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Acquiring new clients and customers costs five times as much as retaining existing ones. But, according to the National Association of Realtors®, only 9% of real estate agents ever contact their clients after closing.
88% of buyers said they would use their agent again…
61% even said they were “very satisfied” with their experience, yet only 25% of sellers used an agent they’d worked with in the past.
So, if the best clients to “get” are the ones you’ve worked with in the past, then why is it that 91% of real estate agents don’t keep in touch with their past clients?
Because the ways we’ve been taught to keep in touch with past clients are way too time-consuming.
And then when you finally sit down to “keep in touch” what should you do that doesn’t feel totally awkward or like you are begging for clients?
I have a completely different way of approaching what I call your After Phase.
The After Phase is how you keep in touch with your past clients after the transaction is over.
I like to think of the transaction as just the beginning of the relationship, not the end.
So, on this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent, I’m sharing a way for you to think about keeping in touch with your past clients in a way that doesn’t take much of your time…
Doesn’t require you to pick up the phone…
Or have coffee dates…
Or drive around “popping by” with gifts…
And doesn’t bug them for referrals.
The point of keeping in touch with past clients is not to “get” clients from them. It’s to be the real estate expert and resource in their life and truly help them be great homeowners. Your dentist, doctor, accountant, lawyer, literally no one else in your life is calling you asking you “who you know,” and neither should you.
Your past clients should be reaching out to you saying things like:
“Thanks to your recommendation, we saved $1,200 on our bathroom renovation!”
“We are thinking of moving, can you help us figure this out?”
“Introducing you to Sally who just moved to the area, can you please help her find a home!”
And that’s exactly what will happen when you put Pillar 5 of the 5 Pillars of a Successful Real Estate Business in place in your business.
And, the best part is, you can automate almost all of this, while still making it feel personalized to each and every client.
To your success,
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The 5 Pillars of A Successful Real Estate Business
Pillar 1: Marketing YOU
Pillar 2: The Initial Consultation
Pillar 3: The Doing Phase
Pillar 4: The Under Contract Phase
Wondering which pillar your business needs most right now? Take this quiz to find out!
*Stats came from the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) except for that first one, which I got from Invesp Consulting.
Want to make 6 or even 7 figures per year AND still have time for a life – no matter what the market is doing – without needing to hunt for clients, work 24/7, or need a team to do it? Learn how in this free class.
Episode Transcript
On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We are talking about Pillar number five of the Five Pillars of a Successful Real Estate Business. This is what I call The After Phase. It’s how you keep in touch with your clients after the transaction is over. And it’s not about getting referrals, getting repeat clients, it’s not about keeping in touch with your clients to get something out of them. It’s how to keep in touch with your clients in a way that actually creates a long-term relationship with them in a way that saves you time feels personalized to them and a natural by-product of the way that you approach keeping in touch with your clients will mean that you have clients coming to you without you having to ask for business all this on today’s episode.
Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents. The same strategies I use in day two became top producing agents. Now through this podcast and Agent crowd, School dot com, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted.
And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode Today, we’re going to talk about the fifth pillar in the Five Pillars of a Successful Real Estate Business. This Pillar is what I call the after phase. It’s essentially how you keep in touch with your past clients in a way that while the traditional way is that you keep in touch with them so that you can have repeat clients and get referrals, but that’s not how I teach The After Phase.
So I’m going to dive into a new way to think about and approaching, keeping in touch with your past clients, and then give you some tactics for how to do that. But before we dive into all of that, I want to make a couple of notes. So first and foremost know that you can’t build a business, a successful real estate business that has clients coming to you. If you don’t have each one of these pillars built into your business. So you can’t just have one that would be like having a three-legged stool with two legs, you’re missing a leg. It’s not going to be steady and it’s not going to work.
So know that each of these five pillars builds upon the other to create a business that people want to interact with, that they want to reuse. Again, they want to tell people about, because what you’re doing is creating continuity and an experience. And for example, in the pillar, number one in marketing, you write, you’re telling people who you help and how you help them. And you become known for something. You become the expert in some parts, some piece of the real estate pie. And then when those people magnetically get attracted to you, you then carry through with that promise during the initial consultation, during the doing phase, during the under contract phase, and then you have this connection that you can build upon in your keep in touch program in your After Phase, after the transaction is over.
