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A lot of real estate agents focus their marketing on people who are ready to buy or sell a home. I call these clients the Instapots. They are ready to go and you hope by some divine timing you are the person they meet at the time they are ready to go.
Many real estate agents believe this is what being a real estate agent should look like–paying attention and working with only the clients who are ready to buy or sell right this second.
In today’s episode, I want to invite you to also see a second set of clients who take a little longer to be ready, but are clients worth marketing to and attracting to you.
These are the clients I lovingly call The Crockpots™.
Crockpots™ are clients who know they are going to buy or sell a home eventually, but they take a while to get to the point where they are ready to meet with an agent or start looking at homes.
So many agents miss the HUGE opportunity that these clients who take longer offer them. They make great clients! Loyal clients! And do eventually end up buying and selling (and they also love to tell all their friends about you too because you didn’t rush them to do something before they are ready).
I’m typically a Crockpot™! I built my million dollar per year business mainly with Crockpots™!
Crockpots™ ROCK!
Yes, SO many real estate agents only focus on the Instapots and they lose countless opportunities to create relationships with the Crockpots™— who also make amazing clients.
So this week’s podcast is all about these two types of clients — and how to make sure you have a system in place for each one!
I’ll explain why I’m comparing clients to cookware, how you can make a beautiful real estate business with both types – the Crockpots™ and the Instapots – and why they are both clients you should welcome into your real estate business.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:
- how you recognize an Instapot vs. a Crockpot™,
- how to communicate and establish strong, lasting relationships with each one
- the systems that help each client move along the runway to a) the initial consultation and b) being ready to buy or sell.
- which clients you may mistakenly discount that are actually really valuable leads that will turn to sales down the road.
As you are listening to this episode, I want you to think about the last time you did something that was scary, or you invested a lot of money into something–whatever you thought was a lot of money.
Were you a Crockpot™ or an Instapot?
How did it feel to be interacted with by the salesperson? Were they pushing you to move forward sooner than you were ready? Or, did they give you the room and time to go at your own pace and perfectly timed and offered what you need as you took steps closer to being ready?
There are times in our lives that we are Crockpots™ and other times we are Instapots….
For example, maybe you plan on buying a car in the next 6 months and you just starting looking around,
Did you want to be called and texted 10 times in a week? Did you want to be peppered with emails saying, “Do you have any questions, how can I help you?”
No! Not helpful!
That said, if your car was on its last leg and you were driving cross-country in 2 weeks…
Did you want to wait a week to meet with the car salesperson? Did you want to hear about the new line of SUVs being introduced next month?
Two different scenarios, two totally different pathways and systems needed to fulfill your needs.
I always tell our students inside Agent Grad School: put yourself in your “lead’s” shoes.
Don’t push your agenda or timeline. Follow theirs but do certain things at each point to move the process forward. Meet your clients and potential clients where they are. Make it clear what their next step is so they know what to do when they are ready to take it.
The TL/DR:
Your real estate business needs to cater to both types of clients–the Crockpots™ and the instapots. Listen in to this episode to learn how.
To your success,
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The initial consultation
Episode Transcript
On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m talking about the two types of clients that you will come across as a real estate agent and why I’m comparing them to cookware. Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I use in date two became top producing agents. Now through this podcast and agent grad, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you.
Most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you to real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. Yes. I said cookware, and I’m comparing clients to cook wherein today’s episode sounds strange, but the cookware that M comparing them to our Instapots and crockpots today’s conversation is going to be all about these two very type of clients.
Every real estate agent comes across in their business. I call them the Instapots and the crockpots. And yes, I know that there’s probably there’s trademarks about these two names. I’m probably not supposed to use them, or, and, or assume that I’m trademark I’m using the trademark symbol when I use these words, so I don’t get in trouble. Okay. So on today’s episode, I’m going to be walking you through how to recognize an Instapot versus a Crock-Pot like, what am I talking about? Like, let’s define why I’m comparing them and who they are and how to recognize them next. I’m going to walk you through how to communicate and establish strong lasting relationships with each one of these types of clients, the crock pots and the Instapots.
