Ever feel stuck? We all do!
The hard part is figuring out how to get unstuck and move forward, especially if the reason we are stuck has to do with never having done what we are trying to do.
On this podcast, I’m talking to one of Agent Grad School’s mindset coaches, Coach Lisa, about the key mindset shifts and strategies to get unstuck and gain the confidence to keep moving forward, even when we have no idea what the “right” step should be.
Listen in to learn:
- The mindset shift that will create a spiral of upward business and personal growth;
- The “least sucky action” approach;
- How to move forward even if you haven’t done what you are trying to do before;
- The difference between confidence and self-confidence and how one leads to the other;
- The “Four C’s” to getting unstuck;
- And so much more
Our goal with this episode: help you get unstuck and keep moving forward in your real estate business even if you’ve never done the thing you are trying to do and have no idea what to do next.
To your success,
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Agent Grad School students: You can be coached by Lisa inside Agent Grad School and watch the replays of all her mindset classes in the mindset section of the student portal here.
Learn more about Lisa at her website here.
Episode Transcript
On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real Estate Agent How To Get Unstuck When You Have No Idea What To Do. Next, welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host Jennifer Myers. Listen in as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US to even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I used and day two became top Producing agents. Now through this podcast and agent Grad school.com, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you, most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry.
No fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted and the life outside your business you’ve always wanted too. Let’s make it happen. And dive into today’s episode. Do you ever feel totally stuck, totally paralyzed and have no idea which direction to go, which first step to take in your real estate business? I have felt that many a time. It almost feels like you’re in this, like at least for me, this like sinking black hole and there’s like no light at the end of the tunnel.
You don’t even, it’s so dark. You don’t even know where, which way is up, down all around. Well, on today’s episode we’re gonna talk about how to get Unstuck and I’m going to introduce you to one of our three mindset coaches inside Agent Grad School. This is Coach Lisa today and she is a master at helping people get Unstuck. And on today’s episode we’re gonna talk about how to move forward. Even if you’ve never done what you’re trying to do and you have no idea what to do, we’re gonna talk about The difference between confidence and self confidence and why you don’t need confidence to new, to move forward in your real estate business, especially if you’ve never done something before.
We’re gonna talk about the four Cs to getting unstuck and so much more. So listen in and I hope that this episode helps you keep moving forward and gives you the tools to move forward in whatever you’re trying to do inside your real estate business. Hey Lisa, it’s so to have you. Thank you so much for being here and I’m really excited to have this conversation. Yeah, thank you for having me. It’s great to be here. So talk to this concept of how, I mean there’s so many real estate agents listening to this that I think lack confidence because they don’t know what they’re doing.
Maybe they’re new or maybe they feel like an imposter or you know, especially as our business grows, we’re constantly new at that next level. So how do we be confident in the actions we take and the decisions we make and the moves we make to grow our business when we literally have no idea what to be doing? Yeah, that’s such a great question because there’s this misnomer out there that to have confidence means we have to have experience. So we are, we’re caught in this catch 22 where we feel like in order to get the experience we need to be confident, but to have the confidence we need the experience. So what do we do? We get in this tailwind spiral down and it’s hard to take action or we start taking action from this really desperate place.
And then when you have desperateness guiding your actions, people can pick up on it. They sense that you’re a little too eager or you get a little graspy in how you’re talking. And there’s this idea out there that if you’re being chased, you run away. And so if, Yeah, for sure. Right? Yeah. So if you feel this sense of grassiness cuz you’re trying to take action in order to create confidence that you don’t yet have, you can come across as the chaser and your clients will run away so to speak. And so we never wanna convey that message, but what then happens is people feel, well what do I do then if I don’t have the experience yet it feels wrong to allow myself to embrace confidence cuz then it feels like I’m lying, like I’m an imposter.
And you, you even use that word and that feels like the other side of it. So you’re caught between these two extremes and neither one feels right or really is that helpful? So what do we do is kind of where we’re at, Right? What I hear so often from real estate agents, every level there’s a point where people get stuck and I think sometimes that stuckness is exactly what we’re talking about right now. It’s that they don’t have the confidence because they’ve never done something before so they don’t move forward. So they’re unwilling to fail and try something new and so they don’t have the confidence so they don’t have the experience and then there’s just no movement and then they become stuck. So I dunno, I mean is that your experience?
