In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about the perfect way to keep in touch with past clients during tax season.
Not only does this touch point add value to your buyers and sellers who worked with you last year, but it is an easy marketing opportunity for your business since it:
- Keeps you on the top of your client’s mind;
- Makes you look organized and professional; and
- Brings in more business naturally by way of repeat clients and referrals.
A win-win for both you and the client!
The total time to complete this task is an hour or two, depending on how much business you did last year and how organized you are in keeping your files straight.
Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn more details about every step of this touch point.
Step One: Gather a list of all the clients you did business with during the last year. That means people who actually went to settlement from Jan. 31st to December 31st. If there was more than one client involved in the same transaction, put both people’s name for that transaction.
Step Two: Next to their name, mark whether they were a buyer client, seller client, or both — perhaps they bought and sold a home with you. You’re going to send them an email based on what type of client they were and will add if they were a buyer, seller, or buyer and seller to your note.
Step Three: In the third column, put the correct email address(es) for each client, so you access them quickly and easily when you are ready to start sending out the emails. If there was more than one client involved in the same transaction, include both email address.
Step Four: Find a copy of their final settlement statement. At this point, I highly recommend creating a Dropbox folder or Google Drive for each client so you have the name of each client and the settlement statements for each transaction they did with you. By being organized, you’ll be ready to attach to the email you will be sending to them.
Step Five: Go down the list! Send every person an email, unless there was more than one client in the transaction and if so, you’ll cc them on the same email. The email that you send them depends on what they did with you last year. The general wording is that you are sending them an attachment of whatever settlement document they had so they can use it to prepare their taxes.
Download the email script below for buyers, sellers, and for those clients who did both.
Change the wording slightly to reflect your personality and to offer your own CPA recommendations.
And, be sure to add something personal to each email–something that you remember from when you worked together.
For example, maybe their child was starting a new school. You could ask how they like their new school. Or, maybe they were moving to shorten their commute. You could ask if they love riding their bike to work every day or whatever would make sense for that particular client.
Want the exact letters we’ve used and our students still use so you can quickly change them for you and your business and get them out to your clients?
Fill in your name and email below and you’ll get the exact same three emails immediately plus any other free trainings, discounts and all sorts of great stuff we only share with the agents on our email list. Enjoy!
This is how you add value to your clients’ lives even past the time that they’ve done a transaction with you.
Even if you don’t hear back from them, they are grateful you sent this and it sets a small reminder to them that you have their back, even well after they have bought or sold a home with you.
And, remember, this should just be one of several past client touch points you will send throughout the year.
If you don’t yet have a client touch-point system for your past clients, start with this one!!
Even if you only helped one client last year, use this and send the email out to them with their settlement statement.
It matters and you are helping THEM make sure they are getting all the benefits when it comes to their real estate transactions.
And, if you want help creating your own touch-point system for past clients, we teach an entire “after system” right here at Agent Grad School.
Just like this touch-point, we will provide the exact steps and an action plan to make sure you are reaching out to your clients in a helpful way at the right time they need to hear from you.
You aren’t ever asking for business, you are providing true value to their lives with each and every touch.
And, naturally, you will get more clients through referrals and repeat clients.
Want to learn how to do that in your business and want to copy and paste what really works and simply plug it into your own business so you don’t have to figure it out on your own?
That’s what we do for our students and we’d love for you to become one!
Become a Student and learn more about how we can help you create a business you love, and still have time for a great life too.