When you think about having the real estate business and life outside your business you’ve always wanted what comes to mind?
For most of us, there is a moment of dreaming big followed at some point by a thought like, “I’ll never be able to have that.” Or, something along the lines of “Sounds great, but I have no idea how to make that happen.”
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Why do we think we can’t have what we want, or that what we want is somehow an impossibility for us? That what we want and our ability to actually have it are not equal?
Life is too short not to have it be exactly the way we want it to be.
Like, why can’t you be a successful real estate agent and have a great life too? Make good money and have some free time to enjoy it…that doesn’t seem like an impossible dream to me.
It’s not asking for too much out of life, yet so many agents I talk to think a life like this is not in the cards for them.
Once you realize what you reallllllly want in life and how you’ve been holding yourself back, it can bring up a lot of emotions–sadness, anger, frustration, and after all that comes hope and then finally the thing that matters most–action.
In today’s workshop-style episode of Confessions of A Top Producing Real Estate Agent, I’m walking you through a 7-step process so you can make whatever you want happen.
And, because as Lee Iacocca said, “The disciple of writing something down is the first step to making it happen,” I’m also giving you a free workbook for you to use as I walk you through the 7 Steps to Get Anything You Want.
Having anything you want is not a catch phrase and it’s not too good to be true. It’s something each one of us is capable of, but only if we remove what’s in the way.
This 7 step process will help you do that.
Let this be the year you say I will _________________________ and then truly go for it like it’s going to happen.
Don’t just wait and see what happens, decide and then commit to make it happen.
Not in a stressful way, but in a “I’m worthy and capable” kind of way.
Because you are. 💖
To your success,
P.S. If you’re a ready to hit 6 or even 7 figures in your real estate business AND have a life, without needing a team to do it, click here to learn how I did it and how you can too.
Episode Transcript
Happy New Year. Whenever it’s a new year, we tend to think about our goals and what we wanna accomplish this year. And I don’t know about you, but it seems like within 30 seconds of me having a big goal or big dream, there’s this doubt that starts to creep in the question’s like, can I actually do that? Can I actually do that this year? And then questions like, how am I gonna make that happen? And then oftentimes it starts to feel overwhelming and we think, oh, no, no, no, that’s too big of a dream for me. But what if I told you, you and me, that we had the ability to make anything we want happen this year?
Does that sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not On this episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing, Real, Estate, Agent. I am walking you through a seven step process to not just identify a realistic goal for you to achieve this year, but how to achieve it. Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers. Listen in as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the us, even opening my own brokerage full of agents, helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I used in day two, became top Producing agents.
Now through this podcast at agent Grad school.com, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you, most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry. No, fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques, or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted and the life outside your business. You’ve always wanted to. Let’s make it happen. And dive into today’s episode. In this episode, I’m walking you through a process, a seven step process for figuring out what it is that you truly want, and then the steps to actually making it happen.
I hate saying the word, I guarantee it, but I promise you, If, you follow these seven steps. You really can have anything you want. It’s like a plan to make it happen. So as you’re listening to this episode, I refer to the workbook a lot. And you can grab that workbook. I would grab it right now, have it printed out at agent Grad school.com/make it happen. Most of the episodes that I record, I, my goal is to have you listen to them as you’re driving around as a real estate agent. This one in particular I would listen to, but then I would also find time when you’re not driving around to actually print out that workbook and go through it with me as I’m walking you through the steps.
So again, agent Grad school.com/make it happen. Get that workbook, print it out, and make whatever you want ha to happen actually happen this year. Remove that doubt and keep going. And really ask yourself, what would happen if I actually believed in myself, believed in my ability to make and create the life and the real estate business? I want what If, you walked around all year long with that kind of mentality, no matter what happened, what would you be able to accomplish? Who would you be a year from now?
What would you be able to create? So as we begin this new year, that’s the energy, those are the thoughts that we want. And there is a process for making that happen. I’m gonna walk you through it right now. What comes up for you? What thoughts come to mind when I say you can have anything you want this year? And notice whether they’re negative thoughts, whether they’re self-doubt, doubt, and write them down. Be truly honest with yourself. And I know for me, I often dream big, then I doubt myself, and then I kind of shove what I want, what I really want, kind of in a corner cuz I don’t think I can have it.
