Three Seemingly Harmless Things “Everyone” Does That Aren’t Fair

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I'm Jennifer Myers, Founder of Agent Grad School and host of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, The Agent Grad School Podcast.  My goal for each episode is to give you actionable steps you can implement today to grow your real estate business.

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This month marks the 53rd anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, the landmark legislation that prohibits housing discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and family status.

Fair Housing is much more than a class we have to take every few years as part of our continuing education credits, it’s something we as agents need to defend and support every day in our businesses.

To commemorate the anniversary of this important law, I wanted to touch on the “everyday” things that we agents do that unconsciously create fair housing issues.

These seem innocent at first or you might think, “everyone” does it that way, but when you dive deeper into these types of practices, you start to see the unconscious bias we all carry around that could create unintentional discrimination.

Just because “everyone else” is doing something or you think doing something will mean you win a deal, doesn’t make it the right thing to do.

Today’s episode highlights three specific practices to stop doing and three things you can also start doing to foster accessibility to housing.

I believe our job as agents isn’t just to sell homes, but to truly help the people who need our help.

You are helping to make the dream of home, and all that brings with it, a reality for people.

You are doing important work. Don’t ever forget that. Keeping going.

To your success,


P.S. In this episode, I mention an anti-racism resource, which no longer exists — but you can find numreous great resource guides here.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the U.S., even opening my own brokerage full of agents, help me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I used to become a top producing agent now to this podcast and agent rod School dot com. I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside of the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques, or paying for leads—just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. Before we begin on today’s topic, a quick shout out to one of our listeners, Nancy V, once a month, we give a shout out to one of our listeners who has listened to this podcast, not just listen, but actually implemented the strategies that you’re hearing. And Lee’s a review about it on iTunes. I pick one listener per month, and I send out an Agent Grad School prize pack. And this month’s winner is Nancy. She left a review on iTunes that said, this podcast is the best. Well, thanks, Nancy. But what I’m most interested in is the next part. She says, I’m a new agent and recently took my advice to stop doing listing presentations. I actually hadn’t even gotten a presentation completely together. So I tried her three-step process as described in the podcast. I got two listings this way. One of which went under contract, just last Sunday, after less than a week on the market, she said, I was so nervous about leaving the second appointment without having a signed listing agreement yet. That is what I suggest that you do, but then it seemed like the clients were in and ready to work with me. Thank you, Jennifer. And she also says Go Hokies, which is my Alma mater, Virginia tech. So yes, and I just love how Nancy didn’t just listen to the podcast, but she actually took action and results despite not feeling ready. I followed up with Nancy by email to congratulate her on her results. And she told me that since leaving that review, she got to more listings. So that’s four listings in total using what she learned on this podcast. And she’s even won rookie of the year. She’s a brand new agent, and she is implementing what she’s learning, and she is getting results. So congrats, Nancy. Your prize pack has already been sent out, and you will probably have it by the time this podcast goes live. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for implementing the strategies, and thank you for leaving a review about it. So for the rest of you, please don’t just listen to this podcast. Nothing will work if you just passively. Listen. My hope is that you’ll take what you’re hearing and implement it like Nancy and get results. Nancy is not even an agent grad school student yet. She says that’s one of her goals in the future, but she’s taking action imperfect action in the meantime, and she is getting results. So be like Nancy, put this stuff in place that you’re listening to get results. And if you need extra help, do you know that Asian Grad school is available to you? You can always go to and see if we are allowing students or if we have a wait-list. Just go to and find out on today’s episode. I’m reading this book right now, called think again by Adam Grant. It has nothing to do with real estate, but it has me rethinking or thinking again about a lot of things that we quote-unquote, think are normal. It’s a great book. And it got me thinking about some practices that we all do in real estate or that are kind of commonplace in real estate. And April is fair housing month and the real estate world. And I know when I started