Is this one of the things that keeps people stuck? I hear that all the time. I’m stuck and I’m like, just take an option, try it. Is this why people don’t move forward? I think 100% this is why. Yes. And I love that you use the word stuck because some of us maybe don’t think of it in terms of confidence and maybe it feels different, maybe it doesn’t feel like confidence, maybe it feels like a marketing issue or whatever it might be. But then you get to that point of stuckness, how do you move forward? And there’s this saying out there that I love, I heard it from Mike Dooley first, I don’t know if he originated it, but it’s this idea that if you don’t know what to do, take the least sucky action.
Just I love that. Yeah. It gives you a sense of how do You define what sucky is, Is the one that feels sucky or the one that, like how do you define what the least sucky is? Mm. It’s the one that you can get yourself to do. Sometimes if we’re in that place of stuckness, it doesn’t feel like there’s a way out and it can feel really dark and we can turn it against ourselves and we can shame, spiral and wonder why can’t we figure it out? And so instead of taking the best action, the least sucky might be, what can I actually get myself to do in this moment that gets the snowball going down the hill, so to speak.
So you can gain some traction and get out of the standstill that you’ve been in. You’re to take that least sucky action, like what is it that’s preventing them from taking that action? Oftentimes I hear it’s, I don’t know what to Do. Yeah, I think people genuinely believe they don’t know what to do and you honestly might not have any ideas coming to mind. And so instead of using that as an excuse to not do something, let’s use that as the reason to actually do something. Because sometimes what you need is more data and data comes from failing and this is where the other issue comes up.
It’s they don’t know what to do. And to do something the wrong way feels like failure, which we’re of course conditioned to believe is not okay. And we know the business world talks about like failures the way to success and we can say that all we want, but if we haven’t embraced it truly in our body, it’s hard to still get us to move forward. We have that little voice that says, Yeah but that doesn’t apply here. And so Yeah, but that won’t work for me. Or oh that works for her. Or oh if I had this, there’s all these, so what do we do? How do we get up and stuck? How do we take that action? So I think what helps is differentiating confidence from self-confidence.
Confidence is about getting really good at something. And if you’re not good at it yet, then what you wanna do is instead of trying to create the confidence, go and get to courage and get to commitment. And I’ll talk about that in a minute. But self-confidence is not having to believe you can do this specific thing. It’s believing that even if you can’t, you’ll be there for you anyways. I love this differentiation because I think sometimes people wait for confidence to move forward and you define confidence as being good at something and there’s no way you can get confidence from not doing something over and over and over again.
That’s how you gain confidence If you, confidence has to do with whether you’ve done anything or whether you’re good at that thing, you just know that you have your own back and you’re gonna be able to figure it out. Yes. And it, yeah, it relates to what you said at the very beginning, What do you do? If you want confidence but you don’t have experience, well tap back into your self confidence. Then it’s underneath all of the limits we’ve put on ourselves, all of the stories we’ve told us, all of the rules about what we think it takes to feel competent at something or confident at something because it taps into your nature, it taps into the energy beneath it all. And you don’t need to be religious in any way to buy into this concept because it’s really about the energetic essence of who you are beyond the physical body that you’re in.
That part of you, that energy that’s timeless. It doesn’t have any self-worth issues because it’s whole, it’s abundant, it’s there. And so any time you feel like low and like you can’t connect and you can’t figure things out and you’re stuck, you can remind yourself of that nature that’s within you that says, Hey, you being here is enough. You’ve already checked the box of a life well lived just by living. And so then what? What do you wanna do next? How do you wanna take yourself forward if you’ve already achieved the goal and it reconnects you to this ability to just let yourself breathe a bit, trust yourself a bit.
Trust doesn’t have to mean you figure it out, it just needs to mean you’re there even if you don’t. So for those of us who struggle with that confidence, maybe it’s because we’ve had, you know, maybe experience in the past or we’ve really screwed something up or we lack that self confidence. How do we get that back if we feel like we lost it or we don’t have it? I love that you said how do we get it back? Because it implies we already had it at some point. And so it’s not something you can ever lose because it’s always there, but it is something that we can bury underneath these stories about ourselves. So to get it back means to help yourself unwind some of the thoughts that you’ve maybe projected onto yourself about who you are.
And so if I were to say that more actionable, cuz that’s, oh that sounds nice in theory, but what the heck do I do with that? What one of my favorite things is the self-confidence stepping stones. And it’s this idea that meet yourself where you’re at. So if you feel like I have no clue what I’m doing, okay, that’s where you’re at now, what else? Still feels true but also a little better. Better in the sense of it helps remind you of your own power. And so it might be, I don’t know what to do and I’ve been here before and I figured something out or I don’t know what to do. Other people felt this way, I don’t know what to do and it’s okay that I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do, but I’m figuring it out.
