How to Grow Your Business By Six Figures This Year

Our best resources for agents who are ready for
6-Figure years
Our Best free resources for brand new agents


I'm Jennifer Myers, Founder of Agent Grad School and host of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, The Agent Grad School Podcast.  My goal for each episode is to give you actionable steps you can implement today to grow your real estate business.

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My guest grew his business from $12k to $180k in just nine months. Less than a year later, he made it to $800k and he’s been growing ever since.

Along the way, he realized there was a specific formula for this level of business growth and he’s sharing it with us on today’s episode of Confessions of A Top Producing Real Estate Agent.

We talk about everything from how doing LESS leads to more profits, how you know when you’ve found the right niche and even how to create an irresistible offer your ideal clients can’t refuse.

Listen in on our conversation as we talk about what it really takes to grow by six figures in less than a year.

The Formula For Six Figure Growth

Dave Moreno has grown several six figure businesses and grown each by multiple six figures in a very short amount of time–six figures in less than a year.

Along the way, he discovered there was a simple formula to achieve this level of growth.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

Dave has done it, I’ve done it and you can do it too.

Here is the simple formula Dave credits his six figure growth in less than a year:

Step 1: Purpose + Passion = Profit

Step 2: Build a Strong Foundation with the Six Pillars for Six Figure Growth

Step 3: Organized Success

Purpose + Passion = Profit

Dave says all you need to start moving towards six figure growth in your business is a purpose that goes deeper than just making money. If you can find that, then your passion becomes ignited and you will do what it takes to create a successful business.

The Six Pillars For Six Figure Business

After finding your purpose, you then have to put these six pillars into your business that create the strong foundation necessary for big growth:

Pillar 1: Discipline

Any problem with your business is a discipline problem with the business owner. You need to create daily habits that lead to six figure growth and do what you say you are going to do each and every day.

Pillar 2: Create a Six Figure Niche

Creating a niche creates MORE clients, MORE business, MORE income, not less (but you already know that if you’ve been around Agent Grad School longer than about two minutes).

Pillar 3: Six Figure Website Copy

Next, you have to learn how to communicate with your niche by answering to these four questions:

1. What problem is your ideal client experiencing right now?

2. What are the benefits that your clients immediately receive from working with you? In other words, what do they receive that eliminate their immediate problems right away?

3. What are the specific, tangible things they get from working with you? Example: a virtual tour, flyers, etc.

4. What are the results your niche will experience after having worked with you? You want to paint your client’s dream picture.

Pillar 4: Positioning. Is it clear what part of the market you are best at helping?

Pillar 5: Create Your Alter Ego. Who are you at your core and how can you use that during the “moment of impact.”

Pillar 6: What are you offering? You have to figure out and communicate what is the most compelling part of the services you offer and what is the “Mercedes” or the irresistible piece of what you offer.

Organized Success

Once you know your purpose and once you’re building your strong foundation for growth, you need to stop being busy being busy and do ONLY the things that will help your business succeed and grow. Do less to get more.

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Learn more about Dave Moreno’s Six Figure Growth Strategies

Discount code for Agent Grad School listeners to save $250 on Dave’s Six Figures in Six Weeks Mastermind program: REALTOR