in real estate and even until fairly recently, I thought, well, I treat everyone fairly. I don’t discriminate, or at least consciously, I try not to discriminate. Right. I treat everyone the same. I take my required CE classes. I check the fair housing box, and I’m good. Right? But I think there are times when thinking again about what we do, especially if we are doing it because quote-unquote, everyone is doing it. Or our clients read an article about doing something or ask us a way to do something. And we’ll just do it because it’s on autopilot or because that’s what everybody else around us is doing. And I just want us to think again about some of these practices because not only could they be fair housing violations, but there’s actually a better way to do things. There are better ways to get the results that we think we’re going to get by doing these things. So even though, on the surface, this episode may seem like it’s not necessarily about growing your business or bringing you clients or growing your business. I would say that it can actually bring you more business and how you get their business by not violating fair housing practices is actually even more important than just getting another client, but getting it in a way that allows access to housing. So this month, again, Just April 20, 20, 21, if you are listening in real-time, marks the 53rd anniversary of the passing of the fair housing act. And this landmark law, as you know, was signed into law in 1960. And prohibits housing discrimination because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sex, disability, and family status. You might be thinking, okay, great. I take my fair housing classes every few years. I do my best to treat every failure. I’m good. Right. But I’d ask you to think again about how you think about fair housing in your business and fair housing in your market. Not only that, but the preamble of the national association realtors, which I love just States under all, is the land upon its wise utilization and widely allocated ownership, depending on the survival and growth of free institutions. And all of our civilization realtors with the truth trademark should recognize that the interest of the nation and its citizens require the highest amount best use of the land and the widest distribution of land ownership such interests. It, it goes on to say impose obligations beyond those of ordinary commerce, they impose grave, social responsibility in a patriotic duty to which realtors should dedicate themselves and for which they should be diligent in preparing themselves real quick, or is there for ours zealous to maintain and improve the standards of their calling and share with their fellow realtors, a common responsibility for its integrity and honor. And, of course, it goes on from there. Yeah, but I just love that. That is the beginning of our code of ethics as not to just real estate agents, but realtors. And I know not everybody who is a real estate agent is a realtor, but that is the preamble. That is the beginning of our code of ethics and what we’ve agreed to abide by as realtors. And I love that because what it means is that as realtors, it is our duty to help widely allocate home and land ownership. And that, and it talks about how important that work is that the work that we do as a real estate agent is for the survival. I mean, I’m just quoting what the preamble says is it is for the survival and growth of free institutions and our civilization that is very important work that we do, that our work goes well beyond ordinary commerce. It’s not just about selling houses. It says that we should be dedicated to the social responsibility and patriotic duty to help to provide the widest distribution of land and homeownership. And how I interpret that is that our jobs are to be the stewards of homeownership. I think many real estate agents. And I, I totally get it. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of that, that we are the stewards of homeownership that our dry or that our sole purpose is not necessarily to be to the top producer or sell more houses, but that the focus and that our requirement is that we help the American dream. And we are facilitators of homeownership that our job is to actually help people make their own home ownership dreams come true. And there is no dream that doesn’t involve a home in some way, no matter how big that home is, no matter how small, no matter how much it costs. Every person’s dream in life involves a home in some way or another. And our jobs are not just to be order takers and write a bunch of offers and sell as many houses as we possibly can. And yes, that, that is still possible, but not at the peril of everything else, It w our job, and our focus should be helping make homeownership, dreams a reality. And all of that, that brings with us with it excuse me. So knowing that our job is much more than writing offers and winning deals and our own sales volume and that on the other end of all of that is a person’s livelihood. After might forever be changed by us, helping them make that home a reality for them, but it might change the direction of their family’s wealth for generations to come. That access to housing in every neighborhood is important, no matter how many offers it takes. And no matter how many offers are on that house, that our job is to not give up on the people who may be, have decided to put their home search on hold