And so this year I called BS on that. I said, you know what? Why is it that we feel like we can’t have what we want? Like we’re incapable or we’re not worthy of it? How about instead, this year, just for this year, let’s pick a goal, go all out for it and make it happen. I think if we, the pursuit of wanting and, and, and, and the pursuit of getting what we want actually changes us for the better as a person, even if we don’t make the goal, the pursuit of that goal is what makes us stronger and more capable and worthy of having whatever we want in our life.
So the first thing I want you to do is recognize, write down those thoughts that come to mind when I say you can have whatever you want. And really look at if that’s a negative thought or not. If you’re one of these positive people who are like, yeah, I can make that happen, great. You might not even hate to listen to this episode. I wanna hear that you are accomplishing what you want. Or maybe you need to dream a bigger goal for yourself. So there is a very simple process for making what you want to have happen. Step one, there is seven steps in this process. And the first step is I, I’m gonna go through what the seven steps are, and then I’m going to go further and deeper into each one of these steps.
So the first step is identify what you want with absolute clarity. Step two is fully commit to the outcome. Step three, trick your brain. Step four, make an attempt. Step five, get a result. Step six, make an adjustment. Step seven, and this is the one most people wanna skip, repeat that process until your desired result is achieved. So let me break down each one of these in detail so you have no questions about how to make these seven steps happen for you. So the first step, again, follow along in your workbook is identify what you want with absolute clarity.
Okay? There is a process for doing that. First and foremost, I want you to write down all the things that you want this year that you truly want to accomplish this year. It could be anything from losing weight, weight to selling a certain amount of houses, whatever it is. I want you to write them all down on a piece of paper. Take a few minutes to do that, pause this recording, and then when you’re done with that, come back. And I want you to pick just one of these things that you want most. I’m not saying you can’t accomplish the other things I’m saying for this exercise, I want you to circle one thing that you want the most.
And next I want you to write down why you want to accomplish that thing this year. And usually with this part of the process of why do you want something, you have to keep asking yourself, okay, well why do I want that? Why do I want that? And so keep asking yourself that until you really truly understand what is behind your motivation, what is the why that you want this thing. You see, you need to identify a big enough why to overcome all the reasons that you’re gonna wanna quit.
All the distractions that are gonna come up, all the excuses are gonna come up. You need a y that’s more powerful than all of them. So spend a few minutes here, and again, in your workbook, you can see how this is, there’s a four step process for identifying what you want. Write down everything you want, pick one. And then keep asking yourself, why do I want that? Why do I want that? Until you get to your real big motivational, why the thing, the why that’s gonna make you wake up at 5:00 AM and get on that workout bike or whatever it is that it, it’s that motive, it’s that thing that has to be more than the reason why.
You don’t wanna do something in that moment. Okay? So keep asking yourself why until you, until you get there. And then identify when do you want to do it? By when? So in this particular exercise, I want you to pick something that you can accomplish one year from now. So I don’t want something, you know, for example, I’m losing weight because I think it’s something that it’s easy for most people to identify and or that’s probably one of my goals. So for losing weight, right? You can’t lose 25 pounds in a month. Like give yourself a goal that’s gonna take a full year to accomplish.
When it comes to selling houses, you can’t, well, some people can sell 10 houses in a month, but do a goal that’s like 10 houses in a year, or 50 houses this year. Whatever your goal is, make it a full year’s worth of trying to accomplish this goal. So spoiler alert, when you get to this part in the workbook, when do you want it? Just pick something that’s gonna take you a full year to accomplish. And then last but not least, when it comes to identifying with absolute clarity what you want, the fourth piece of this is how will you know when you, you’ve accomplished it?
And a good, like for example, I don’t want you to pick a goal that’s about your mindset. I’m gonna be more positive or something like that. I want there to be a goal where you can write it down and hand it somebody, hand it to somebody and it’s like, yes, you accomplished this, or no you didn’t. So for example, you either sold 10 houses this year or 20 or whatever it is, or you didn’t. So how will you know with absolute certainty a year from now whether this goal was accomplished or not? Define that. And oftentimes, if you’re like, I don’t know how I can really know that for sure, go back to looking at what you want and kind of start the exercise over.