And then finally, I’m going to walk you through how to set up systems and give you some examples of ways that you can work with each type of client so that you, so that they are moving on. So, excuse me. So you are moving on their timeline, not your timeline, which is so crucial. You have to meet clients where they are, and this episode teaches you how to do that and how to categorize clients and how to know who you’re dealing with and how to kind of set the pace for them and let them set the pace and meet them where they are. Now. I have a funny story about law. I don’t know if it’s funny, but I have a story about I’ve always called these fast cookers Instapots since forever.
I didn’t realize they in doing the research for this episode, they’re actually called and the trademark is instant pot. So now that I know that there’s a difference, and that actually what I’m referring to is technically called instant pot. I find that difficult to say very fast. And so, and also instant pot is how I always said it, and it’s not trademarked. So I’m going to use that word. So for any of you who are listening and like it’s called instant pot, I have now come to realize this, but I’m still gonna use the word instant pot. All right. So that aside, let’s now dive into how to let’s dive into the definition.
How do you know when you’re dealing with an Instapot? How do you know you’re dealing with a Crock-Pot and how to recognize them? So there are two types of clients, people AK leads. And I’m saying that, that word in air quotes, because I don’t like using that word. There are two types of people, two types of people in this world. And as people who help people, real estate agents help people. And we call those people leads, right? You have to expect and welcome with open arms. These two types of people they’re called the Instapots are I’m lovingly calling them the Instapots and the crockpots. And I want you to know that both Instapots and crock pots are awesome. They’re just different.
And you have to work with them differently. So as real estate agents, we have to understand that these two types of people exist and we have to create space in our businesses. For both of these types of people, both make great clients. One just moves a little slower than the other, but it would, it would benefit our business and frankly serve the client, which is our goal, serving our clients much better. If we understood that not everyone wants to move as fast as others. And certainly not. Everybody wants to move at the pace that we want them to move. And so we have to be willing to go at the pace of our clients or potential clients.
And we have to all the while, make it clear to them what their next step is when they are ready to move forward. But I’m getting ahead of myself a little bit. So let me back up now that you know, to look out for these two different types of clients, the Instapots who move more quickly and the crock pots that are going to move more slowly, how do you know when you’re dealing with one versus the other versus somebody who’s just kicking the tires around and kind of quote unquote “wasting our time”? I think a lot of times real estate agents think crockpots are wasting time or waste of their time. And they couldn’t be further from the truth. That couldn’t be further from the truth. So let’s break this down.
There are the Instapots, these are the clients who you meet and they are ready to go. A lot of times, these are the online lead folks. They are ready to see a house. They have their preapproval in hand, they know exactly the neighborhood they want to live in. They, what they want is pretty realistic, or you’re not going through the right steps to know if it’s realistic, but at least they think what they want. Like they think they know what they want, and I know what they want to pay. And they know what you know, where they want to buy it. And they, they just kind of want to keep moving forward. Okay. So you show them a few houses, you right. They’re ready to write contracts quickly. And you know, they go under contract relatively quickly.
And I think many real estate agents myself included in the beginning think that this is what being a real estate agent. And this is what helping clients looks like. And I want just to, to warn you, or I guess inform you that yes, some clients are this way, but, but they are few and far between. And frankly, like most clients who are this way really need to be slowed down, especially in times like this market that we’re in right now with it being so robust, they need to be slowed down. I know they don’t want to be slowed down, but in order for them to get the results that they truly want, they should be slowed down. And I’ll talk about that.
But some clients are this way, but they’re few and far between. And frankly, if all the clients were like this, that our job of being a real estate agent would not exist and certainly would not be as lucrative as it has been in the recent past because these types of clients don’t need much from us. Okay. They work with us because they kind of have to, and that’s not a negative to say, but, but you know, these are the types of people who don’t necessarily think or know or understand the value of that real estate agents provide because we don’t really provide a ton of value to these people. And so we don’t want every client to be this way because we can’t really provide a ton of value to the Instapots.