until the market comes down, or who might need help with resources on how to make their home more affordable, whether it’s their first home or their 19th home, or maybe helping people who need to repair their credit and our going to buy next year, instead that we don’t forget their dreams, too, even if they’re not ready to buy and sell a home at the same time. And I get that, all of that is also completely kind of goes against the competitive market that we’re in. And so it was like, how do you balance those two things? I’m just saying, don’t forget that there are two things to balance, but there are also these kinds of sneaky ways that a lot of real estate agents unconsciously don’t realize or are, are creating fair housing violations because of the competitive market. And that it goes against actually the code of ethics. If you’re a licensed realtor, not just a real estate agent an actual realtor, it goes against our code of ethics and can go against the fair housing act. Now, before I talk through what these are, I want you to hear me loud and clear. I get that the market is competitive. I get it. And I think I know firsthand actually that you can win in a competitive market and not have fair housing violations or not do some of these things that can create fair housing violations. Both are possible. So I’m going to give you the three examples, three examples of kind of harmless things that so many real estate agents do myself included at one point. And then I thought again about it, and I realized that not only can they be fair housing violations, but there are just bad business practices too. So I’ll go through each one, one by one, and then I’ll give you some ideas about what to do instead. And then, at the very end, I’m going to give you some other ideas that really help foster homeownership and the accessibility of homeownership for all. And some things that you can do that can help foster that and maybe even grow your business at the same time. Okay. So the first one that is so widely spread that everybody seems to be doing right now, and it’s in every news article about the crazy market are these love letters about houses. So I get everybody’s doing it, but let’s just like, think about it a little more. If everybody’s doing it, then what is it that a letter is going to say that’s really any different than what the next letter says? Okay. The other thing I will mention is if you’re a listing agent, listening to this, a challenge you to put into your remarks or wherever you communicate about the offer requirements, where you write things like the preferred settlement company, settlement dates, put it in there, that no letters from buyers will be presented to the cellar for fair housing policy reasons from the national association of realtors, really from that the top-down people are talking about the leaders of our industry are talking about. I don’t mean leaders as in like gurus. I mean like fair housing policy, a lawyer’s and those types of leaders in our industry there saying that these, that these love letters can be a violation of fair housing laws. And so, for a listing agent, if you are presenting these letters to your sellers, there’s a chance that you could be putting them into harm’s way and that you could inadvertently and unconsciously be helping them to violate fair housing laws. Because as a seller, as a listing agent, our job is to look at the offers, the facts, not the emotions, not the people behind the offer, but just the facts of the offer ourselves and for the buyer’s agents out there. I get it. Everybody else is writing these letters. Your buyers are coming to you because they see it in every article about like the ten ways that you can win in this competitive market. And the letter is always there. So I just have a conversation with him about the pros and cons of writing a letter and then talk about how they do it. It can be fair housing violations sometimes. So how that conversation would look is something along the lines of this. You know, I get that. The kind of a big thing right now is to write a letter. And that is what you’re reading. And that is why there are people who are doing, but in my experience, the sellers are swayed most by money and who has the best offer. So let’s focus on that first, and then let’s think about a creative way to get the seller’s attention and not violate any fair housing laws. There are creative ways to do that and not violate fair housing laws, you know, especially with your seller. A buyer wants to include a picture. Absolutely not. That is definitely how you can violate fair housing rules. So there are other ways to get attention from, to buy the seller from the buyer’s agent. And most of the time, it’s writing a winning offer. Now in two weeks, I am going to share a conversation with one of our students about what is working right now, creative ways to actually win offers that have nothing to do with letters. Stay tuned for that. And you can get more of those. This episode would have gotten way too long, and if we went into all that, but in two weeks, we’re going to have an episode on what is working, and letters are not part of that conversation at all. So just rethink letters and whether they make sense; certainly don’t include photos. And, you know, again, there’s just, there are other ways to get attention from the seller to the firm, the buyer. So, you know, one example is a student who shared that one of