So it’s really crucial that you don’t think of these things as kind of separate entities in your business. They work together like a cog as the engine that fuels your business and fuels that magnetic field so that clients are coming to you. Okay? So you can’t just do The After Phase Al of a sudden, and then expect a ton of clients coming your way. That’s not going to work, but slowly but surely, if you get your after Phase going and then continue to add people to it, as you help more people and attract more clients and more people to your business with your marketing, then what happens.
It’s almost like a little circle. So the after phase then feeds the before phase. And all of a sudden you don’t need to really market yourself really, truly you’re known for something. And then Clients start coming to you. That was my experience building my business is all of a sudden I didn’t have to work so hard in my before Phase because my after Phase became my before Phase. And that is really when being a real estate agent feels so good because it’s so much more rewarding and exciting to work with clients again and again at their friends, as their business, as their life changes. And as their life grows, it is a very rewarding experience. And you kind of feel like you’re part of their lives.
So that was my goal. And so that is the approach that I’m teaching. So that’s point number one point number two is we have a quiz that I’m putting together for our inner circle. So if you’re not already a member of an, of our inner circle, you definitely want to join that at Agent grad forward slash inner circle. It’s totally free. And I’ll be sending out a quiz over the next week so that you can answer a series of questions. And the quiz will tell you what Pillars, which of the five pillars you need to work on in your business, so that you understand where you really need to focus on, especially as, as this recordings is towards the end of 2021.
So you can really be thinking, what do I need to put in place my business in 2022 so that my business is easier. I have clients coming to me and for you, you’re seasoned agents. Maybe it’s just a little bit more free time and leverage to enjoy the fruits of your labor and the hard work that you have worked so hard for. So for those of you who are in our inner circle, you’re going to get the quiz and I’m going to do a masterclass and invite you by email for every it’s only for our inner circle members. So I’ll be inviting you to a masterclass so that we can dive a little bit deeper than I’ve been able to do on this podcast, with what to put in place in your business, depending on which Pillar you need to work on.
And some of you say, I want to, I need to work on all five I’m brand new, totally fine. You’re going to get a ton of tactics during that webinar to really be the foundation of your business plan for the next year. So please, please join the inner circle if you haven’t already. And if you are in our inner circle, those things are coming up over the next few weeks. We will not be having a podcast for the next two weeks. And then we are going to go into our business planning month after Thanksgiving. So a lot of really fun stuff’s coming up, do not miss it. Join that inner circle Agent grad forward slash inner circle. Okay, so let’s dive into the conversation today about pillar number five, The After Phase, how do keep in touch with your past clients in a way that brings clients to you, but also fosters the relationship.
And really, as I see it, the transaction like settlement day, it’s just the beginning of the relationship with these people that you really kind of went through a pretty momentous occasion in their life. Anybody who’s moving, it’s a pretty big deal. Sometimes they’re moving up to their forever home. Sometimes they’re buying their first home. Sometimes they’re moving down. Sometimes it’s because of a divorce. Sometimes it’s because of a death. There is no transaction, even investors, you know, like they’re fulfilling a dream and they’re fulfilling an income requirement that they have truly, if you think about it, there is no transaction.
In my opinion, if you really think about it and get to know your people, that it’s just a transaction, it really is a big deal in people’s lives. And so to me, that is the moment that is the beginning of the relationship with your clients. So I’m going to talk a lot about today, about how to rethink your after phase of your business. So traditionally we’re taught to do all sorts of things, to get clients, my approach, and the way that I hope that you think about talking and being in touch with your past clients. It’s not to get anything from them. You will naturally get clients and naturally get repeat clients, but I really want you to change your mindset.