To your success,


Episode Transcript

On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I have a very special guest who is going to share his formula for growing a service-based business, that’s us real estate agents, by six Figures in one year. That means at least a hundred K increase in income in less than a year. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s not, he’s done it in several of his businesses. I’ve done it in my real estate business, and we talk about what it takes so you can do it too. Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent I’m your host Jennifer Myers. Listen in as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US to even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all of the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I used to become a top producing agent now to this podcast. And Agent Grad School dot com. I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside of the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside of your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. Welcome, Dave. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. This is awesome. So I know that when I say that you have a formula for adding a hundred K or more to your business this year, that’s going to perk up a lot of real estate agents, whether they’re new or I’ve been in the business forever. That sounds really good. So let’s stop, jump into that. Tell us about this formula that you came up with and how you came up with it on how people can add a, a hundred K I’m going to lift it up and take some notes. Well, it’s so funny. How many people, you know, six figures is this big thing. And growing by six figures, making six figures, all of these things are a benchmark that people hold. And I can tell you from someone who has done it multiple times and Grow businesses there, it’s just this imaginary thing. There’s no difference between making 99,000 in a, a hundred thousand, but people are really drawn towards the six-figure. So I’ve built my business on that because I, myself went through this same drama of wanting to, you know, first started when I was earlier in my career, wanting to make six figures was always my dream. When I first started in my career. And then once it made six figures, I wanted to grow by six Figures. And then when I opened my first business, I wanted it to do six Figures and all of these six-figure rules that were out there. But the formula that we’re, that, you know, I can talk about and tell people about came from, you know, came from the real life. It’s things that I have been through, things that I went through. I’ve grown now several six and seven-figure businesses from the ground up all of the service industry. So real estate being, you know, exactly in that world, it was never products. It was never selling merchandise, or it was always serviced, which is a whole different game. And I’ve learned to grow a service business where you are selling your knowledge, your expertise, and your education in exchange for money. There is a formula to how to grow it. Not only to six figures but beyond six figures. And By multiple six figures. If you keep applying the formula and the formula all started with the first thing that I kind of came up with for myself, which was finding a purpose in something, using that purpose to light your soul on fire. If you find the right purpose, right? Your purpose. Nobody’s purpose out there is to make money. People have a genuine purpose behind the money of what that six figures means. It’s either self-validation, it’s proving something. It’s giving yourself some freedom. It’s allowing you to make other decisions in life that you can’t make. Now, there is some purpose behind that. When you find that purpose, it will ignite automatically passion. It’s like, if you dumped fuel on a fire, the fire will grow. And so the first thing I ever figured it out for myself was that purpose plus passion will always equal profit. If you find the right purpose, if you develop a passion around it, it will grow and it will create profit. Because what PR what passion does is it makes you take relentless action. If you’re not passionate about something, you’re not going to keep going, even when you’re not seeing results immediately. But when you find the right purpose and you drive it with passion, you take relentless action, which means it doesn’t matter if this ad didn’t work or this Facebook ad didn’t work, or this one got rejected, or you’re, you know, your billboard signs or your bench ads aren’t working, or nobody’s calling. You keep doing things to try to drum up more business because there were so passionate about it. If you’re losing that passion, you really need to dive into what is your purpose for this? What’s your purpose for growing? And if you find the right one, it ignites this fire and it just drives action. And in any business, I don’t care what business it is. If you just keep taking action, you will profit. You will grow. And so that was step one to the formula was the actual formula for success. I came up with what drove me to my second piece was, you know, looking at, we were doing something with a client in the construction business, and they kept telling me how important the foundation was when they hit any job. They really start working on the foundation as the most important thing. If they screw up there, they can build the most beautiful building, but it will crumble at some point. And so working with that client really opened my eyes to the foundation. And I started thinking about business in the sense of building a building. And I realized that most people lay such a quick foundation down because in their mindset, they’re only thinking, well, I might only build a one or two stories on this thing, and they’re not thinking long-term, or this may become a 10 or 20 story building because that’s what they really want. And if your foundation is not solid, if its not there to, to hold that weight, you’re building a business. You’re hustling. You’re way to build a business. It is going to fail is going to crumble when you start to put some real pressure on it. And so foundation became the most important tactic at that point that I knew I could work with entrepreneurs and help them establish no matter where they are. I’ve worked with people who are doing $5 million a year and went back to their foundation and found, you know what, the reason you’re not able to grow at 5 million is because your foundation is weak. It’s not solid. You’re not even sure who you’re talking to anymore. And so it’s not just for new people. It’s not just for people. Starting out the foundation is key for anybody at any level they’re at. Yes. So let’s talk about, you said there are three pillars to this one was after the foundation. Okay. So let’s talk about the third one. And then I want to break down each one of these that talk a little bit deeper. So what’s the third pillar. The third one is all about organized success. And so the problem with success is that everybody wants it. The biggest issue is not everyone is organized in the right way to get it. And I don’t mean, you know, the color code in your files and having to go with the name of your phone. I mean, is your focus is your structure, and is your accountability aligned in a way to bring you success? And so organized structure to me means those are organized. Success means those three things, the structure of your business and yourself, the focus of your business and yourself. They have to be aligned. And the accountability of your business and yourself. That is the key. That is the most important work I do with my clients is these three things as part of the organized success, of course, when a client comes on or when I’m working with anyone, we do a purposeful, as passionate equals profit work. We do foundation work, but that’s just the onboarding organized actually an entire year. I spent with my clients to figure out these exact things. Yeah. What I love about what you’re saying is that you don’t necessarily specialize in real estate agents, right? You help all entrepreneurs, but everything that you’re talking about is the same exact thing that not just like entrepreneurs need to think about, but real estate agents are entrepreneurs. And so for example, you know, Less, I’m going to take Peller too, just to, to begin. And then I’m going to talk about how to find purpose. But you know, I always say building a real estate business is like building a house, right? You need that strong foundation. Who do you help? How do you help