For this process, for this seven step process, we’re picking something that is tangible results, not, you know, like, I either lost 10 pounds or I didn’t, I know what my weight is today, and I know I can weigh myself and I can hand somebody a piece of paper and there is a difference. I either met my goal or I didn’t. Okay? So that is the process for identifying what you want. Think of everything you want, circle the thing you want most, why do you want it? And then keep asking yourself, why do I want that? Why do I want that? Pick something that’s accomplishable for a full year.
And then how will you know whether you accomplished or not? Okay? So step two in this process to getting anything you want is to fully, fully, fully commit to the outcome. Fully say to yourself, this is happening no matter what. And I don’t mean that in a demanding, stressful kind of way. More in a, I am worthy of this, I am capable of this and this is going to happen. I will do this year. Okay? So take a moment and fully commit to making what you want happen.
Now, the third step in this process to having anything you want is to trick your brain. You see, our brains will automatically tell us all the reasons. At some point in the year, your brain is gonna come up and tell you all the reasons that you can’t do it, that you should quit, that you’re not good enough, that there’s something better If, you know, and, and it throws you off track. So you’ve got to first in this moment, trick your brain into thinking that you agree with it. And the, and what you need to do is write down all the reasons.
And again, this is in your workbook, page 10. Write down all the reasons that your brain will tell you along the way that you cannot do this. Identify what those are now so that when it comes up, you’re like, oh, I planned for this. Oh yeah, I know this is part of the process. So for example, maybe what will come up is, I don’t know how to do this. I’ve never done it before. It won’t work. I’d rather sleep in. It won’t matter. All the things that you tell yourself on the way to accomplishing a goal and you know yourself better than anybody.
So what are those things that come up for you? For me, it tends to be, I don’t really know how to do this, or I don’t wanna do this, or it’s not worth it. Or, you know, I’d rather blank than blank. So identify, write down in your workbook all the reasons along the way over the next year that you’re, you’re gonna tell yourself to talk yourself out of accomplishing this goal. And then next, what I want you to do is separate the facts from the emotions you’re having about the facts. So for example, write down all, you already wrote down all the thoughts that you are having that you will have along the way.
I want you to identify which of those things are facts and which of those are emotions. Because a fact is true, an emotion is not. It’s just what we think. So factor F. So for example, I’ve never done it before. How am I supposed to figure out how to do this? I’ve never done it before. That’s a fact. You’ve never done it before. But I’m not sure I can do it. That’s a, that’s just a thought about the fact that may or may not be true. And those thoughts, like, I’m not sure I can do this. I can’t figure this out. Those are thoughts that cause us angst anxiety might make us sick.
And those are just emotions that we can continue to walk through. For example, another person who says, I’ve never done it before, I’m not sure how to figure it out. Another, a thought about that is, well, I wonder if I could, or why don’t I try, right? Those are positive emotions that help us get closer to our goal. So take a few minutes in your workbook and, and identify all those thoughts that you had, and whether they’re like a true statement or just a feeling about something that may or may not be true. It’s true. You may never have sold 25 houses in a year, but what are you telling yourself about that fact?
Are you telling yourself that it’s not possible? Are you telling yourself that it’s stressful? Are you telling yourself that you’ll never be able to do that this year? What are you telling yourself? And so separate those two thing. Now, Vincent Vangogh, I love this quote Vincent Vangogh said, let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives, and we obey them without realizing it. Let’s not forget the little emotions in quotes. Little are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it. And in this step, in this part of the exercise where we’re tricking our brain in this seven step process to having anything that you want this year, we have to identify these little emotions that throw us off course.
So spend some time and really identify what they are next. In this process of tricking your brain, you have to trick your brain into thinking that the possibility, the possibility exists. So in the example of you wanna sell 25 houses this year, you have to trick your brain after you identify all the thoughts that you’re having. And you’re like, oh, that’s true. I have never sold 25 houses in a year. Yes. And then you identify all the crazy stuff that your brain’s gonna tell you next. You have to tell yourself like, it is possible somebody is going to sell 25 houses this year, right?