her, you know, she had a conversation about, you know, let’s be creative with a letter. If you’re going to write one, let’s try not to violate any fair housing laws, that kind of thing. And so her clients came up with writing a letter from the family’s dog and how the dog was really excited, the yard and things like that because the sellers were big dog people. So, I mean, I don’t know if that’s a violation of fair housing. It probably is, but I thought it was a creative way to stand out and really get the attention of a seller in an out of the box way versus, you know, a picture of the whole family and, and pulling on the heartstrings, you know, talking about kind of what everybody else is talking about. Like I’m going to grow my family here and all of that, that those kinds of letters are violations a fair housing. So just think again, the whole point, what is the point of writing the letter, and is there a way to do the same thing without violating fair housing laws without talking about, you know, why you are similar to the seller? Because that is where we start to get into some, some kind of a territory that arguably is a violation of fair housing. And in, in, in my market, there’s only one thing that really convinces people to take an offer. And that’s, that’s money. That’s writing a winning offer, not a letter. So another practice that I see a lot, and I hear a lot is when it comes to VA loans; I often hear sellers or agents say something like I’m a VA loan will never get through in this market or something like that. I hear that. Or I, when I asked why a certain offer didn’t get accepted, sometimes the listing agent will bring up the fact that it’s a VA loan, and I get it again. I totally understand why a VA loan at first glance may be viewed differently than a conventional loan, but VA loans are there for a certain reason. You know, these people fight for our country and serve our country. And there are benefits to doing that, that, and, and having a VA loan is one of those benefits. And so what I say to a listing agent who gives me kind of that response, or if I hear agents talking about VA loans being a problem in this market because it’s so competitive. I say, you know, I will say back to the listing agent, you know, I’m presenting this, this offer for a VA with a VA loan. And I understand that oftentimes a VA loan is not seen as competitive as a conventional loan. And my request to you and to the sellers is I’m not asking for special treatment for my client. I am asking for equal treatment and that this VA loan be perceived equally to a conventional loan because of the fact that my client has represented this country. And this is one of the benefits of doing so, and my hope is that we can be at least on an even playing field. Now I will say, you know, I’ve recently had clients who have a multiple offer situation and the best offer; even though I understand completely the negative quote-unquote of a VA loan, they chose the VA loan because the offer was written in such a way that, that despite the negative aspects of a VA loan, a hundred percent financing, or a little bit more complicated on the appraisal front, like those are all facts, but they took that loan because of the agent. And they took that offer because the agent knew how to write an offer that made it a good offer, a better offer despite the type of loan. And so it was, and so it’s really important. And then, the offer was presented in a positive light. So my point is VA loans are a benefit to people who have served in our military and should not be seen as a type of loan that is hard to get through in this type of market. It’s about representing your client and saying to the listing agent, this is something that I hope that we’re considered even on, and have it maybe, maybe this is a place where a letter might be appropriate, not a letter about, you know, why they’re gonna grow the family in the house and things like that. But, but to explain why the potential buyer hopes that the seller will view their offer as, as a positive one. So that’s a good example of where a letter might come in handy. So I really just want any agent listening who maybe has that, whether you’re a listing agent and you kind of have a negative connotation, or you, you present offers that have the VA loans in a negative way, in any sort of a negative way. And by our agents who have clients come through and use VA, I just too often hear and see agents kind of thinking negative or saying negative things about these types of loans and my hope. And I get, there are a little bit more complicated, but I know for a full fact that these types of loans are going getting through right now. And there are ways to write offers that make this type of loan and this type of buyer a very positive option for a seller. And so it’s about learning how to make offers like that. And my hope again is that you just simply think again about these types of loans and see them, and as a positive light and represent your clients fully so that you learn to create a new offer that supersedes any negativity, and then present that offer to the, sell the listing agent in a way that presents it in a positive light. And don’t be afraid whenever throughout my 20-year career, I was very Hemant about these, these loans being seen positively, because I think there’s such a benefit to our military buyers. And so, anytime an agent would say something negative, like a listing agent