That is not the goal of keeping in touch. I mean, the hope is that you’ve built a business that attracts clients to you, that you truly enjoy working with, and that you actually want to build a relationship and be in their lives. I always say you need to think about how to add value to people. And I don’t believe that it should stop at the transaction. You should add value to people’s lives. Now that they’ve done this big thing in their life. So for me, when I was thinking about how I really want to create ongoing relationships with my clients while after the transaction is over, and that was my philosophy. That was my quote unquote strategy is I was really focused on creating relationships.
I wanted to be seen by my past clients as the expert in their life, similar to how I see my accountant or my financial advisor, somebody that is in my life year after year after year and who I can turn to when I have a question. So that is the quote unquote strategy that I was. That was the approach that I was creating when I created the after phase that I’m going to explain to you now, this is one of those things that like you kind of can’t fake. So you can’t say that you’re Keeping In Touch to have relationships when really you’re hoping for something from people.
My hope is that you’re coming from a place of truly giving value and helping people be great homeowners. So for me, as I’ve mentioned throughout this, if I Pillar I’m giving, I could give you so many different examples of different clients or excuse me, different students of ours who had clients that fit all sorts of niches. But I think it’s easy for me to illustrate my, what I did and when I built in my business. So here we are. So think through this as the Pillars in the transaction, right? So I was attracting first-time home buyers to me for all the reasons that I explained in that marketing you pillar, number one, podcasts.
So if you don’t remember that one, or you haven’t listened to that one, I will link to the show notes in this episode. And the URL is ADA grad forward slash after as an after phase. So I will link to marketing you all link to all of the Pillars, all of the podcasts about the Pillars. I will link to that at that page. So think it through it like this, I was attracting first time home buyers, right? And then throughout the transaction from the initial consultation and how I got them to the, to be even wanting to show up for the initial consultation. What I offered at the initial consultation was all geared towards first-time home buyers.
And then the approach I took, the experience I created is during the doing phase again, I was always putting myself in their shoes. What is it that a first time home buyer is feeling right now? What are they experiencing? And I created an experience, same thing with my under contract phase. So now I want them in the after phase. How could I add value to first-time home buyers? Well, for me, it was the fact that you’ve got these people who just bought their first home and they don’t know how to take care of it. So for me, my value was to help them be good, homeowners, learn what they need to learn about being a homeowner.
So what I, what I do is I take people from, as you guys well know, I love email marketing. And so I would take them off my first-time home buyer list and put them on my homeowner list. And week after week, I provided value to them in the form of articles about how they could save money at home, different vendors and contractors, sharing stories about what I was doing at my house, all sorts of things that helped them and inspired them and gave value to them as homeowners. Now, for those of you who don’t have first time home buyers as your niche, maybe it’s downsizers, maybe it’s move up.
People, maybe it’s, you know, who knows, but 95% of you, if you sell a house to somebody, one of two things happens either they’re moving into another house, like a house that you helped them buy, or they’re moving out of the area. So most of you are going to be able to add value to people as homeowners, because be either moved away and maybe you’re not keeping in touch in that way, or they’re staying local and chances are you helped them buy a home. And even if you didn’t, let’s say they were an investor, well, then you might have to make a judgment call. Do you want to add them to your email list?
Maybe, maybe not my savviest investors. I did not add to my email list because I was talking to them on a weekly daily basis. We were really loyalty to each other because of everything else that happened before in each one of those other pillars. So I didn’t need to add them. And they became loyal, repeat clients and referrals for me without having to keep in touch with them. Whereas your homeowners, right? You’re not talking to them every single week. There’s no reason to be in touch with them as often as your investors. Okay. So that’s strategy number one. So first we have the mindset you really want to add value, help people like there’s so many things to think about when you own a home, one of our students, for example, she just went through making her house like a Storic designation.
And I guess there’s some kind of tax incentive or tax reduction. So she’s sharing that with her people. That’s a perfect example. Another one of our students just painted her house there. She showing like, you know, the, before the, after the estimate who she used and you know, how she compared, and that is very valuable for anybody. Even if somebody has owned a house for 30 years, that kind of sharing of knowledge and sharing of resources is super helpful. So do that on a bi-weekly basis. Monthly is not enough. And for your homeowners every other week is PR as a perfect cadence every week is what I recommend.