I don’t know what to do but I’m at least gonna do something I don’t know what to do but hey look at me, try, okay, now I’m trying, I wonder if this is working, it doesn’t seem like it’s working. Let me see something else. And you just get yourself on this trajectory. It’s not the same as positive thinking because positive and thinking can sometimes be on grounded from truth and we always wanna meet you wherever you’re currently at so that what you say to yourself doesn’t feel like a lie. Right? It’s almost like don’t go from I have no idea what I’m doing to, I’m gonna knock this out of the park, I’m gonna do the best job. It’s more like I’m gonna try something and it may not work, but I’m gonna try something else if that doesn’t work and I’m gonna be fine. Something like that or yeah.
Yeah. I think what stops people and I just is if they said to themselves, I have no idea what to do but I’m gonna try something and then it doesn’t work. Why is it that people stop there? I think so many people then retreat and are like, see I’m a failure. And they prove it to themselves that they don’t know what they’re doing and that’s where they stop. So how do you go when you take that initial, I guess, stepping stone that you set or when it doesn’t turn out how you want, which I think is part of the issue. I think we expect like a result that may or may not be realistic, but I think people are like, Oh I’m gonna try this one thing. I’m gonna mail these postcards to my farm for two months and if I don’t get any clients I’m a failure.
And then they don’t stop doing anything. Yeah. I and They think this isn’t for me. You know? So how do you keep going up the ladder of self confidence? I think you’re nailing it there that people do we want the small wins to be enough and sometimes it’s just not. And what I think happens is whether you think of it as the mind or the ego or the judger within that part of us wants to be right more than it wants to grow. Because being right means knowing what to expect, which means staying safe, which means staying alive. And so if the first move doesn’t work, it doesn’t wanna risk being wrong again. But what we’re not seeing is how that wrong move might have taken us to the right way.
And so for anyone Who, Yes, so for anyone who feels that way, what I’d offered to them is say, look back in your past and see was there a time something went wrong that now in hindsight you see was actually the best thing for you. And if you can see the growth there and how it actually helped you out, it might make it easier in this moment now. And when you send out the postcards or the emails or whatever it might be and it doesn’t work, might help you have more faith and trust that it’s getting you on the way to something that does work. Yeah. I always say to my students, the reason I’m so specific about how to do certain things or why to do certain things or to say it this way instead of that way is because I truly failed the whole way until it was like I nailed it over and over and over again.
But without failing all those times, I never could have got super, super good, asked the question this way, not that way. I know it sounds like the same question but it’s not. You know what I mean? Like little things like that. And just to remind yourself like ancient Grad school would not exist if I had not struggled for four long painful years, right? Yes. And I think I just wanna remind everybody listening to this like you have no idea what is gonna happen if you keep trying, but if you walk into this business with, I’m gonna do it until I do it, even if it takes more than one attempt, I mean God, it took me thousands, thousands of a bat to hit my first and I just, I see so many people quit themselves way I gets all the time.
It’s I’m, I’m yes about our expectations that throw us off. Like we expected to sell a house a month the first eight months and then we think we’re a failure. Yeah. None of us are in our end game, but we look at people where they’re at and we forget the journey that got them there and we compare ourselves to somebody who’s already had, like you said, four years of a journey before we’ve started even. And I think another thing that happens when we sign up or this was my experience signing up with a coach or in a program, it can be easy for us to think, okay, so they failed so now I don’t have to.
And the truth is they failed and yes, they can show you the strategy and the marketing and that matters is necessary. We can’t just be all in our heads and working on mindset and not doing anything like we need the strategy too. But someone else taking the fail for us doesn’t mean we’re not gonna fail in our own ways still. And we need those failures. Yeah. I always tell our students plan to suck whatever its you’re trying to do at least 10 times. Yes, At least 10 times and almost have a ticker like, I sucked that up this time really bad I, you know, and have a ticker And then by the 10th, if you’re the emotional pain of at something times you’re get good.
It’s inevitable. When I’m working with career professionals, which is the main clientele that I work with, we often talk about using the job search as the goal in itself. So instead of focusing so much on getting the job focus on what can you learn from the experience of the job search, you learn about yourself, you learn what you like, you build your communication skills, you practice connecting with others, you practice talking about your expertise, your own personal brand, your marketing. And then the goal is not getting the job. And success isn’t based on getting the job, it’s based on the growth, the plan, the progress, the actionable movement. The movement is the goal, not the end outcome.