We can help them through the process. We can go through the motions, we can be supportive of them. We can give them great customer service, but that’s not really how we provide value. Our value goes way deeper than that truly. And I think we’re our most valuable piece of what we can add as value to people. It really comes when we interact with these crockpots. And so I don’t want you to be scared off by these crackpots or kind of dismiss these crockpots. So let’s talk about the crockpots. They take their time. They do a lot of research. They want to gather a lot of information.
They want to see 10 houses. They need to put together a plan. Well, before they’re ready to actually pull the trigger, they’re going to see a lot of houses. They need your help truly with understanding the process with how to make decisions. And they go really. So they might go to open houses for years on their own. They might come in and out of being in touch with you. And you might not know whether they’re like really interested in buying or selling. And frankly, they may even just like go in and out of being interested in buying or selling as well. They take a while they poke around your website, they want to get to know you for a longer period of time and really make an edge, a good educated decision about which agent to work with.
And you might have to meet with them a few times before you really get to the next step, right. They gather in their information gatherers. And so after they gather the information that they are starting to feel comfortable and they start to move forward, they re they usually know what they are going to do and who they’re going to work with when they’re ready. But they just aren’t ready this minute to go in the car and start looking at houses. And here’s the thing. You cannot try to speed up a Crock-Pot because you will just annoy them and you will lose them and you will turn them off. Okay. So think about it.
Think about the last time that you made a big purchase decision in your life. Think about the last time maybe you bought a car, bought a house or anything that you felt was a big deal. Were you a crackpot? Did you spend a lot of time gathering information before you made a commitment? Did you think about doing it for a long time and then go through the process or did you do things really, really quickly? Did you just wake up one day and decided you wanted to do it and then you did it? And so I want you to really put yourself and do this exercise and, and empathize. This is a way to empathize and really put yourself in your client’s shoes.
Okay. So first step pick something pick the last time that you made a big decision. Okay. About something major, how long did you research and debate what to buy? Did you reach out to various experts along your journey? Or did you kind of wake up research for a couple of hours and then buy right away? How long until you were ready to take the leap and make the purchase? How long did you gather information? And then I want you to ask yourself, were you a Crock-Pot that needed time to think through things, gather information, interview, different types of people and simmer on this information for a while before you actually took action, or were you more of an Instapot that you kind of just like, got the idea and then went and made it happen?
So sometimes I’m an Instapot, like, you know, when I’m buying something small and my husband’s like, if we need something, I’m just like, great, here, I’m going to go get it. Right. And he’s like, no, we’ve got to research it. We got to make sure we find the right thing. And I’m like, it’s a spatula. Let’s just buy it. Right. And he’s like, no, we got to make sure that dah, dah, dah. Right. And then other times I’m a crackpot. Like when I make big purchases, like a car, I research and research and research and I mean, it takes a long time. And so I want you to just remind yourself that you might also be a Crock-Pot.
Okay. Many of you listening to this podcast might be a Crock-Pot or an Instapot about joining agent grad school and becoming a student. And some of you, I get so many emails from you guys, which I love. And you’ll say something like, I can’t wait to be an agent grades, grad school student, and then right there, and this is what your clients do to you right there. I could convince you why you should do it. Now. I could say all sorts of things to try to tell you to do it sooner than you were ready, but I don’t believe in that kind of selling. Right. I’m like, cool. I’ll be here. See you when you’re ready. And I’m not trying to convince you to do something more quickly than you’re ready. I’m just going to keep inviting you and providing value and inviting you to the next step until you’re ready.
Okay. And some of you are crackpots. Some of you, you know, I have listened to one podcast episode and you become a student. So both are perfectly fine. And both are, you need to have a business that welcomes both. Okay. So that’s my goal with today’s episode is to help you remember that not everybody who comes into your world is ready to buy or sell a home today. And that you need to create space in your real estate business for clients to come to you, who both want to move fast and you can help them do that. And for those who move more slowly and you have to cater to both types of clients, or you are losing out on so many opportunities and relationships to opportunities to build relationships as well, and honestly, money as well.