them? What problems do you solve? You know, what’s your marketing. That is the foundation that you can build any size house that you want on it. And later you can build some additions to. So talk about what kind of things for any entrepreneur in, in, in this case, real estate agents, what are you, what makes up the foundation, a strong foundation for a six-figure business? Right? So we actually do a foundation’s a mastermind specifically because the thing is when I work with my clients for the whole year, you know, I limit how many clients I work with because it’s a really high quality, high touch, a coaching program that I run, but I have so many people who just want help with foundations. So we’ve actually opened up what we call the six-figure mastermind. And it’s all based on just six weeks to build a proper foundation for six Figures and I’m going to go through it. We can go through kind of each week on what we do because they’re all the pillars of foundation. So step one is discipline. People need discipline because any problem with your business is the same as the problem with the entrepreneur and the business has a unique problem. Every problem comes because the person responsible for running that business has a similar problem and discipline as the number one problem. So I’m going to repeat something that you said it was really important. Any problem with your business is a problem with a business owner. Absolutely. Every single time, It’s not the market, it’s not your buyers. It’s not your sellers that sometimes a hard pill to swallow. I was taking full responsibility for that, which I think sometimes hard. He liked to walk around and think, well, it’s not me. It’s blank. No, it’s always, if you Can, and making You think that you can fix anything, you can fix any market. You can rebound. You can, you can create markets. You can create customers if you fix what’s wrong. So discipline is number one. So in the, in the foundation program, we have a, a challenge. We call the bad-ass 30 and the bad-ass 30 is a 30 day bus discipline building a program that we do. Essentially, the people build a set of five rules. We help them build out their rules in their life. These are mostly personal rules and a couple of to do with Business that we show them the power of the power and strength that happens when you actually do what you said you we’ll do for 30 days straight. And so every day you have to honor the rules and they could be the smallest drinking in a certain amount of water, as big as, you know, reaching out to the customers or whatever the case, we show them the value of that, that happens in the background. But we set that up initially and they’re accountable directly to me for wins or losses each day for the whole 30 days as we start off our six-week ch or a six-week mastermind. And then also to set up the foundation, we do a product, a productivity challenge, and we teach them a new productivity tool called problems in priorities. And what I love about problems in priorities, it’s the simplest, but most effective way to be productive. So many people worry about their calendars and color-coding them. And when they’re going to do things and how many hours they work and they’re putting so much effort into the wrong thing. And so problems in priorities is a really simple, I teach them how to take the three biggest problems you’re dealing with this week, how to create three huge priorities that will move those significantly forward or solve the problem within a week. And then the goal is with PNP on every Friday, you can look back at your week and go, you know, those three biggest problems that I couldn’t sleep with on Sunday night while there are all soft and it, and it took me three little priorities to figure that out. And I kept them aligned. The biggest problem, I’m fine with entrepreneurs is the things that keep them up, the things that are the biggest problems they are actually avoiding and not making those a priority. When you make those a priority, things go away so much quicker and it’s easy to move forward. Yeah. One thing, you know, one example in my opinion of avoiding is saying the problem’s too big, right? Like, you know, saying that I can’t possibly tackle it, for example, getting clients right. That would be seen as a problem. And how do you, as just as an example of getting clients, how do you set that problem up to be solved by the end of the week, by setting those priorities, what would it be? I’m an ex-foodie. So I like to think about food. When I think about problems, I talk, I talked to my clients about pizza and I’m like, look, if you really grabbed an extra-large pizza and put it in front of you, chances of you eating the whole thing. I mean, there are times when maybe you could, but it seems pretty big. So how do you tackle that? You cut a slice off, you eat one slice and you work your way. That way. It’s the same thing with a problem. If you look at the whole problem, it seems way too big to tackle, cut a slice off. And that’s what PMP teaches you to do. We don’t solve your biggest problem. Like I don’t have enough clients. That’s not your biggest problem. Let’s dive it down a couple of layers and figure out what your real problem is. The real problem is you probably haven’t even chosen, made it made a significant choice towards who you want to work with. Where do they, where do they hang out with? What language do they speak and how do you speak that language to them? That’s probably a bigger problem. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay. So, okay. So we’re just building a foundation. You’ve got the priorities. Yeah. Yeah. We have productivity. We have a bad-ass 30, those are all upfront. We do those as soon as you join so that we get you aligned. Then here are the Real pillars for the foundation. We do a six-figure niche work and niche work is the most important part of the foundation. The thing that everyone thinks they have, or they don’t need, but they really, we do it in a different, we have a, a worksheet in a program we call a niche Ninja and it dives in the simplest format to figure out who are you going after? And the thing that people worry about most with niching is niching means Less business. And I can’t tell you how wrong that is. Okay. Can we stop here and talk about this for just a second? Because everybody who listens to this podcast knows that I am like pro Ninja, but then when then they push against it or they can’t understand how do they choose their niche. So I know I struggled with my niche for years, until it finally clicked. And then it was like, Whoa, so much business. And I think you struggled with finding your niche for years, and then all of a sudden click and you made multi-six figures. So can you talk a little bit about how your approach to, or your experience with niching and somebody can get there? Interesting. And the coaching world it’s much like the real estate world as he left coach, I can help really anyone coach on any problem. I mean, if someone comes up with a way that shoe, I can help them. If someone comes with a relationship issue, it can help them. And, and I tried, when I first went into coaching for the first two years, I firmly believed, Hey, there’s so much more benefit. If I just say I’m a life coach, I can help you with any problem. And I’m speaking to billions of people in the world. My chances of getting clients is far greater than if I only speak to a small subsection of the world. And so My my mentor, my mentor, my coach, You were with me and told me no. And I was so resistant to it that I said, I’m going to prove her wrong. And I’m going to put All of my energy there, proving That my theory is right, has been two years doing that. And my first year I made $9,000 total income. My second year I made $12,000 total income, and I was completely deflated. This is, this is not working. I can’t live on this. This is never going to build to where I want to be. So I decided at one point in my second year to just, I’ve seen other coaches, Grow, I’ve seen other people do the niche thing and really take off of it. I said, you know what, I’m going to give this a shot. And so I decided the one thing I’m really, really good at in my past has been building service-based businesses. So I’m going to take all of the frustration and trouble. I’ve had myself and I’m going to develop what I’ve used to get over it and build those other businesses. And so I, I crafted that. I want to work with entrepreneurs. And then I said, you know what? I don’t want to work with any entrepreneurs. I want to work with