Why can’t it be me? So the next question you have to ask yourselves, and this is one way to identify whether or not like you’ve, you’ve reached a goal that’s like realistic. Oftentimes we are not, we’re not sure whether our goals are realistic or not. And also when I say to people, well, you can have anything you want, they go, well, I wanna fly. And I’m like, well, okay, let’s check this. So a way to check this and make sure that, like, are you identifying a goal that is doable for this process to work? Is ask yourself, will anyone in the world do or have what you want in the next year? So in the example 25 houses, you may never have sold 25 houses in a year, but plenty of real estate agents do.
So ask yourself, is this possible? Is anybody else gonna do that this year? Then say to yourself, well why can’t I? If blank person and blank person can do it, why can’t I? So next, in your workbook, I want you to write down who on page 18, who has already done what you want. People you know, people you’ve heard of, you know, If, you goal example, I’m just giving an example of 25 houses a year. You can write my name down. I’ve done that. It’s very possible. So, and write down everybody you know, if that’s your goal, write down everyone you know, even If, you don’t know them personally, who has accomplished what you want to accomplish in 12 month time period.
Next page 19, in your workbook, I want you to write down what characteristics does these people, or maybe just pick one of them. What charact characteristics do they have that’s helped them to achieve the things that you’ve written down the thing that you want? Okay, so for example, If, you wrote down, I wanna sell 25 houses this year. And I’m just making up a colleague, Sally in your office has sold 25 houses this last year. What characteristics did they have that you witnessed and noticed that helped them achieve those things?
That thing that you want. For example, what, what are they, like, what kind of attitude did they have? What did they do every day? What decisions did they make? What actions did they take? Write down the characteristics that you notice and, and what helped them do what you want to do. Write all those down, take a few minutes to do that. And then next again, we’re, we’re still tricking our brain. We’re still on step three here, but there’s, we have to tr we have, there’s a lot of steps to tricking our brain.
So the last trick to play on your brain is pretend that what you want has already happened. So on page 21 in your workbook, what will it be like when you have what you want? How will you be different when you have it, think about what your day will be like, what decisions that you will make, what actions you will take, how will you feel? What will be different in your life? Write all those things down and then commit to being that way. Now. So for example, If, you noticed that, I’m just making something up here.
Sally in your office who sold 25 houses last year, she, I don’t know, does an open house every weekend write that down and say, you know, when I’m selling 25 houses a year, I’ll be doing my own open houses every single Sunday. Okay? So If, you aren’t doing ho open houses every single Sunday currently. Then start doing them. Okay? What needs to happen is we need to think about what life will be like when we have our thing. And then you actually have to do those things now, not wait for the thing to be accomplished, but do those things now that we think we will be doing when we accomplish this goal.
We need to start doing them now, now on page. But how do we do that? Let’s identify on page 23 of your workbook. Identify what do you need to start doing more of and what do you need to stop doing? There’s two columns on that page. Write down all the things that you need to start doing to be that way now. And then write down a list of all the things you need to stop doing to be that way Now. So If, you’re the type of person who sells 25 houses in a year. What do you need to start doing more of? And what do you need to eliminate and stop doing immediately?
It can be like tangible things like actions, it could be mindsets, it could be what you tell yourself. There’s all sorts of things that you should write down here. So, so pause this and spend some time writing this down. What do you wanna start doing and what do you wanna stop doing? That is how we trick our brain. We have to agree with it and say, here’s all the reasons I can’t do it. But then we actually have to believe in the possibility and start training our brain that the possibility exists. And the way to figure out, to trick your brain that the possibility exists is to identify somebody who’s already accomplished it and then what has helped them accomplish that.
And then you have to identify what it would be like to be one of those people that accomplished the goal. And then you have to learn how to be that way now. So make that start doing and stop doing list. Now, step four in the seven steps to having anything you want this year is you have to make an attempt. So what are all the ways that you, if your goal is to sell 25 houses this year, what are all the ways that you could do that? What are all the ways that you could get 25 clients to work with you? Pause this, pause this and write them down.
What are all the ways, even If, you don’t think that they’ll work? What are all the ways that somebody who’s selling 25 houses, what are all the options for getting 25 clients? Write them all out. And then I want you to pick your favorite one and I want you to actually go do it. So for example, If, you say, well, option one is I could farm a neighborhood. Option two is I could reach out to my sphere. Option three is I could do open houses every weekend. I’m just making these things up. I want you to go and pick one of those things and I want you to do it and I want you to commit to doing it more than once.