And I feel like the same applies of course to real estate as well. It’s not getting the sale or the client, it’s the journey there. If we can focus there, the clients come. Hundred percent. Ok. So back to this, I feel like we got off course. So back to this, we have to rely on our self confidence before we can be confident. And anything else you wanna say about that before we get to the concept of building actual confidence and when that starts and how we do that? Yeah, I think one concept that I like to use is shifting. One person is sacred work. And so you in real estate, you’re changing people’s lives, you’re helping them figure out where they are, where they wake up every day and you’re meeting them, helping Them.
They raise kids. Yeah. They raise their kids where they like their community, who they see themselves as who their like friends will be everything. Their identity is wrapped up in their homes. Yeah. So we can say you’re a real estate agent and that is true. And we also could say you’re doing sacred work because you’re changing people’s lives at such a core identity level, just like you said. And so to tap back into the self confidence sometimes reminding yourself of the impact you’re having, even if you don’t see it, you might not get the impact you think you’re supposed to get right in that moment. But you are changing people’s lives in every conversation that you’re having with them.
You’re helping them think differently about where they wanna live, who they wanna be, what their whole life could be, every conversation. And so instead of looking for the end outcome goal of this sale or the certain number or the number of houses on the market that you have focus instead on being yourself and bringing that out in your practice, in your business and you’re changing people’s lives on the way, you don’t need to know how, you don’t need to try to predict how you’ve changed a life or anything like that. That’s not your job. But reminding yourself of that truth can help reconnect you to that self confidence. Yeah. I love what you’re, I so often we try to somebody we’re I real confidence didn’t confidence and you see, see somebody doing that a certain way who’s been really successful and you think you have to be that.
And it’s so inauthentic that I love what you said is like really tapping to get self-confidence you have to tap into your inner wisdom who you really are. And I think the other thing that you said that I just wanna make sure that people hear is focusing on your client and the lives that you’re changing versus the outcome that you’re getting. And you can switch that. I mean that to me is one of the biggest things that starts your snowball effect to success is stop focusing on what you’re, get out it and start focusing on what your people are gonna get. It truly, if you look at yourself, I think so often real estate agents. Yeah, I’m a real estate agent. Yeah. I sell houses. If you’re ready to you know, buy yourself, call me.
But really if you take a step back like we’re saying and understand what is wrapped into people’s house buying decisions, how selling decisions and you focus on the impact that you could have in their lives and you come from that place, you don’t need to know what you’re doing, you just have to have that intention and you’ll figure it out along the way. Yeah. When we look at communication and how effective communication happens, the majority of it is not through the specific words you say. It’s about the energy that you’re bringing as you say those words. So yeah, it’s great to have both. That’s awesome. And if you’re not there yet, cuz you haven’t figured out your exact message yet cause you haven’t had a lot of conversations yet, all you need to worry about now or not even worry, but just focus on is bringing yourself to your people, connecting to that part of, and just like you said, focusing on them instead of your needs in that moment can really help get you Idea what to know we’re own innate to getting it.
And then when does it start not feeling like such a struggle? When do we actually get the confidence piece? When does that come in? And again, I just want you to reiterate that that comes after action, not before, don’t wait for the confidence after you take action. Yeah, I love that you’re reiterating that for us all too. And I will as well as we’re talking. So, okay, so this concept then of building confidence when I’m sharing, I learned at the life coach school and life coach school got it from the four Cs book by, I believe it was Dan Sullivan. And it’s this concept that on the way to confidence, there’s these other concepts that you need to do first, there’s four steps, Four, C, so to speak.
So before confidence, the very first step is commitment. This is having commitment to your business, having the ability to say, no matter what, I’m gonna do this, this is where it’s like this. Or die trying sort of speak to have such innate commitment. It doesn’t mean that you have to be committed to the way you can shift the way you get there all you want, but you have the commitment that this is what I’m doing or I will die trying. That’s commitment. And that inspires you to be courageous. And courageous does not feel good always because you don’t know the outcome. This is where you’re in the dark and you don’t really even know if there’s a light to be had.
But it’s worth it to you to keep going cuz you have such strong commitment. And this is also where having that self confidence we spoke about earlier is so important because then in the dark you are the light, you are there for yourself, shining for yourself so that you can more easily embrace the courageousness that you need to go forward. And so you’re feeling courageous and self confidence helps with that. And that gets you to take those actions that you spoke about to do one thing, one next step and then another and then another in the cascading effect of all of that what you do. And the failures are building up here too. And the sweat on the brow probably too. And there might be a lot of tears and a lot of concerns, but also some motivation and sparks of intrigue and insight as well.