service entrepreneurs, only people who are not selling products. And I want to work with service entrepreneurs only who feels stuck and lost in who they’re speaking to. And I’ve struggled and tried quote, unquote, everything and are not able to grow. And so I got really deep in my niche. And the funny thing is within nine months of choosing that niche, I went from 12,000 income, two 180,000 of income. I have a nine months, 10 months later, I was Able to climb to $800,000 of income. It’s like magic. Magic. Yeah, go ahead. The most important phrase that your people can take away is you have to sell a specific thing to a specific person that is the absolute magic of any service-based entrepreneur. If they want to make unlimited amounts of money, they have to grasp the concept that you have to sell a very specific thing to a very specific person. And so that means choosing, and there is no wrong choice. When you niche, your customers will tell you if it’s, if there’s a better choice out there based on their reaction, but your niche takes time. When you choose one, you have to stick with it for a certain amount of time to make sure it will work. We make our people sign an agreement when they do their niche at the bottom of their net sheet, they sign contract that says they will not change their niche for any reason. For 12 months, they will put you on the bathroom. ’cause it takes away the plan B the plan B of why I can just change my niche. I put one ad out, nobody replies. I put, you know, I, I put a, a, a, a Facebook ad or I talk to people and no one’s coming back to me with his niche. 12, You work, it doesn’t work, right? They say it doesn’t work. They’ll try another niche. And what they’re doing is they’re making 10% effort on a bunch of different niches and they don’t grab hold. It takes some time for your niche to turn around and the work for you. But if you work, it, it will work for you. That’s what we teach our people. You know? So two things on that piece before we move on to the next foundation, foundational pillar, number one is, it sounds like the niche you chose was kind of like who you were in other words. And so that’s, I always taught the real estate agent in your experience is a clue, right? So my niche is first time home was, was first-time home buyers because when I was coming up with this, I was a first-time home buyer. I had bought my first home. I hadn’t, I had not sold any homes. Right. So that was my clue. And same thing. It sounds like, you know, you were helping service-based entrepreneurs and that’s what you were all those years. So your experience is your clue. That’s a good, another good takeaway. And then what else did you say? Oh, 12 months working your niche. So, one thing I see in real estate agents doing is once they think of a niche, they it’s all in their head and they, they, they think they don’t put it out there. So I think another part of, of, of doing everything to create that niche is actually making offers to your niche. Right? Getting your niche out there. And so many people, they have a niche, but then they don’t quite know how to communicate it or how to get in front of those people. The advice on that. Yeah. So that’s actually a pillar two, the next pillar. Yeah. After we do a niche, we then CA we, we do a process called six-figure copy, but it’s basically, we go through a sample of writing copy around your niche’s biggest problem. The benefits that you present to your niche from hiring you, the specifics of what you give your niche, when they do hire you and the result your niche will experience. Once they have worked with you, those four pillars are what we call a six-figure copy. And we write those in bullet point format first. And then we create copy out of those bullet points so that you have a quick elevator pitch standard messaging that you can use to talk specifically to your niche. What language do they understand if you’re, if you are trying to, you know, cell to a Spanish speaker in market, and you only speak English, it’s never going to work. It’s the exact same thing with marketing copy. It has to be derived directly to your niche. Show how we communicate and how we talk about those four pillars, which are, you know, what’s their problem. What are you, what are the benefits you present? What do you specifically give them as tangible takeaways? And what does the PRI what does the result they feel after working with you, or they receive after working with you? You need to have those four things dialed in. Everything else you do and talk about in your career will be derived from those four pillars every time. Okay? So let’s let everybody who’s listening. Write this down. Number one, say it one more time. The floor, The problems that your clients are experiencing right now, what problem do they have? The second one is what are the benefits that they immediately receive from working with you? So when they hire you, what benefit do they receive to alleviate their problems right now? Then what are the tangible things they actually get from working with you? You know, do they get, do they get the advertising? Do they get the, a virtual tour? Do they get the, you know, they’re listed? Do they get to sign out front to it? What are the tangible things they get? Because some people are fixated on tangibles rather than benefits. So you have to be able to talk about both of those two succinctly. And then the most important one is what is the result your client gets after having worked with you? So you want to paint the picture for the real estate, right? For the real estate world. And I do have a couple of clients in the real estate market, but in the real estate world, you want to paint a picture of, you know, their dream. What is your dream? Why are they selling a house or why they’re looking for a house where they want more room for their family, they want a yard. They want room for their, you know, they’re family to grow there, going to have another kid or whatever is, they want to three or four bedroom paint that picture for them. You’re going to have the house that is most aligned to your dream. You’re going to be sitting on your front porch with, you know, your kid’s playing in a fenced yard, all comfortable, nice neighbors, trees growing up, whatever it is, paint that picture that you’re going to deliver them, the exact dream they have. And you’re not only you’re going to deliver it, but you’re going to deliver it. And the most beneficial and efficient way for them, which is what they want to hear. So you have to paint that, but you have to choose where you’re working. Because when I paint that benefit, when I paint that last final result, like I have a friend who was in the real estate market many years ago, we were having this conversation and he was focused on larger homes in the area. Definitely the top percentage homes, you know, working with homes that are usually a million plus. And he said, the only problem in he’d been doing real estate for quite a few years. And that’s how he got to that level. I’m the only problem-wise. He said, you know, the thing is like, I talked to people at the time. They’re like, Oh, I would have called you. But I figured, you know, you’re only dealing with the big homes now. And he says, I’m missing out on, on these little homes. And he’s like, I have friends and I have family who would have called me the list, their house. And they have this idea that I don’t do it. And they said, well, then you’re doing something, right? Because if you have taken actions in the market that are suddenly letting people know where your focus is, then guess what the opposite is happening. All the people with big homes are going, Oh, I should call this guy. And so you’re easily getting those homes and you’re not getting distracted with all the of homes underneath a million dollars, because sure you could grab them and sell them. But your clientele, your marketing, your positioning, which is the next step in our foundation, your positioning is based on million dollar plus homes, which means as a million-dollar plus a homeowner, you’re the first person I think to call you’re the Sinai C on my neighbor’s yard. If I’m coming to the neighborhood and I’m looking for a million-dollar home, I’m calling you because you have them all listed. You have the network, you have the people, you know what to look for in those homes. You know, what’s coming on in the market. I’m not calling the guy who has a bungalow for half a million dollars listed. So yes, people positioning is about excluding people. That’s what positioning is. And