So pick one and actually go for it. Then I want you to write down the worst thing that could happen when you go do that thing. So write down every scenario. That could actually be the worst case scenario. So for example, if you’ve picked, I’m gonna do open houses every single weekend, then perhaps the worst scenario, worst case scenario is you do, you do open houses every single weekend and you don’t get one client out of it. So write down the worst case scenario because this is how we don’t become surprised. This is how we identify with what is standing in our way by simply saying, yeah, that might happen and it’s not gonna crush me and I’m gonna survive and I’m gonna do this anyway.
And the other thing I’ll tell you, I the very, the whatever you wrote down, just write down the very, very, very worst case scenario is that you’ll never actually try. And so you never really know what you’re actually capable of. You see, oftentimes we, we, we set a goal, we go about accomplishing it, we try something once it doesn’t work, and we quit. That is the absolute very worst thing that could happen is that you quit and then you never try something again. You do one open house or two open house, you do it for a month, you don’t get a client and then you quit. And you’ll never know whether you’re capable of selling your 25 houses this year.
So we make an attempt, we, we actually do something in the pursuit of our goal, and what’s gonna happen is we’re gonna get a result. That’s step five. We get a result. And spoiler alert, it won’t work the first time. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you plan, no matter how scared you are to do the thing, you, it will not work the first time. If probably the first six months, it’s not gonna work. So plan to fail. Whatever you do the first six months plan to that, it’s gonna fail. You see the reason most people never achieve their goals is not because they can’t actually do it, it’s because they are afraid to fail.
They’re unwilling to fail and keep failing and keep failing until they actually reach The goal, or even worse, is that we avoid failure. Now, I invite you to welcome failure into your life because failure is the stepping stone to having anything that you want. You have to be willing to fail and fail and fail until you actually get what you want in your life. Okay? Now, ways that we often avoid failure because we’re so unwilling to fail, it often looks like letting ourselves be confused, saying we don’t know how to do something, not taking an, an action or continuing to take action.
Or sometimes what we do is we wait till something is perfect to go onto the next step, or we kind of delay making a decision at all and we, him and we ha and we kind of stay in this like limbo. I’m not really sure what to do, I don’t really know. Instead of making a decision and moving forward. So if you’re doing any of those things, this is a, these are tricky ways that we are avoiding failure. You will have anything that you want in your life this year, next year you will have anything that you want. If, you are willing to fail enough times to get it. The biggest thing in Agent Grad school that our students avoid is failure.
One thing that I require our students to do is go on some initial consultations and I say, plan to blow it. Good luck. You’re gonna blow it the first three times you go on a listing appointment or have an initial consultation with your Buyer plan to fail and be happy about it because you did it. You got through the failure part. And this is why I’m here today. Everything that I’ve created in Agent Grad school, everything that I tell you to do on this podcast comes from me failing over and over and over again and saying, Hmm, that didn’t work. Let me try this. Or Why did that person not go with me?
Let me put this in place. And so everything I teach inside Agent Grad school is purely created. There’s a step by step by step process. Say this, do this, use this. Here’s the email that works. Here’s this questionnaire to send your buyers at this particular point in the process. The reason that there is so many steps in the process is because I failed and I kept losing clients, or a client wouldn’t go with me, me or a client would fire me in, in the early years. And I, all I did was I kept failing and failing and saying, I don’t wanna fail like this again. How can I put something in place to prevent this from happening? So failure truly is the path to having not only anything you want, but having exactly what you want.
The second president of IBM Thomas Watson said, If, you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. So remind yourself of that. If you’re not failing, you’re not moving forward to towards anything that you want in your life, including the success that I know that you want for yourself and that you’re capable of and that you’re worthy of. So when he was president of IBM’s, it was in the 1960s and his first attempt at creating a super com super computer failed to the tune of 20 million in losses. So that would’ve been seen. So that, that was in 1960. So I don’t know what the math is, but that’s a whole lot more than 20 million in losses.