But you’re in this courageous place taking action, failing forward over and over and over again. And as you do that, you’re building your capability and that’s that third C capability. You have the capability, this is where you’re getting good, this is where people are seeing you, this is where you’re like, okay, I’m figuring this out. And after that, which in that stage you’re also taking action after that comes the confidence. Yeah, I love that. Okay, so we are committed and if we’re committed, it’s gonna take us through all the emotions that we’re gonna feel that are inevitable on our way to feeling confident and being successful. And next is courageous.
And I think the thing about being courageous is that you can only be courageous when there’s fear. Hmm. Yeah. I You don’t need courage if you’re not scared. Ooh, you’re so right. Yeah, you don’t. So it’s like what this, Well I love that you said that because it also means you don’t need to get out of fear to take action. Right? Exactly. Yeah. And so I always tell our students, whenever you feel scared, keep going. Don’t let that be excuse to stop at all. And I love that. Now we can tie it to being courageous. The only way to be courageous is being fear and keep moving. And then it sounds like next comes our capability. So for all of you who are waiting for confidence or capability, you have to be committed and courageous first taking action, then you become capable.
Don’t wait to become capable, you earn capability and you earn that confidence because you become really good at something. And that’s how we get confident. I love this so much because I think so often we throw around this word of like, I’m not confident or I’m not feeling confident about my ability to help my clients or this or that. And being able to say like, of course you’re not confident yet because you haven’t gone through the four steps to gain confidence yet. Yeah. And That’s amazing way to look at it. It really is. And it means it’s no longer an excuse that you can use to not move forward. Exactly. Don’t love wait, don’t love our excuses for not moving forward.
I know, I sure do. Yeah. And it seems like one I hear often is this idea that I need more data, I need more information, I need more knowledge. And some of us really like to sit in that knowledge spot. Yeah. We can’t forget that knowledge and action are both required for that massive impact to happen. Yeah. Yeah. This is so good. Okay, so is this how we get on stack? Anything else you wanna add? Like when we’re sitting here not knowing what to do and how do we figure out what to do? Any other, So we’ve got the self confidence pull that first. We’ve got the self confidence ladder. Do what’s true.
Tiny little step. We got the Four, C committed, courageous capability, then confidence. What else do we need? Yeah, so one thing I’ll point out is with the self confidence, we spoke a lot about doing what’s true to you and doing your truth and looking within and I hear a lot of times sounds nice and all, but how the heck do I do that? I don’t know what I want, I don’t think I know what’s right. I’ve never done this. And the key that I would give is when people try to build this skill and what we’re really talking about now is bringing that intuition in. That self confidence is that connection to our intuition as well. When we wanna bring that in, we don’t wanna start with the most difficult question, difficult meaning the one we’re gonna have the most resistance to.
So when we’re using this skill of building our intuition, don’t start with saying, what should I do to grow my business to be six figure, whatever it might be. That’s such a big question. Your mind, that ego is gonna have so many thoughts that it’ll throw at you about why that’s not possible. You’re not gonna be able to hear yourself. So start with the simple questions. Start with, okay, what advice would I wanna tell myself? What guidance, if I had guidance within, what would it want to say to me? Just start writing it down. Or start with something simple like what do I want to do just today? What’s one thing today? Start with a little thing that doesn’t have a large consequence if it doesn’t go right.
And that’ll help you start to embrace that intuitive nature and connect with you and listen to you and follow your guidance. What I wanna add too is sometimes people think what I’m telling them is not to listen to other people. And that is not the case. Cuz sometimes the way we speak to ourselves is through others. But what can happen, and this gets to what we were talking about earlier, what can happen is we think, okay, she knows what to do cuz she’s done this before. And so then they defer themselves. They like put their own self on hold and try to be somebody else. And so to instead help connect to yourself when listening to others, what you wanna do is you wanna hear what the other person says and then check in, Does this feel right to me?
Is this what I wanna do? And use that to grow your connection to yourself through getting advice from another. Yeah. And this is what I love and this is what I tell my students all the time. Like, I’m gonna give you my version of this, but in order for it to be successful for you, you gotta make it your version. And so it’s like listen to it. And I always say do my way the first time. Think of it as a first draft and then go through and make it your own and make it better. There’s so many students that have gone after me that have made what I teach them even better. And that is always what I’m so proud of. Cause I’m like, that’s so, And I don’t any like over that whatsoever.
