We are already one month into 2020, how is your year going so far?
I hope it’s everything you were hoping for in both your real estate business and life outside of real estate too.
Over here at Agent Grad School we’ve declared 2020 will be the best year ever and we spent the entire year of 2019 making sure that would happen.
2019 was a markedly different year for Agent Grad School. One that was purposefully a little quiet. We worked on revamping our curriculum and making it better than ever for our students and also offering even more free resources for any agent who want to build a better real estate business.
Hear all about it in today’s episode.
Here are just three of the key take-aways from this episode:
- What you need to let go of to have everything you want
- Why feeling scared to do something is a sign that it’s the right decision
- How not to be complacent when you reach the level of success you’ve always dreamed
- How this particular mindset can get you through anything
One of our longest running student interviewed Agent Grad School founder, Jennifer Myers, to learn about what 2019 was like at Agent Grad School and how it’s now better than ever for helping real estate agents have businesses they love.
In 2019, we made the conscious choice to help few students and really study what they were implement and what obstacles got in their way. Based on working with several small groups of students, from very new agents who needed clients period to very seasoned agents who just felt like there was a better way to run their real estate business, we spent the year refining our curriculum to make it better than ever.
We revamped the website to offer more free trainings and resources to all agents and created new courses and programs to better serve our students and alumni students.
Our favorite additions to the curriculum is our website program in which we not only provide agents with a fill in the blank website template to create a website that gets them leads and clients, but also includes step-by-step videos showing agents how to do that and what to say where.
Having a website as a real estate agent, one that is a lead generation machine, has never been easier with our templates. It’s the new course we are most proud of creating in 2019.
Other courses we’ve added to our curriculum include opt-in guides for our website templates and newsletter templates. These resources are for our Marketing U and Your Most Successful Year Students only and not available on our website for purchase unless you are already a student.
Mainly, because we need to teach you why they are important and how to use them first, because we can let you loose with them 🙂
Hear about all this and so much more in this week’s podcast. You’ll learn about these updates and more importantly, the mindset that goes into looking inside a business at what’s great and what could be improved and how to go about changing it with joy.
That’s what we help our students to do their real estate businesses and we are doing it all the time too. There are a ton of takeaways in this episode that you can apply to your real estate business as well.
And, this episode, like all our episodes, comes with a free resource that you can use to help you apply these same tactics, strategies and take-aways to your own business.
Get the same list of questions Jennifer mentions as helping her gracefully and happily make one of the most difficult life changes with confidence and joy, even on the roughest days. You can use these same questions to help you with any major decision you might be going through too–in your business or life outside your business.
It’s a completely free resource and you can get it here:
Get the download above and then play at the top of the page to listen to this insightful episode and start applying these same mindsets to your own business.
You can also always listen on iTunes, for Spotify when you are on the go.
As always, we hope this episode helps you have a real estate business you love, and a life outside your business that you love too.
And, we’d love to help you grow your real estate business even more.
If you want to make at least 6 figures per year – no matter what the market is doing- AND still have time for the life you want outside your real estate business without hustling to get clients, working 24/7, or needing a team to do it, learn how with this free class.