Because so often I see real estate agents, totally discount people who are taking longer, who aren’t ready to meet right now. And like the lead’s gone. And if you don’t have a follow-up process for your leads and your people who maybe aren’t ready to get in the car today, you totally lose them and forget about them. And you’re leaving so much money on the table. Okay. So let’s move on to the second piece that I promised you in this episode. So now that we understand that there are two types of clients, the people who move fast, and those are Instapots and the people who move slowly, those are our crackpots. And we agree that both are great clients and we need to have, and make space in our real estate business and market to both types of clients.
How do we actually do that? And I’m going to give you a few examples of how to do that right now. So the first best example that I can give you here is the initial consultation. And as you know, I always talk about the place to quote-unquote “convert”. A lead is in the initial consultation and not to just go straight to showing houses, but to always get somebody who’s interested in buying or selling or comes in your world, right? We always do two things with them. We put them on our email list and we invite them to the initial consultation. If you don’t know what I’m talking about. When I talk about the initial consultation, I will link to an episode I did about the importance of an initial consultation and how to get people there and, and all that stuff in the show notes for this episode.
And you can find the show notes for this episode at Okay? So with either type of client, the, whether your crockpots are Instapots, the initial consultation is where you want to really start the relationship in person with the client. And what you have to realize is that some clients will need a much longer one runway to get to the initial consultation than others. And those are our crackpots. And then some clients will move quickly to the initial consultation. So you just have to know that, like, just because you invite somebody doesn’t mean it’s a, no, it just means that maybe it’s not right now.
Okay. And then you just keep them on your email list and you keep inviting them when they’re ready, they know what next step to take. And some clients will need a little bit more convincing that they even need an initial consultation, especially your crockpots they’re. Excuse me, they’re the Instapots. They’re not going to want to slow down and meet with you, but you, as the expert need to know, if you want to win in this market, you got to sit down and understand the market. You got to be pre-approved. You got to really understand the numbers. And for my students listening, you know exactly the importance of this, and you have seen the shift that these initial consultations create in your business.
So I won’t harp on this, but just know that I’ve never met a client who doesn’t need one. Even if they think they don’t need one, even if they bought a million houses before. Okay. And so you have to have systems in place and a follow-up plan in place so that your Instapots feel like they can quickly move forward in the process. Right? They’re ready to meet. They’re ready to go. And you need a follow-up system, especially for your crackpots, because you’re going to invite them to the initial consultation. And they’re probably not going to respond right away. And so you need to put them on your email list, continue to provide value and always make sure at the end of every email, they know how to move forward. So it’s clear to both types of when they’re ready.
So it’s clear to both types of clients all along the way, and at their pace, what their next steps should be when they’re ready for it. And that they get to decide their timing for it. You just get to keep inviting them. You just get to keep telling them here’s something, some information that you should know about. And if you’re ready to act on this information, here’s how you can do that. Okay. That is good marketing and inspiring them to take action and making it clear what action they should take when they are ready to move to the next step. And it is not just, this is kind of a totally different episode that I could do, but the next step I promise is not search for homes or call me when, when you’re ready to sell.
Okay. That you, when you’re only marketing that way, you’re talking essentially to your Instapots and you’re, you’re losing like 80% of the market there. Okay. Marketing to crockpots looks more like, Hey, do you have this problem? Here’s how I can solve it for you. So for example, Hey, do you want to buy a house in this market? But don’t, you can’t find a house on the market. I have ways of finding a property off-market, right? That is, well, frankly, I could talk to Instapots, Crock-Pots, but that’s the type of marketing that will attract people to move more quickly and move at their timeframe.
Okay. And then you’ll say something like, but everyone’s situation is different. So in order for me to understand yours and really help you, let’s schedule a time to chat and we’ll see what’s possible to you for you. Here’s a link to my calendar. Okay. Then you schedule that shot, that chat, which is the initial consultation. Now, after the initial consultation, as I teach in agent grad school, we have a three-part initial consultation. There are things that happen before the initial consultation at the initial consultation and after the initial consultation. And so what we have to recognize is when we have the initial consultation with our clients, some clients after the initial concept, consultation will be Instapots and there’s going to be a very short one runway.