So imagine being president of IBM trying to do this big thing and failing to that 20 million in losses. But he says, but because he expected to fail, he expected those losses, he expected that first supercomputer to fail. He was willing to fail. Watson was the one who turned IBM into a household name because he, he just went at it again, he didn’t let that fail turn him into a failure or IBM into a failure or say, this isn’t gonna work. He just expected to fail and, and kept moving forward.
And that is how IBM became ibm. So oftentimes failure feels crushing. And so one way is to learn how to fail successfully. So in order to have anything you want, we have to be willing to fail. We often see failure as a bad thing in our life. And I just, I enjoy, I again, am inviting you to join me and seeing failure as a wonderful thing. It hurts. It’s, it, you know, hurts the ego. It’s not fun to experience. But knowing that If you fail and keep moving, that that gets you closer to what you want. That is a good thing.
Now the thing is, is you can’t make failure mean anything about you. You have to start making it about what you can learn and about what you can do next. So when you blew your first three initial consultations, or you know, you went on 10 listing appointments and they, you didn’t get any clients, well, you know, you’ve gotten better 10 times and maybe that 11th time you’ve made some changes. You’ve reflected, you’ve made adjustments and that 11th time you’ve nailed it. So remember that failure is something that you want to invite into your life, not something to push away.
And that failure is the path, the stepping stones to getting everything that you want. You have to be willing to fail. And if you’re not willing to fail, you will not accomplish what you want this year. Now a fam, there’s a famous quote, I, I’m not sure who said it, but experience is not what happens to you, it’s how you interpret what happens to you. So do not make failure mean something about you. Make it just like an experience that you learned from and then you try something else. Okay? So step six in the process to having everything you want this year is you, you, you made an attempt, you got a result.
Next, get back up. Make adjustments with the data that you just received and make another attempt. So for example, you go on four open houses, you don’t get any clients. Hmm, I wonder why. So for me, I was always terrible at open houses, especially in the beginning of my career. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I never got any clients. And I started being like, well this is a waste of time. I either need to not do open houses or I need to figure out a way to get clients. So I started bringing things to my open houses rather than just showing up. And I started bringing things that would be takeaways for buyers so they could learn about me.
I started making kind of these, these new attempts at why somebody should choose me and it started working. So get back up, make an adjustment with the data that you just received from your first attempt and make another attempt. Change something and try again. Think to yourself, well that didn’t work, so let me try something else. What can I try that’s better? What can I try that’s new? And as one of my mentors says, clarity comes from action, not thought. So you have to be in action in order to get clarity about how something’s going to work.
So often when I talk to real estate agents, they wanna know the whole path, how exactly I’m gonna do this. And I say, you know, I have a framework, I have steps, but how exactly are you gonna do this? You have to be the one in action. Doing it in your market, interacting with buyers and sellers to know, with absolute clarity the way that you need to apply these strategies to your market, to your audience. So don’t wait to have it all figured out. Actually start moving forward, failing and keep going. And in that failure and picking yourself back up and trying and making a new, a new attempt with the data from the first attempt, making those adjustments. That’s how you get clear on how you’re gonna make something happen.
And then last but not least, step seven, repeat all these steps until your res desired result is achieved. Now, when I say repeat until desired result is achieved, that is from make an attempt cuz you’ve already identified the goal. Don’t change the goal, right? You’ve already, you’ve already gone through that process of telling yourself, tricking your brain, right? So don’t change the goal, but repeat the process of making an attempt, then getting adjustments, getting, getting feedback, getting back up, making the adjustments and keep doing that until you actually Get The result that you want.
That’s the part most people skip. They make an attempt or two or three and then they don’t Get The result that they want and they quit. So you have to keep making attempts. You have to keep trying, making adjustments, getting feedback, making adjustments, making another attempt until you actually reach your goal. And do not tell yourself, do not talk yourself out of that. This goal isn’t for you. Cuz that’s when you remind yourself, well, who else has done it? What kind of characteristics do they do? What do they do? And start making adjustments accordingly.
And remember that I talk often about this thing called the Duning Krueger Effect. And there is a podcast episode called the Six Principles, guiding Principles of Success. If, you haven’t listened to that. Go listen to that and you’ll, you’ll hear me talk through the Dunning Dunning Kruger effect. But this is how you get that confidence and the confidence that you need to be seen as an expert. And ultimately that’s what we all want in real estate, right? We wanna be seen as an expert. We wanted to be, we wanna be kind of a top Producing agent.