if you do it right, you’re going to exclude a lot of people, but that’s how you make the money. Right? Because then by excluding people, you’re also including on a high level of the people you want to work with. Yeah, exactly. And if you don’t do any of that, you’re not getting anybody. No, because if you try to talk to everyone, you speak to no one, I get that. Right. So did I? Okay, so we’re on, so that’s, what the hell are we on? That’s for that’s for this positioning. Okay. What comes after that? And then the next thing we do is really cool. It’s, it’s absolutely the most fun I have with any client. And we call it the six figure alter ego. And what we do is to go through this unique process of, there are two sides to every person. There was the enemy and there was the alter-ego. The enemy is the one that’s convincing you to change niches. It’s convincing you that you have to speak to everyone. The enemy is the, the thing that holds you back and life, the alter ego is actually something that you can, you completely create based on who you are on your core. It’s not who you want to become. It’s not who you wish you were. If you stripped away all of the things you believed about the way the world works in the, and you know, been afraid of the dark and things that aren’t, you know, go bump in the night and all the things you learn through society, the things you learned about yourself and the worst things that you think people talk about. If you removed all of that, strip that all the way, and we got down to your core, what is your true alter ego do? And then we create a process that shows them how to become that alter ego and what we call the moment of impact. So the moment of impact for a realtor is, you know, walking into a home, going to meet a client, you know, putting together the spec sheet or whatever the case, that moment of impact, we, we train and show how to become the alter ego. So all that other noise can go away and you can actually do 10 times the energy and work into the work you’re doing and get things done so much faster because the noise is gone. And it’s a creative week. It’s a fun week when we do the pillar of alter ego. And like I said, it’s the most fun we had with people because we really get to see a side of them that they’ve been holding back for so long. You know, that’s why I always say you got to add the, you back into your business, right? So it’s kind of like who you truly are is what you’re kind of saying, like, pull that out and have that almost like your superpower I’ll, I’ll tell your listeners right now, the easiest way to go out there and make unlimited amounts of money. Find out who you are at the core and go sell that because nobody else has that. Nobody else is more you than you. So you will never have competition if you own who you are and you go, that’s what made me the badass business coach, because I was like, you know what? I’m sick of trying to be this person and trying to get a whole people’s hands and be all nice. I said, you know what? I’m deciding that I’m going to be direct. I am going to be raw with them. And I’m going to tell them exactly what they need to hear. And I tell my clients says right before they hire me every time I care more about your success than I do your feelings, which means if I have to hurt your feelings one day and tell you something true so that you can move forward and be more successful, I’m going to do it. And that’s when I said, you’re not hiring your best friend. You’re hiring a coach and we’re going to kill it together. But you got to know, I love you. I will come at you with love all the time, but I care about your success more than I care about your feelings, because I want you to be you. And when your, when your people know of any entrepreneurial out there selling a service knows if you try to sell your education, you can sell it for a little bit of money. When you try to sell your experience, you can sell it for a lot more money, much easier when a doctor first comes out of med school, okay? And they’re starting on to the doctor. They, they have a limited resource of what they know when a doctor has been doing. When a doctor specializes in cancer research and they been doing it for 30 years, there are way more valuable than when they came out of med school education. It’s the fact is that is the bottom end is it is the basics that you need experience is way more valuable to your clients in your education. So if you’re a realtor out there and you’re just getting started and you want to build, you will become more valuable as you get more experience. And that’s why my friend who was selling the million dollar plus homes, he all sent them, became really valuable to these people because he understood the market and a million-plus, because that was serious. He sold X amount of homes there he’s helped so many buyers. There are so many testimonials in that space because he owned who he was, right. He had just, he himself was in a million-dollar home. He knew that it was a different world to buy homes at that level at that time. And so today, I think is more in like the two to $3 million range, because things have grown, of course, but still, he’s in the higher end homes at this point. And it makes so much, but that’s authentically who he is. He’s always loved those homes. He’s always strived to be in the room. He’s always built his business so he can afford them. And so for him, that’s his people because that’s who he is. Right. And what I really want real estate agents to hear, because for some reason, it is rampant in the real estate industry that everybody’s trying to look like everybody else, nobody was willing to stand out. And the fact that if you can just embrace who you actually are. So on the opposite, right? The guy that your friend is this luxury guy for me, I’m the, on the opposite of that to this day, I don’t sell luxury homes, even though quote-unquote earned it because it’s just not who I am. It’s not the people I want to hang out with. You know, the funny thing is you’ve actually earned the right to do whatever the heck you want to do. And so you were in the right to stay in selling. First-time home buyers are selling, you know, in the US, in a different market, because of all the experience you’ve built, you’ve earned the right to do whatever you want. So many people starting out. I see it in real estate, too. So many people starting out want that. They want to sell the big homes because it’s a bigger commission. It’s nicer. They meet the network with bigger people, all this stuff, you don’t have to be successful to get there. You can be successful and stay where you are. It’s fine. You can just dominate where you are, because that’s where you built your experience. Right? And in order to take, to get that knit, right? It’s about embracing who you are. So when I, when I grabbed my niche, it was because I had never sold any houses and I had bought my own house, but I just own that fact. You know, I, all I know is I know how to get you to be a way to be a homeowner. Cause that’s what I did for myself. You have all of these people coming to you and going, I don’t know what to do. I want to own a home and you’re going, I know exactly how you feel. I’m going to share my experience and my education with you to get you to where I am. Yeah. So it really just owning yourself and not being like, Oh, I’m trying to be some fancy person. Like I know what I’m doing. No, I didn’t sell that. I sold, like, I feel you. I know where I’ve know where you’ve been. That was my selling proposition. Easier to sell that. Yeah. Okay. Keep going. Pillar. I think we’re on Six. Yep. And so the last one we do, the last one we do before we wrap it into a framework for your business is we talk about your offer, your pricing, your offers. So in the real estate game, you know what it is, what is the price? What do you work on? What percentage are you working at? And what is the offer more important than, than price? What are you actually offering your clients? So we want to know two things about your offer. You write a small offer, and then we ask you, what is this the most compelling part of your offer? And then number two, what does the Mercedes in your offer in the Mercedes, in your offer is the irresistible piece. So for instance, it may be compelling. There may be some part that is compelling, that makes someone’s ear stand up and the way you offer your services. But there is a Mercedes that is irresistible. And the reason we call it a Mercedes is because the theory of, if I had a brand new, a hundred thousand