They’re going to be ready to see houses this weekend. And that’s great, but you have other clients who meet with you for the initial consultation. And then they have a long runway to move to the next step. They might be months or years away from wanting to buy a house. Okay. And you just have to honor that again, telling them, like removing the obstacles for them, helping them make a decision. When is the timing, right? Why is that timing make making sense? Okay. That’s all the things you do during the initial consultation, but you need to honor the long or short runway that comes after the initial consultation. And the next step of course, is the financing piece.
And there are certain steps that you do for that. And then obviously going to see houses. Okay. So for example, you may have a seller who says, I don’t want to sell till next year. And my recommendation is to do the, an offer or at least try to do the initial consultation right now. Because just because they don’t want to sell until next year doesn’t mean you don’t have a client. You’d say something like next year is great. And if you’d be interested, I’d love to schedule time to meet with you. Now, since obviously this is on mind and we can talk about the steps, the process, just so you’re prepared when next year comes. And also you might want to do things to get ready, right?
When would be a good time for you. How about sometime this weekend? Okay. So many real estate agents would have ignored that potential client, or they would have said, great call me next year, or that client would have slipped through the cracks. And I think that is a huge mistake. I recommend, again, anytime someone comes into your periphery, right? You invite them to the initial consultation because it helps. That is where our value can be added. It helps create clarity for them. And even if they’re selling next year, there’s probably some clarity they need about how to get ready to sell for next year. And so having the initial consultation now, or at least inviting them to it and allowing them to meet with you whenever they’re ready to meet with you and explaining why they should meet with you well, before they’re ready to actually make a move.
What that does is create a bond. It creates relationships and helps them know what to do between now and then, and helps them understand the process so that they can be thinking and doing all these things between now and when they’re actually ready so that when they are ready, you have made it an absolute, no brainer to call you. Instead of just being someone that they call when they are ready to go, okay, there’s no value in, in them ready to go. It, the value is in helping them prepare to be ready. That is where we add our value. Okay. This is how I built my business to sell a house a week with clients coming to me because I had this reputation and sure I would meet with a client.
And then they’d say, okay, great. Well, let’s, let’s sell my house in six months and I’d say, great. Here’s all the things you need to do. And all the things I need to do in the six months, and I’ll call you in three months so we can touch base. And then I’d actually call them. I had a system for that. Okay. You can do this too. So sure. Every now and then I’d have somebody that was like, Hey, can you list my house next week? And let’s go, I’ve been transferred. And yes, that’s great, but do not focus solely on those people. Okay. Here’s another example of a system that I use to make sure that I don’t forget about the crackpots that are floating around my business.
Every January, I give my students a list of things to do that month. That’s the same things that I’ve done in my real estate business for over a decade. And one of those things to do is to follow up with all the people that fell off the radar last year, whether you met with them or not, right? It’s just people that raised their hand and they just kind of somehow got lost. They’ve never turned into a client that you were, that you closed with, right? Sometimes there are people who started the process with you and then kind of gave up, right? And so we sent a specific email to these people and it essentially invites them to meet with you again and pick up the process where they left off.
If the time timing is right, if this is their year, and I am telling you, I have gotten so many clients from this email. And so have our students this past January, I had students do this exercise and they were so surprised with the results. And sometimes the results aren’t immediate. I can remember a time when a client replied back to me in to that email in August of that year, it still turned into a client. Okay. And so what this does is that when you have these types of systems in your business and you are, you are planning for people to be crockpots and Instapots in your business, right? You move forward more quickly with those Instapots and then you have systems for catching those, grow those Crock-Pot clients and inviting them back to work with you.
When you have this system, you, you don’t have to constantly be calling people. You don’t have to constantly be showing up and hustling and wondering where your next client came from because you, they will come to you when they are ready to move ahead, because you didn’t just drop them because they weren’t ready right. That minute. Okay. This is such a more enjoyable business, a business that you can start to plan on and rely on. And it’s more enjoyable for your clients too. So you don’t always have to be in constant contact with your, with your, with these types of people. Like, how’s it going? What questions do you have? You know, you don’t have to send those kinds of email. They don’t have questions. It’s just the wrong timing. And so peppering them with emails every month or every now and then that just says, you know, what questions do you have?
