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I listen to the podcast whenever I'm driving and working!! I just love it all!

- Katlyn

She boosts my confidence each time I listen to an episode.

- Sahligirl

I listen to your podcasts all the time. I love the content that you bring.

- Karen

This podcast is everything to me! I have been listening to every one of these episodes!! Thank you for helping struggling, not confident, fish out of water agents who have no clue where to begin!

- Arun800

I feel like I'm at a round table or mastermind without leaving the house.

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Let's make it happen.

From Rock Bottom (literally) to being featured in the Wall Street Journal as one of the top 50 solo-agents in the US and still standing to share how I did it in hopes that it helps you go from wherever you are now to having the real estate business AND even more importantly, the life outside your business you've always wanted too.

About your host:

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I'm Jennifer Myers.

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