As far as email marketing to your like people who haven’t, you haven’t worked with yet weekly is, is important. You need that consistent cadence and that consistency like you need to have it. So you’re in touch with them more often, but your past clients, your homeowners, you can get away with every other week, not every month, you share one article, one thing, one resource, not one of these typical email newsletters that you see a lot of real estate agents using that have to do with like what’s going on in the area. The, you know, drive-in movies that are in town, none of that stuff, it truly is only about how to succeed at being a great homeowner and sharing your resources when it comes to making a great home.
So that’s strategy. Number one, strategy. Number two is have a touch point system that is very deliberate, very timed and PR like helps them ease into their home. So what I call, I call it a after the transaction system. So for example, after my clients close seven days after settlement or after their move in date. And I note that in my CRM, I asked them when they’re planning on moving, sometimes I know through the conversations like they’re moving on settlement day, or sometimes there’s a rent back, or sometimes they, I know that they’re moving like, you know, two weeks after settlement, for whatever reason.
I note that in my CRM and my CRM pings me to give them a call seven days after the move in. Hey, I just wanted to check in and see how your move went and how things are going, settling in. Do you need anything? Is there anything weird? Do you have any questions we chit chat for a little bit? I do not ask for business. I don’t ask for referrals. I don’t ask for who else they know. I don’t taint the experience for them with a need for myself. I’m truly coming from a giving place. And I truly want to make sure that they’re settling in and to truly see if there’s anything I can do to help them.
So that is just one example of a after the transaction system. The other thing I do is send a congratulations card and I put in a what’s called a Yurok magnet. And I put a little note in there saying how awesome they, they were at the transaction and, you know, just put in a little something personal. And I will tell you that like seven years later, I’ll go back to the house. Cause they’re like, Hey, it’s time to move. We need a bigger house. We had three babies since, you know, we bought this house and lo and behold, that magnet is on their fridge. So little things like that, it’s just really funny to see.
So I have all this put in to my CRM and I should have counted the points. I think it’s a 12 point system over five years, maybe two and a half years. I forget what it is exactly, but I have something that happens. I send out the card the next day, I, as friend, the months, Facebook and Instagram, I do not do that until after the transaction is over, just in case who knows do I want to stay in touch with them? We’ll find out, I’ll make the decision at settlement. I give them that seven day after moving, checking call three months in, I send them a little RNR gift, like a rest and relaxation gift. It used to be tickets to the movies, but obviously that’s changed and COVID just a night out so they can rest and relax.
And I say something like, you know, you’ve been working hard, getting settled, have a night out on me and just enjoy yourself again. I do not ask for Business. I’m just congratulating them and giving them something that they really do deserve after all this time. And so touches like that at certain very specific points. I, at the year anniversary, I have a charity that I am a part of and that I give a lot of money to. And then I believe strongly in, and it’s called pathways to housing. It’s in Washington DC, and I give them a donation on their behalf. So I give a donation to that organization on their behalf. And I’ve worked with the organization.
They send a sweet note from the organization, thanking them for the, for their donation. And a lot of my clients have become involved in the organization from that donation. So just little things like that that are built into a CRM and it pings me. So all I have to do at the end of the transaction is move them from one email list to another, and then start this workflow in my CRM. And lo and behold, without me having to think twice without me having to beg for business, without me having to do phone dates or any of that stuff, unless I want to know if somebody asks me to dinner and there’s plenty of times when Clients turned into very dear, dear friends of mine – that dynamic.
And that’s a little bit of a different situation. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go on coffee dates or you shouldn’t go on lunch dates. I’m just saying, don’t do it with the intention that you’re going to get business out of it go because you truly like heart changing the relationship. So what I’m suggesting in your after phase is you do not need to spend a ton of time on it. I, I recently read some statistics from the national association of realtors and it said that 91% of real estate agents never contact their clients after settlement, according to the national association of realtors, 91% of real estate agents never reach out to their clients after closing.