Are you ready to get started? No. You said you have a system in your business for providing value each and every week. And you’re you invite them to the initial consultation each and every week. And people raise their hand when they’re ready, you’ve provided value. You don’t forget about them. You have removed the obstacles in their way with your valuable information, and then you make sure it’s clear what their next step is. And that is to meet with you. Okay? And in the meantime, you get referrals from these people. They really appreciate how you handle them and the fact that you haven’t rushed them. Okay. Now let’s talk about the Instapot runway because you can’t build a business entirely on the crackpots because that takes too long.
And so you also want to attract and be able to move at the pace of the Instapot. So the runway for the Instapots is going to be totally different and it’s going to of course be much shorter. So for your Instapots, your goal is to get them, get to them as quickly as possible speed. And response times is, are usually really important to the Instapots. Okay. They, they, they need to move quickly. There’s some, usually some reason that they need to move quickly. And frankly, this is why I don’t love only working with Instapots. And frankly, this is why I don’t work with online leads because I feel like most online leads are Instapots and I never wanted to build a business where I had to drop everything.
And that speed and my response time was my value proposition. I just think there’s so much better ways to build a business than speed. So at the same time, though, I understood that some of my clients were Instapots. Some of them wanted to move more quickly. And so I could not get in their way and slow the process down. It doesn’t mean I skipped steps. That doesn’t mean I don’t invite them to the initial consultation. It just means that when they’re ready, I gotta be ready like tomorrow. And I gotta make room in my calendar for, to move at their faster pace. And that is totally okay. Good examples of these clients are like clients who, you know, had a job transfer and had to move across the country, or have kids that are starting school or whatever those kinds of deadlines are that are crucial deadlines.
Those are our T our clients that tend to be crockpots and we have to understand and value and honor their timeline, and then do what it takes to get them the house that they want in that timeline. And you have to be ready to work for them. Okay. And you don’t want to put things in the way of Instapots. You want to work harder and more and more quickly for your Instapots Instapots and you want to keep them moving. And one thing I always say, and this is just a tip for your marketing. As I always say, in your marketing, you always need to have what I call the soft CTA, and then the emergency break.
And what that really means is that I’m suggesting that you talk to both your crockpots and your Instapots, your soft ETA CTA call to action is like a lead magnet. It’s a guide. It’s those kinds of things. And those are talking to your crockpots. You’re talking to the people who aren’t quite ready, who are gathering the information who are kind of trying to see who should I work with doing their research. Okay. Lead magnets are great for them. Information is great for your crockpots, but for your Instapots, the people who want to move more quickly, they need that emergency bike break. They need to be like, you know, I’m ready to pull, pull the break I need you now. And that is when I’m offering to schedule.
A time to meet is really, it’s really crucially important. And that’s why with all of our templates that we provide our students, they have both the emergency break schedule a time, and they have lead magnets because you have to talk to both clients. And sometimes your crockpots all of a sudden turn into your Instapots cause they got to go, okay. So in your marketing and what you’re always thinking, you need to have your you’re soft. You need to be talking to your crock pots, have those lead magnets, and then emergency brake is scheduled time to meet. And don’t beat around the Bush. That is their next steps. So let’s summarize how to work with Instapots versus how to work with cross crockpots.
We, we in real estate, we always talk about leads. I need more leads. I got this lead online leads, leads, leads, leads. And just remember, as I use the word leads in this episode, or other episodes really need to think of these people as people. Okay. They’re not just a lead they’re. They’re a person who have dreams and goals and want to spend a lot of money on a house or sell a house. Okay. And so you might have been a lead once for something you bought. And I want you to think about how do you want to be treated? Do you want to be called and texted 10 times a week? Or do you want to be peppered with emails that are saying, do you have any questions? How can I help you let’s move forward? No, no, no, no.