I’m like, they, they did that and I, that is what I’m most proud of our students. Cause when they create something that’s totally them. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. And every single one of us can do that if we give ourselves permission. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. Lisa, you have such a gift and I’m so please and honor that you get to work with our students every single month. You teach a concept, you change their minds, you help them remove the blocks and obstacles that are standing in their way. And I so appreciate what you share every month inside Grad school and also here on the podcast. Is there anything else that you wanna add or talk about or you think we haven’t covered that people listening to adhere?
Yeah, thank you for saying that. It’s so much fun to work with everyone that’s a part of the program and to do the mindset side and you’ve got the strategy side and the mindset and bringing it all together. One thing that I find does come up often when we’re talking about confidence as imposter syndrome, it’s almost like, yeah, the other way to talk about it and the lack side. So 70% of us experience imposter syndrome at one point. So if you feel like you’re an imposter one, you’re in great company, it’s a lot of successful people. Two, it doesn’t have to define you, it’s just a momentary way you’re thinking and feeling.
It’s not who you are. And so reminding yourself of that and using this symbol of feeling like an imposter as a cue to say, Wow, I’m really pushing myself, I’m really growing. I’m trying new things. I’m not just living in status quo. Use it as a way to honor yourself in your journey as opposed to hold you back. Yeah. What you’re saying is so important for everybody on this. Like if you are multitasking, I really want you to hear this, which is whenever you feel that uncomfortableness, I think so often people see that as a scientist stop. But really as you said, it’s the proof that what you’re doing is helping you grow and getting you where you wanna go to a place you’ve never been before.
You cannot get there without feeling frankly crappy along the way. You know, you just can’t. And so when you feel like an imposter, when you feel like a fraud and when you feel stuck, don’t let that stop you. Yeah. Yeah. Because growing a business is also shifting your own identity. And when we are shifting our identity, it means letting go of the old. And that ego within is gonna resist it, doesn’t wanna shed that it’s worked for it. Why would I wanna change that? But that’s that discomfort. And the more attached you are to who you were and who you defined yourself to be, honestly, the more uncomfortable these changes can be because you’re so holding onto someone you no longer are, Which is scary, which your mind is gonna resist.
And it has to go through that process in order for you to do something you’ve never done before. And for most of you listening, the reason you’re here is because you’re trying to accomplish something you have never done before. And so I think what Lisa and I are both saying is like you can grab for these concepts that maybe help you move forward, but keep moving forward. Don’t let the unease or the uncomfortability of growing a business, which it will be. I don’t know why. I mean, I thought when grow I thought, Oh, I’m gonna be a real city agent. I’m gonna grow this great business. I just thought it was gonna be like easy PC Street. Yeah. It’s the hardest thing that you were gonna put yourself through emotionally, physically, financially.
So get ready. Yeah. Growing a business is a spiritual journey in itself. Yeah. It is a journey. And I will say even being successful, nothing. I mean it’s still hard. You know, it’s still requires that self confidence all the time. Cuz the minute you start building those echelons, right, like you’re always gonna have your site set for doing something you’ve never done before. Once you make six figures, you’re gonna wanna make multiple six figures. Once you have, you know, once you make multiple six figures, you’re gonna see how can I expand? Or you know, whatever it is. And so you’re constantly, as a business owner going to be looking towards something you’ve never done before.
Even if it’s, I wanna do the same amount of business I did last year and I wanna take less time to do it, I want more free time to do it. That also is a struggle. So thank you for sharing everything that you have for us today. If people want to look you up at any of our students who are listening to Lisa, you know her and you know where to find her inside Agent Grad School. But for anybody listening who’s not a student, how can they find you? Yeah. So they can find me at the Your Work Your Way podcast. That podcast we dive into everything around how to do your work, so your business, your career in your way, and bringing that soul into it, meaning bringing your full self into what you’re doing. And so we tackle concepts related to that.
And you can also find me at Belief on Instagram or by going to belief seed.com. That’s my business website and you’ll be able to see how you can work with me there. Awesome. And I link these. This will be Agent Grad Lisa Lisa You. Thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial-free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow the real estate business and have a life they love outside the business too.
But we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, if you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell all your agent friends to listen in too. Thank you so much for supporting this show, for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success. That’s what this is all about. See you next time on another episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real Estate Agent. And until then, come hang with me over at agentgradschool.com. I’ll see you there.