will say something negative. I would just, I would right there say, listen, I get it. I understand how a VA loan works. I understand that there are differences to a conventional loan, but my hope is that you will understand that there’s a reason that this person qualifies. They represented our country. And my hope is that you can present this in a positive light. And, you know, I know how to a circuit to do VA loans. I know how to get the appraisals to go through. You know, we won’t, we’ll try our best. We’ll do our best to make this a smooth process. So advocate for your client. Now, I know this is a touchy subject, and not everybody’s willing to talk about it, but I just want to make sure that as real estate agents, we are presenting these types of clients in these types of offers, whether we’re on the listing side or the buyer side in a positive light, it’s a crucial that we do. So, okay. Last month, not least the conversation about schools. If I had a dollar for the number of times that a buyer came to me and said, I want a safe neighborhood, or I want good schools, I would; I don’t know the in Hawaii right now. And because I could, I can pay for a vacation. So really, it’s about how do you respond? We cannot simply say, Oh, I can talk about that. Right? I know so many real estate agents who don’t want to say that they want to be helpful. And I get that. So I just want to give you a quote-unquote script or a way to think about how to respond to people who come to you with those kinds of requests. And often, those things can be, again, fair housing violations. Those conversations can turn into fair housing violations. And so I wanted to give you a good way to respond to people who say that, things like that. Now here’s just some examples of what I say. So when somebody says I’m going to live in a safe neighborhood, I say, well, those things are subjective. I live in a neighborhood that is safe for me, but my sister doesn’t think it’s safe at all. And when it comes to schools, I think where I live has great schools. And frankly, I wouldn’t want to send my kids to a school that has a 10 out of 10 for reasons that are personal. And to me, and you know, to me, just because it has a rating of 10 out of 10 on great schools, it doesn’t necessarily make it the best school for every child. So, although I want to be helpful for you so too, to you. So, I’m talking to the client now. So although I want to be helpful to you and can help you with how to make these decisions for yourself, you have to be the one to tell me which neighborhoods you want to look in and which ones you don’t. I can not be the one to make those decisions for you. I’m more than happy to direct you to resources. For example, we have clients that live and send kids to school in almost every neighborhood that you’ve mentioned so far. And oftentimes, I think the best way to find out whether an area is safe or the schools are quote-unquote good is to talk to people that live in that neighborhood and make the decision for yourself. Also, spend some time there, whether it’s at the school or just walking around the neighborhood and really feel or see how you feel, because there is no quote-unquote safe or unsafe or good school or not in a good school. It really is a personal decision that you have to make. And I would love to help you make it by giving you resources and people to talk to in a way to make that decision. But I cannot tell you, okay, this neighborhood is safe. This neighborhood has good schools, and this one does not. I can not serve that function for you from a fair housing standpoint or from a licensing standpoint, but just be real. That’s, that’s how I have that conversation. And then I pair them with past clients. And what I love about this is that it gives me a great way to reach out to past clients and say, Hey, do you mind talking to a client or a client about your experience with a school or with the neighborhood? And oftentimes, what starts to happen is that as the years go by, that person who is now talking to somebody, trying to make the decision, was also somebody who talked to a client in the past, if that makes sense. So there are just like paying it forward in other words. So it’s really a great way to create a community within your client group. It’s a great way to stay in touch with people. And it’s been a really great way for me to create Goodwill. And I tell my clients, I’m like, look, be brutally honest. I don’t want them to live in a neighborhood that they end up not liking. So give them the good, give them the bad and that way they can make the best decision. So it also reminds people that I really do want what’s best for my client. So I think that’s the best way to handle the school or neighborhood is to pair people with people who live in those neighborhoods or send kids to those schools and really have them talk because then they can ask each other whatever questions and make whatever decisions. And then hopefully, you can remind your clients and say, Hey, I hope that helped. I’m glad it helped. And don’t forget, you’re going to be on the receiving end of that here soon. So what that means is I’m going to call on you to do the same thing for our clients in a couple of years. I really hope that that you’ll pay it forward. Then I like to create a community with my clients and help everybody kind of helps each other out type of thing. And so it starts to foster this way of being that is