None of that is helpful. And so I always tell our students put yourself in your lead shoes, your lead might be an Instapot. And if so, put them on the Instapot runway and help them buy or sell their house, get them to the initial consultation and then let’s move, right? Let’s move quickly. Don’t let them fall through the cracks and keep the ball moving forward for them, for your crockpots do not throw them away or think that they’re wasting your time. They aren’t, you can build a very lucrative business with crockpots. You just need a system, a way to automatically keep in touch with your crockpots and invite them so that when they’re ready, they move forward.
And as you wellknow, best system, hands down is a weekly value-added educational emails and personal check-ins like I’ve explained here and inviting people at the end of that email every single week. Okay. There is so much goodness and gold in the crockpots. My real estate business is full of crackpots by Crock-Pot buyers and sellers. I’ve met with so many clients who are months, sometimes even years away from moving and instead of forgetting about them or throwing them away because they weren’t ready to do something right now. I simply put them on my email, us, sent them an email a week and made it clear how I could help them and what they needed to do when they were ready for my help.
That’s it. And then they came to me. I tell this story a lot, but my longest Crock-Pot was seven years. I met with them maybe once or twice during that period, I never reached out to them other than putting them on my automated emails and the rest of the time, they just got the emails. And then finally, seven years later, I think they moved out of my area and then moved back because they were renting. They finally bought a house. It was one of my listings. And then three years later they got transferred. I also sold that listing. And so I love crackpots and I love having a system to make sure that my crockpots don’t feel neglected and they know what to do next.
And I love my Instapots too, but the crockpots I think there might be my favorite. So don’t neglect them. Okay. So we have to respect both the Instapots and the pots. We have to see value in each of them and understand that people fall into these two categories, some move slowly, some move more quickly. And you have to know which kind of how to, how to operate based on the signals they’re giving you. And both having space and focusing on both types of clients is how you have clients coming to you and how you build that sustainable, predictable business, where clients are coming to you. Okay? You need to structure your business and have arms wide open to invite both of these types of clients to you.
So if any of this resonated with you insight into grad school, I give you the system to work with both types of clients. Exactly what to do when and how to invite both the crock pants, pots, and the Instapots into your business and what to do with them. Once they come into your business so that they feel supported by you and not rushed by you. Okay? So if you are interested in what you’re learning on this podcast, and you want to take it even deeper, you want to shorten your learning curve, shorten your learning curve and not try to figure all this out on yourself. I will tell you what exactly I did to build my $1 million per year business.
That I did not have a team. I ran this business myself. Okay. You can sell a house a week with just yourself and maybe one part-time assistant, maybe one full-time assistant. And so that is what I’m, what I am best at is helping people get to that six-figure, mark selling a house a week with a very small team. That is the same system I teach inside agent grad school. So this is for my Instapots. If you guys are ready, then go to And I can help you. Now, if you’re my crockpots, you aren’t going to enroll today, no matter what I say. And I’m okay with that. I’ve got something for you too.
I’ve been working on some really exciting free trainings that I’m only going to be launching to my agent grad school inner circle. And if you want to get notifications for those or be invited to those, and also never miss an episode of this podcast also you’ll get special pricing on agent grad school. And just so much more that I don’t share anywhere else, then you, my friends, can go to . And that is my Crock-Pot. I don’t expect you to sign up or enroll, but I’m happy to provide value to you in the meantime. And you may never enroll and that’s fine too. Okay. So whether you are a Crock-Pot or an Instapots, I love you both.
And there’s room here at Adrian grad school for you either way. Okay. That is an example of how I’ve created a runway, an on-ramp for people, real estate agents who listened to this podcast who are huts and her Instapots. You need to do the same in your real estate business as well. Okay. And the best way to do that is information for your crockpots and the initial consultations, scheduling that, and inviting them for your Instapots. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I hope this has been helpful. And if it has been helpful to you, I’d love to hear from you. Please leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening to this podcast and read every single one of your reviews.
And I truly, truly appreciate the time you take to tell me how this podcast has helped you in those reviews. Thank you so much for listening and I will see you next week on another episode, thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial-free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business. And how about life? They love out five but business too, but we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, if you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell your agent friends to listen in to thank you so much for supporting the show for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success.
That’s what this is all about. See you next time. On another episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. And until then come hang with me over at I’ll see you there.