We wanna be somebody who is seen as somebody who should be chosen to work with. And the only way that you’re gonna get there is If. you have both confidence and confidence. And the only way that you get that those two things is from your ability to fail, telling yourself that you’re not gonna give up and knowing that you’re gonna continue to fail until you actually reach your goal. And you’re gonna get better every single time. And that failure, the avoiding failure and keep, you know, that is, that is where most people are unwilling to go. And that is why most people aren’t willing to fail enough times to actually get what they want in their life.
Now, oftentimes when I talk about failure, people are like, Ugh, that sounds terrible. Why do I have to keep failing and failing and failing? Well, I actually think that, again, you’re making, if you’re If you have those kinds of thoughts, you’re making failure mean something negative instead of positive. You are making it about you, not about what you can learn. And so really truly find a way to enjoy this process, right? Having what we want. Every single one of you listening to this can have exactly what you want, but having what you want. Like I, when I, when I was a young agent, all I wanted was to make a hundred thousand dollars a year, then I made a hundred thousand dollars a year and I wanted to make a million dollars a year when I had a million dollars a year, I was like, well, that was fun.
Now what? Because having what we want when you actually get it is actually not even that great. Whatever your goal is, you’re gonna be like, oh, that’s great I did that. But it’s who you become and the things that you learn and, and it’s the pursuit of accomplishing what we wanna accomplish, not actually getting the thing. So find a way to enjoy this process, even if it feels frustrating, even if it feels like you’re never gonna accomplish it, don’t kind of speak to yourself in that way. Find a way to enjoy the process. And that’s where having the right strategy and having a, a way of doing what, however you wanna accomplish it, the way that you enjoy it.
So for example, for me, I didn’t wanna knock on doors, I didn’t wanna cold call people. I was willing to fail and fail and fail and fail, but I wanted to do it in a way that felt enjoyable for me. And so that’s why for me it was going online, using technology to my, to my advantage, mainly probably because I could fail in private and the only person that knew about it was me usually. But that’s why I took my business online. That’s why I had a website. That’s why I had my newsletter, that’s how I got all my clients because I was trying to find a way to enjoy the process of failing. And I didn’t wanna do it cold calling, even though I tried it. I didn’t wanna do it door knocking.
I didn’t wanna do it bothering everybody I knew. And so in the pursuit of finding a way to enjoy the process, that is how I figured out my way of being successful in real estate. And that is how Agent Grad School was born. So finding a way to enjoy the process of failure and then being willing to fail over and over again until you actually get it, can lead to so much in your life. Not only just accomplishing the goal that you set out, but 10 times in it. And then creating, opening things up in your life that you never thought possible. So I stand here today as a huge failure as someone who failed, failed, failed on their way to success and willing to share it with you.
And because I was willing to fail over and over again. And because I was committed to enjoying the process of failing, that is how I created Agent Grad school. That is how I created every single step that I teach my students inside our, our program and with such confidence. And I can help them get mo kinda get out of their own way because I was there and I wasn’t willing to give up. And I’m not willing to let anybody else give up on themselves either. So If, you want whatever you want this year, apply these seven steps. Identify what you want with absolute clarity using the four steps that we started with.
Fully commit to the outcome. Trick your brain. Make an attempt, get a result. Make an adjustment with the data that you received from your first attempt. And then repeat until you, until you reach your desired result. Repeat the make attempt, Get The result. Make an adjustment and keep doing that over and over again. And If, you do these three, seven steps and you commit to that outcome and you commit to failing and adjusting. You will accomplish your goal and worst case scenario, maybe you don’t accomplish it this year, but the pursuit, the person that you become by going through these seven steps, I have no doubt that you will have anything that you want.
Maybe not exactly in the timeframe that you want, but if you’re willing to go through these seven steps in pursuit of that goal, you will have it. Thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real, Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business and have a life they love outside the business too. But we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, If, you liked this episode. Leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell your agent friends to listen in too. Thank you so much for supporting this show, for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success.
That’s what this is all about. See you next time on another episode of Confessions of a Top, Producing Real Estate Agent. And until then, come hang with me over at agent Grad school.com. I’ll see you there.