kind of family atmosphere or this community atmosphere among your clients. And that’s at least the atmosphere that I wanted to create. So just to be really careful about how you talk to your clients about these things, these are just three examples that I hear often, and it’s not because you’re worried about losing your license. It’s just because I’m not doing it. And seeing these things as negative or trying to be helpful about save neighborhoods and the good schools, you know, it’s just, it’s just bad for business. There are ways to actually take these awkward conversations really turn them into good business practice, like creating a community among your past clients, things like that. And that way, your clients can make judgment calls for themselves. So I know that this is really hard, especially for new agents, especially on the school, and save the neighborhood conversation. And because you want to show people, you know, things you want to be helpful, but this actually shows doing it just a little bit differently in saying to your clients, like, I know that’s what you’re hearing. I know this is what you want from me, but let’s pause and really think of talk about it. And this is how I can be helpful. And by the way, if you’re new and you don’t have past clients that you can connect your clients with, then connect them with people. You know, like they don’t have to be past clients. They can just be people that, you know, or that live in a certain neighborhood or send kids to a certain school. So it doesn’t have to be past clients. So these are three things that I just hope that you think again about, or maybe even think about whether they make sense to keep doing when it comes to fair housing practices and just good business and not going along with the flow, because if everybody’s doing it, what value are you really bringing? So really, just pause sometimes and say, okay, I understand what this person wants. Is there a better way to actually accomplish that? So we’ll talk more about that in two weeks, especially on the offer writing. But my hope is that this episode has just given you a reason to pause and realize that Just Because everybody else is doing it, it doesn’t necessarily mean that that strategy works. The letter strategy. You know, if there are ten offers on a property, probably eight people wrote a letter, not all the people are going to win that. So you get my point. It’s not always a winning strategy just because everybody’s doing it now. I just want to mention an end with a few things to start doing, maybe think rethinking about starting to do in your business. If any of what I’m saying, it feels like good business practices to you here, or some other suggestions, right for you. And you can do these things for, they actually do work to build your business and get experience and get clients. And so, you know, look for ways to truly help people truly focus on truly helping people. You become homeowners, whether that be our first home or their 19th home, like focus on how you can help people. Not necessarily always like how you can sell them a house, the quickest, what value can you provide right now? One example of this right now I do, or I did in my business, and I recommend especially new real estate agents is, and again, talk to your brokers about this is to do one pro bono case per year. You know, oftentimes I think about the real world or the money that I want to make in real estate and who else makes that type of money. And often I’ll say, you know that, right? But like, you know, a lawyer money, right? Or a doctor money and lawyers is one of the practices is to take on pro bono cases—people who can’t afford the typical service fee. And so I would do is once a year or twice a year. And again, this was not necessarily at the peril of my entire business. I’m not suggesting that I’m saying one pro bono case a year or so in my market. Then, what would you do? Because like affordable housing, the affordable dwelling units or what we call inclusionary zoning. So these are affordable housing units that people buy, but there is no money in those cases for a real estate agent. Oftentimes the city, or in my case, Washington, DC, would have what’s called a lottery. And there was no room for a real estate agent to be involved. And sometimes that was really the best thing for a client. So I would take them on, and I would say, look, they’re not going to pay me as an agent. I will represent you. And this is my pro bono case for the year. I will help you through buying your first house, using a lottery system, getting the loan, pairing it with the right people. That is a very complicated process and why the city thinks that they can not have agents involved for the benefit of the buyer is beyond me. But the bottom line is there is no money there for you for it. So I get that right. And so I still want to help a buyer get through that process because they feel really confused or not. They’re not sure what step to take. And so, what I would do is just lead them through that process once or twice a year. Now, again, you got to sign all the right paperwork. You gotta do everything as though you are truly their agents. You just don’t get paid. So let me be clear. I’m not suggesting that you spend hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours running all over the place. But I’m suggesting that you offer your assistance because you’re an expert and it might get you