dollars Mercedes, and I’d tried to sell it to you for $10. And you said, no, thank you. I wouldn’t try to keep selling you. I would just be flabbergasted. And I would just be like, Oh, it’s a 10, I’m giving you a hundred grand for $10 or I’ll right. The next guy in line. Let me give it to him. I don’t sit there and dwell on it. I don’t. So the Mercedes is that irresistible piece that if you still don’t buy what that irresistible piece, you’re not my person. I can move on and find the next one. And we tell people with the right offer of wanting to think about this and realtors would know this as well. You get into a networking room of a hundred people. And I tell you right now, as a realtor, I tell you, there are two people in this room who were about to list our house and we’ll hire you on the spot tonight. If, if you find them a hundred people in a room, you have 10 minutes to find these two people, you better have a damn solid way to identify your right niche, make an offer and find out if they’re your person, because you might have to get through 98 people till you find these people and with the right formula that we help you build, you can do it so easily, so quickly and not get hung up with the people that are not your people. You actually are, are relieved. When you get someone and you go, Oh, you’re not mine. Perfect. Let me move on to the next person and shoot them off to someone else. Maybe you have a colleague, maybe of someone in your, like, you know what? If you’re looking for a high-rise condo in this area, I’m going to put you in touch with my friend. He’s the best at it. You should work with him and you’re going to be so fine giving a business. Cause a lot of realtors are hearing that and going, no, no, no, no. I’ll find them the condo. Don’t worry about it. Don’t do that. Can I give it a concrete example? So, because I think this is where a lot of agents don’t really understand what that offer piece means. And so what I teach them is to figure out how you solve a problem and that be your offer. So here’s one example. There is a lot of people who want to sell their house that either needed to move first or feel like they have to do all of this work to get it ready. And that is preventing them from moving forward. So what would solve that one thing that would solve that? Is there a real estate agents who, for example, stage the house as part of their listing fee and there was some agents that don’t right. So if you want to grab onto the fact that you stage houses for free as part of your listing fee, that would sell me because I know exactly how much a staging, a house costs, right? Costs 3000, $4,000 sometimes. Yeah. So if you walk around in that room, as Dave was saying, and you say, Hey, I want to save you some money. When you list your house, I can stage your house for free. And it looks like a brand new house is going to increase the price of your home, right. Benefit. Benefit. Benefit. So that’s an example of a quote-unquote offer that Dave is talking about. I’ll give one more example. I think a lot of real estate agents forget that they have this, what I call the after part of their business, that there are clients that have bought or sold a home with them. And a good offer for that as an example is I have what’s called a dwell loyalty program. So if you’re a past client and you come back to me, right, my offer is I’m going to do all of the things I normally do. I’m going to sell your house for the most money. I’m going to get it to all the things that we all do. But in addition to that, this was the Mercedes The. In addition to that, if you come back to me with, to sell a house that I helped you buy, you get a discount on my side of the commission. Why is that important? Because that’s the Mercedes I’m going to do everything that anybody else can do, but I’m doing something no one else will do. Yeah, exactly. It’s so funny because we, we like to think that we are, are, we are about, you know, one small step away from getting our real estate license in our house because we’ve moved eight times in the last 14 years. So by this point we should know enough to do it, but we have these amazing realtors that we’ve used almost the last Six transactions we’ve done. ’cause and I can look at it now and say they have a very compelling piece and they have an absolutely incredible Mercedes. And because they come to us with those two pieces, much of actually what you just talked about. And that’s why we keep using them again. Like I’m sitting in my office, we moved to Mauro. So I’m sitting to my office right now and he gets my computer and my mic, everything else I’m looking at is boxes right now because they come tomorrow to pick up everything and move us. But we’ve gone back to these people for a couple of reasons. And one of their, compelling pieces is a, they do really high-end marketing. The marketing pieces they come up with is all very, very nicely done, like really high-end. And they, they, they just do it differently. And so that’s compelling to us because we love how they market our home because they attract the right buyers in. And, and they’ve always brought us at or over asking, which has always been great, but they do the same thing. And you just talked about as well, when we come back to them, they don’t have to Mark it to get us back. They, they just want us to come back when we’re ready. So when we come back to them, they give us the same opportunity. They say, look, we’ll give you, we’ll give you a better break. We’ll do everything we’ve always done, but you’re coming back to us and we appreciate your loyalty. And it builds loyalty. When you tell people you appreciate loyalty, it builds loyalty. And so we had been loyal to these people in this husband and wife team have taken care of us through all our homes. And I mean, lucky for them, we have kept moving because we move up. So, you know, our first, yeah, our first house, we sold with them. The first house they did for us, we sold four, a 410,000. And now we’re, we’re doing transactions in the millions, which is, you know, for them, they love, but it’s a, it’s a huge benefit for them to have our loyalty because they know there are just going to make more money and do more things as they grow Well. Exactly. In real estate agents sometimes think, well, you can’t just count like a mission house, you know? And it’s like, wait a second, wait a second. You’re not discounting your commission. You’re you, you have a program where you have a loyalty program, which not only helps people buy houses with you because you talk about it. When they are purchasing her house, you put, then you are making double the commission because you’re selling a house. Yes. It will be slightly lower than maybe you quote-unquote could. But why would you assume that you’re getting that Business anyway, and then they’re buying another more expensive house with you? So I think that’s something. Yeah, exactly. So using the Mercedes to get more business and in some times, yeah, it costs you a little bit, but you’re getting more business, not less okay. So we went through that foundation. I want to back up though. Anything else you want to add on the foundation? Because I want to talk about this purpose, passion, profit piece. Sure. So at the end of the foundation, we actually build this framework. It’s one sheet of paper that has every single important tactic in your business. Out of the six weeks, we worked together on this one sheet, we literally call it your framework. We put it in a frame, you put it on your desk. And we say, every decision you make for the next 12 months in your business has to fit in this frame. If it doesn’t fit in the frame, don’t do it. And all of a sudden it takes to all the noise away from people. So we wrap it up with a bow. We make it very nice. So that you end up with a piece of paper that shows you your exact foundation. Now you can go build Awesome. Yeah. A very structured way of looking at your business. So this is great. And everything you’re talking about is exactly what I teach to do. So this should be nothing new to anybody listening, but I love the way that you’ve kind of put parameters around it or a structure to it. I think it’s really helpful to hear somebody else say it a different way. So thank you for your approach and how you’re looking at it. It’s just you and me doing it. So people know this is the way the world works. There’s a reason to have multiple people from completely different areas are talking about the same stuff. Guys, you got to stop resisting and just start over. Yeah. And Dave’s in