’s going to cost you as my time. You know? And it’s something that I like to do. I like to go into the house and be like, Ooh, Ooh, it, what are we going to do here? And then in the end, seeing the final product. So I don’t, that’s my wife. And for helping people build wealth that don’t understand that they can go off on the buyer’s side. More people need to do that. Particularly women that I have a lot of women clients. And that’s still my, why I always want to help them start where they are. Those are my two. Those are great. Especially because you were daring enough to do both first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now it’s super fun. It was always scary. It’s still scary, but it’s, it’s still fun. Like every time it’s a challenge, you know, and that’s how I have to stay interested. Like Eric was talking about being bored. Like if, to say, stay interested, like, Ooh, another house, let’s see what we have here. You know, how can, how can we, who are we going to sell this? How are we going to make this amazing, this process? Not just here are your comps, or do you want to put it on the market for here’s a staging company? Like, you know, like what do we get here? Get my hands dirty. It’s what we can do. So that’s, that’s my, why it keeps me going. And it’s fun. I’m lucky to have the job. It’s awesome. Yeah. Well, so those were all the questions that I had. Just three questions. I had a feeling our group would kind of go into a lot of discussion, which I think was all amazing. And it’s funny because I kind of stayed in the overview piece and I just, and I do feel that, you know, for, if there’s anyone that didn’t read it, she does go into a lot into her story and things that she did to create and examples of what to do, like her readers on what to do to kind of start to get into that momentum of having a better money mindset. Well, thank you for suggesting it, it was such a pleasure. It’s hilarious to listen to or read it’s. And it’s funny because one thing she said at, towards the end of the book, she was like, and this is what we talked about all the time in agent grad school, like figure out where there’s a hole and fill it. And for her, her role was like, how about a self-improvement book? That’s actually funny and swears and tells jokes. Right? And like, thank God she filled that hole because it is so entertaining. I was telling you, Vanessa, before you guys joined, like, I was like on my walks, listening to it and like just laughing out loud at my neighbor and like people, other people walking their dogs, but just like, look at me, I’d be like, I’m listening to this really great book. So thanks Vanessa for adding this T into all of our lives. And for any of you who haven’t read it, I highly highly recommend it. And then see how you like, as your keep having this epiphany is like, think about how that stuff is showing up in the many parts of your life, most likely, but specifically when it comes to real estate for, for this conversation. So yeah, I thought it was amazing. So thank you so much. And thank you for leading this conversation. Just so happy you guys enjoyed it. Have a great day. See you guys tomorrow. Thank you. Thank You for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial-free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business. And how about life? They love outside of the business too, but we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, if you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell your agent friends to listen in to thank you so much for supporting this show for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success. That’s what this is all about. See you next time. On another episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. And until then come hang with me over We’ll see you there.

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