experience in this kind of in this, in my case, the example I’m giving you how to help first time home buyers and those first time home buyer programs and things like that. So that was one thing that I did every year. And I felt like it was my way of giving back and helping people become homeowners in an affordable way. And I know that not every broker we’ll allow for this, but I think if you explain the situation and the thoughts behind it, and what you’re hoping to do is not only get experience but actually to help facilitate homeownership, which is part of our codes of ethics, that they may be willing to change whatever requirements they would have of You. But this doesn’t mean that because you are not getting paid doesn’t mean you skirt anything. It doesn’t mean that you, you don’t, you know, you have somebody signed a buyer, agency agreement and things like that. So work with your broker and see how, if this interests you, how you can work that out and benefit this potential buyer, get some experience in the affordable housing space and help someone become a homeowner who might not, who might give up midway because it’s too complicated. And the other thing is to see fair access to housing, not as a class, we take every few years to check a box, but something that you constantly look out for and that you are willing to kind of stand up for and defend whenever you see it not being done correctly. So it would be willing to stand up to other agents. However you need to, when you see this happening and don’t go along with it, you know, just because everyone else does it, it doesn’t mean that it that’s the best way to win offers or run your business. And then last but not least, and this is kind of a hard topic to talk about, but because I’m learning it myself, but try to identify and always be looking for unconscious biases that we have and make a commitment. At least this is my commitment to create, not just, you know, a business that that’s not racist, but truly an anti-racist business. I’m no expert on this. I am learning. And I would like to share just one resource that is helping me learn how to create an anti-racist, inclusive business. There’s a resource that I’ll share with you over at on the blog post for this episode called anti-racism for beginners. This free resource that I’ll share with you is a quote by activist Angela Davis that I love. And I try to live by it in my own business. And I challenge you to do the same. She says, in a racist society, it is not just enough to be non-racist. We must be anti-racist. And then it goes on to share so many resources about how to be anti-racist in our businesses. So I’ve been doing a lot of work in a study on this topic over the last year, and I’ve learned a lot, and I really now understand. I just didn’t think that we lived in a racist society, and I didn’t. I thought being non-racist me not being a racist was enough. And I realized that is actually more required from business owners and especially people in real estate, because we, our parts, the real estate is one of the huge parts of systemic racism. So it’s really important, in my opinion, that we aim to be, and we work on being anti-racist. So I have a free resource for you. I did not put it together. It is put together by several people, and I’ll link straight to it. It’s a Google document. It’s P T F perfectly free. You don’t have to fill out anything. If you’ll just go to, go to podcast. Look for the episode called three seemingly harmless things everyone does that aren’t fair. Scroll down to the very bottom, and you’ll see the link. And I hope that it helps you think about ways to be anti-racist in your business. So I know that this episode was a little out of the ordinary for the things that I usually talk about it, but I thought it was an important thing to be talking about and some things to be thinking again about. So I hope it’s helped you, and I hope that you are seeing how doing things the way that everybody does. It isn’t always the best thing, not just for our clients and for people in the world, but also our businesses. Now in about two weeks, I’m interviewing having a conversation with one of our students about the tactics that are working that don’t involve letters or violating any of their housing practices in any way to get offers to go through in this competitive market. So I just wanted to lay the foundation and lay the groundwork here, just to, again, just be thinking about and pausing about ways that you can do things differently. So if you are a member of the age of grad school in our circle, but you’ll get an email about when this episode comes out that I hope will be helpful for you. If you aren’t yet an agent Grad School in our circle member, what are you waiting for? It’s totally free. And I share all sorts of good stuff that I can’t share with you on this podcast. I have some really great stuff coming up over the next weeks and months. So I hope that you’ll head over to agent grad forward slash inner circle and joined today. So you don’t miss anything again, it’s totally free. It’s all by email, and it’s stuff that you won’t hear here or see anywhere else. Thanks so much for listening. Thanks for doing the good work, and thanks for being examples of being great real estate agents and what that can look like for other real estate agents. Thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. 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