Canada, I think. Right? Aren’t you in Canada and we’re in the US so it’s also international? It’s not just us. I’m going to say to my clients, I have clients in Australia and Asia and Italy and the UK in Germany. And I was telling you, it is completely universal. Everyone everywhere needs these things. And once they have them, their business skyrockets. Yeah. Truth, truth. Okay. I’m going to go back just slightly to passion, purpose, and passion equals profit because people oftentimes, or at least the agents, I talk to have a really hard time with this purpose piece and finding their why, especially when there is a conflicting Y for example, I hear a lot of times, Oh, I became a real estate agent because I want to be home more with my kids. And then what happens is they get more successful and they’re spending less time with their kids. And so then they start putting on these barriers to success. So can you talk a little bit about this purpose? Passion equals profit since that was the beginning of your a hundred K formula. Yeah. Let’s just be clear purpose. Our passion and profit are automatic. They take care of themselves. The only thing a person out there has to worry about is the purpose. If they find the right purpose, passionate nights automatically, it keeps burning. As long as you remember your why. And then profit automatically happens over time, depending on how much effort and time you put in, I’m going much energy versus time will create your profits. So really what I have to worry about with my clients is the purpose. And the purpose is a really funny thing because a lot of people think, okay, so my purpose is to be home with my kids. Like you said, in real terms, want that flexibility that they can be home. They can set their schedule. And so they’d become a realtor. Then they have to find out great. Anybody can become a realtor. Do you want to be a successful realtor? And if you want to be a successful realtor, what is the reason that that’s not? So you can be at home with your kids. That’s why he became a realtor. So yes, that’s your why that will drive you to become a realtor and maybe sell one house or help one person with a transaction. You’re officially a realtor, congratulations, but that why won’t serve you beyond that. And the problem is when you start making money, you are now beyond anywhere, your why would it have taken you? So if you have an unclear why after that, and you start making money, you start being successful. You have no GPS anymore. It’s like just getting in the car and driving and having no idea where you’re going. You have to have a destination. You have to have a purpose for what you’re doing, and that purpose needs to ignite you. So the purpose will change. There are times you have to look in a purpose for a purpose. To me is much like a foundation. If you build a small purpose, you will build a small business. Your purpose has to be something that can take you further. So yes, you want to be a realtor. And so it can be at home with your kids. Great. Go get your license. Once you get your license. Now, what is your purpose for becoming a successful realtor? It’s not that you want to be home with your kids anymore. It’s maybe that you want to make enough money, that you can take your entire family away for two weeks, every year, without worrying about finances. Maybe you want some financial freedom. Maybe you want to be able to build a team that can do the work for you so that you can make money and be home more. You have to have the right reason. Otherwise, you’re just a fish flailing on the beach at that point. And that’s why so many people get misguided in the last, at that point, when they’re making money and they don’t know what to do, the worst thing I’ve ever seen, it’s a successful person without a purpose. I have clients who come to the world, making millions they’re successful. They have no purpose. And they feel like shit every day, which is just bad. Well, and if your purpose revolves around just making money, it is you’re going to end up feeling empty. Nobody in the world actually has a purpose to make money. No one purpose has ever been to make money. The money represents something in their life, something in their past, something in their future, the money represents something. Money is just a resource, just like time, right? Money is just this thing that we invented to keep track of things the same way. There are 24 hours in a day, there are dollar bills and $10 bills and $20 bills or a hundred dollars bills. It’s the same thing. We’ve invented it to track things, but nobody’s purpose has ever been for the money. It might be. They want to appear successful to impress people. They want to, they want to feel freedom, right? They want to be able to buy something they want to add to this. So here’s the question I want the money. Well, Dave knows my purpose is money because I want to be able to buy this car in this house. Great. Why do they want to buy that car in that house? What’s the difference between that Mercedes in that Toyota. Well, so much, you know, the leather, the This. Yeah. So, so what does that mean to you? And you can dive so many layers, deeper your people to find out their true purpose. Once you find out their true purpose, they are so driven towards achieving it. And then once they do, once it comes with insights and you find they’re there, you have to do the purpose, exercise all over again because they need a new purpose. And so, as you grow, as you hit milestones, you better also be doing purpose work in each milestone. Otherwise, you’re going to end up lost again. So I think it would be helpful if you’re, if you’re willing, if you’re not, I’ll just share mine, but can you share your purpose and how you found it and then how that got to passion, or I guess a passion about how the passion happened automatically. And then perhaps I can do the same because mine has changed. My purpose has changed recently. I think it’s important for people to hear that too. Maybe yours has as well. Oh, okay. Yeah. My purpose has changed many times over the years. What the purpose I’m currently working with is I want to give, I want to provide people who have enough guts to be an entrepreneur. I want to give them the freedom to truly understand what entrepreneurship is. And by doing that, I am also understanding exactly what entrepreneurship is because my success is totally in my success is driven off how much money I make. And it has nothing to do with my income. My success is driven off how many other entrepreneurs I make successful. So when I look at it and I go, okay, I bring my clients in it and I make it a hundred thousand dollars a year. Guess what? Out of that 800, a thousand I made, I actually impacted and contributed to over $4 million of income and the world because of my entrepreneurs going out there and growing their businesses. Right. That’s right. And so who do they impact? And how does that, so you can take this formula as far as you want, but I know that my purpose right now is solely to enjoy and understand entrepreneurship by helping others also enjoy and understand entrepreneurship. That’s where my success comes from. And that gives me so much passion because I feel for so many years, I never understood entrepreneurship. I really thought it was about running a business. It’s not entrepreneurship is about running yourself and then having a business attached to it. That’s it. If you learn how to run yourself, manage yourself and grow yourself, your business will run itself, manage itself and grow itself as well. Yeah, that’s the truth. I always say our businesses are just a reflection of who we think we are or who we are being. Right. All your, all your businesses is a mirror. Yeah. So yeah, sometimes it’s hard to look at it. I know I’ve been there. It’s about your purpose and why it changed Well, in the beginning of my real estate career, it, my purpose was, was created out of frustration. When I bought my first house, it was a complete disaster. Does the worst feeling. And I was like, it should not have to be this bad. And I felt so strongly about that for some reason, I think because I believe so strongly in homeownership and what it means, like what the value of a home means, like to people’s everything, you know, like who they are, you know, their commute to work and what all that means and how they grow their family and there are reasons. And my childhood that that’s, that’s important to me, but the sense of home was so important to me and then having my own and then have it be such a disaster that made such an impact on me that I like literally quit my job and was like, I’m going to do this better. And I don’t want anybody else to have this feeling. And then I failed miserably for years and years, but then, and then my purpose became like, truly, because I think that the reason I failed is because I was focused on money. I was focused on success, but then I realized that I had to change that to truly helping people. I had got caught up in this like success loop. And I was focused on selling instead of helping. And once I realized that I, that my purpose was not to be successful or not to get more people to buy, to buy a house, it was truly to add value and help people understand why being a homeowner. It was better than being a renter and then how to make that more affordable for them. And then what that meant for their life and, and, and what it meant, not just for that moment in their life, but as a stepping stone to the rest of their life. That’s what I had to tap into. And that’s where I finally got. And that is when my success took off. And then what happened for me was I, I, you know, I kept doing it. It kinda, and I got so successful that I had to open a brokerage and help all these other real estate agents or all these other real estate agents came to me when the market was crashing and saying, what are you doing? How are you opening a brokerage in the middle of the crash and something about that same situation where people were coming to me and kind of this like desperate place and saying like, I need your help, help me. And then being able to show them that my formula and what I did and have them be as successful as I was and what that meant to change, what that meant for them in their life. And seeing all of the ripple effects that like lit a fire into me. And then I just wanted to do it on a higher level. You know, I didn’t want to grow a brokerage. I wanted to grow real estate agents businesses. And so that’s when I changed my purpose from helping buyers and sellers to helping real estate agents. Because I know if I can do that, that ripple effect kind of like, you know, it just trickles down and you can make such an impact. Yeah. And it serves you, it serves you on a higher level at that point. Yeah. And I will say, there’s this other purpose that I, I don’t like the way that the public sees real estate agents. I think overall, the public views real estate agents is really negative. And I believe it’s because of the way that, that real estate agents market and present themselves. And I want to teach them that there’s a better way. And if I can do that, then maybe I can change the way that real estate agents are viewed in the public as not these kinds of like sales people who are just wanting to get you on the car and tell you a house, but actually somebody who is like a, a counselor in your life and who adds value to your life and create help you create wealth, kind of like a good financial adviser, a good accountant, a good real estate agent can be that in that circle as well. So that’s kind of my secondary purpose. I don’t know if I’m going to accomplish that, but that was my goal. I love it. And it, it, your purpose should serve you and it should serve your audience as well. And if it’s not serving both of you, it’s not your purpose. That’s what you got to make sure for some people develop a purpose. They don’t feel any attachment to it, but they feel it’s the right thing to do, or it’s what they want to feel. And it’s not right. Right. It has to serve you as much or more as it serves your customer. And if it does, then you’re golden. If it doesn’t, then it’s not going to work. Yeah. And being willing, I think for me, when I knew I clicked into my purpose, it was like, I don’t care if every single person I come in contact with it, like, doesn’t go for it. It’s more like, I believe in this so strongly that I know that I’ll find the people who believe in it too. Does that make sense? It’s like, it’s like, it don’t matter kind of that’s when I feel like, yeah. That’s when you’ve tapped into your purpose, that when you’re like, I have something really helpful to share the no’s don’t matter. That’s just, who’s next. Who I got to find the next one who I can help that kind of feeling. Okay. That’s awesome. And then the last we kind of went out of order, but the last thing, anything to add about that structure after you build the foundation of you finds your purpose, you build your foundation, and then you talked about that third piece. Yeah. So the organized success point, once you have a foundation, once you know your purpose, we now need to organize you towards success. That’s what I do with my clients. When I work with them over a year when I do my one-on-one work, it’s that is all based on, look, I’m going to focus on you in the right area, which means you’re only going to be doing the work that matters and not just being busy, being busy. So many people think that they multitask and they do a bunch of things to do business with. Grow it’s not the case. If you put all your energy into three things maximum to help your business run and grow, you can be significantly more successful. Again, people think more is more and it’s not more is actually the less, you have to do less things, but put all your energy into them. And that’s what I help my people do over the long period of time so that we can through four seasons of their business for seasons of their life, we can actually grow their business and they can learn how to do that over and over again. Amazing Dave, you’re so full of information and help. Is there anything you want to add? And after you add whatever you want to add, can you let people know where they can find out more about your work? You, yeah. So first off, I always love to tell people where they can learn for me for free because my value is to help entrepreneurs and you don’t have to pay me to learn from me. There are enough people in the world that do need my help and will pay me that I’m happy to give out tons of information for free. So I have my own Podcast entrepreneurs only. You can go listen to that. It’s strictly around building six, figure growth in your business every week is a new episode. It’s all free stuff. Everything we’ve done on foundation, we have discussions about the formula, a purpose, passion, profit. We have an episode about it. So you can go listen to that for free. Now, if you want more in this while I Podcast list, there is no. If you want more, if you want to do this work on a deeper level with me, you can find me over at www.SixFigure, real simple, straightforward, we’re at And you’re going to see right there. It’s going to talk about our foundations program. Our six weeks to six-figure growth. We actually have one that is starting September 14th. We only run about four of these a year. The next one starts September 14th. I’m really hoping to build up a group of realtors in there. And we can do a Real a realtor, a specific our focused group together on this. If we have the realtor show up, which will be really cool and what I’m going to do for your listeners, just for taking the time and listening today, I’m going to give them a coupon code right here where they, if they go to that and they, by the mastermind, it will give them to $150 off the mastermind to help them out. So they enter a code, a realtor, all-cap sock, E a L T O our realtor, all end caps. I’m at the checkout. They will save 250 bucks between now and September 14th. Awesome. And I will put all of these links, the links to his website. I’ll put the code, the discount code on the show notes page at Agent Grad School dot com. So thank you, Dave. So much. No problem. And I think realtors can learn a lot from you. So thanks so much. Thank you. Jennifer care. Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode. Remember change happens when you take action. So apply what you learn today to your own real estate business. If this episode has helped you subscribe, leave a review and share it with all your real estate agent friends, and as always, if you want even more great resources to create the real estate business you’ve always wanted, and to have the life you want outside of your business, to head over to Agent Grad School dot com and sign up for the free weekly trainings, you’ll get free classes, discounts, and other goodies that only go out to a real estate agent on that email list. See you next week. Right here on Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent The Agent Grad School Podcast.

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