But here’s the thing I know exactly why that number is so high because real estate agents have to wear a lot of hats there so much time and energy invested in getting clients and servicing clients that sometimes it just, even though you have the best of intentions, you just don’t have enough time in the day to also keep in touch with everybody. And I totally get it. But here’s the thing that same study by national association of realtor said that 88% of buyers, so they would use their agent again and 61% said they were even very satisfied with their experience, but because only 9% of real estate agents are keeping in touch with their clients and forming those relationships.
Only 25% of sellers used an agent they’d worked with in the past. In other words, only 25% of people that bought a home with an agent, use that agent again, or use an agent they used in the past. And I think those numbers just like they don’t add up working with your past clients and establishing yourself as a resource and somebody who gives value to them and really coming from that place and intention and doing that consistently every single week. We’ll excuse me, every other week I did every week. But if I could go back, it would be every other week. And then having those touch points at certain time periods that are quote unquote automated, but all the automation is as you’ve created the system, you know exactly what you’re going to do.
You order, for example, like 50 movie cards for the year and or gift cards to a really fun restaurant or whatever it is. And you just have them stacked up in your office. And when your CRM pings you and says, Hey, at three months, it’s time to send out this gift card to your, to X, Y, and Z who closed three months ago, it’s all done automatically. And what’s awesome is when you get to the point, because you will, if you put all these five pillars in place, you will get to the point where you cannot do those little things where you’re the one sending out the, the gift card. What’s so great is that then you can delegate that thing. So it still gets done. And you know, it gets done. It’s just that you’re not the one who gets, who gets it done.
And that is when being a real estate agent is really fun because you can create relationships with people and you can think about them and you can care about them and you can stay in your zone of genius, which is being the expert for them, not necessarily the one, writing the notes or getting the gifts. That’s all great. But what happens is your business becomes like stifled because you truly cannot as your business grows. I mean, hopefully you want to get to the point of like a transaction a week. So think about that pretty soon. When you get to that place, you’re at 600 people, right? I’m at hundreds of people, I think close to a thousand people that I’ve helped buy and sell a home.
There is no way then I can pop by each one of their houses, have lunch dates, give them a call. I cannot do that and grow my business. And so what happens is if you keep in touch in the traditional ways that real estate agents are taught the popping by the drive-bys, the gifts, the lunches, the coffee dates, and you come, especially from a place of wanting clients out of those interactions, not truly like being the expert. See, that’s the thing about being a real estate agent, unless you position yourself as an expert, people don’t necessarily need the gift.
It’s not about you being like somebody. They think of fondly because you’ve given them good gifts or you like having lunch with them and you pay for lunch. It being a good real estate agent in their mind. It’s not about being nice. It’s about being an expert and being knowledgeable and being somebody that shares knowledge and gives value in between and well, before and after somebody wants to actually do a transaction. So get out of that transaction mindset and get into creating relationships and how you create relationships can be very scalable. It doesn’t have to be picking up the phone every quarter or whatever it is.
Like. There’s no way that I could have done all the things that I did. If I had to pick up the phone all the time yet, my clients felt like I was talking to them every single week because of the way that I emailed them every single week with my personality, what was happening in my life. And then somehow tied it into, this is how I can help them with real estate, or this is how I can help them. Or this is a resource, for example, you know, when I would get my property assessment, right? I would talk about that. Hey, I, you know, this week are eye opening. Property assessments came. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been shocked at the value.
I guess that’s a good thing, but here’s how, if you want it to challenge your assessment, here’s how to do hair, how to do so. And if you need any help and I would give them instructions, and if you need any help with collecting comps so that I can, you know, support you in really telling you what your home is worth, please reach out to me. I’m happy to help you challenge her assessment. Okay. Do you see how that is? Way different than I’d love to get lunch with you sometime, or here’s the newest recipe or here’s what movies are playing at the drive in. Right? Do you see the difference? So that’s the approach that I want you to take in your aftercare system. I want it to be strategic, systematic relationship building and positioning, positioning you as the expert.
Not somebody who’s just nice and happens to be a realtor. Now, I think that covers everything I wanted to talk about when it comes to The After Phase, all of this can be automated and you can keep in touch with your business with everybody and grow your business. At the same time, do not create an aftercare system, a Keeping In Touch system that essentially puts a container or a ceiling on your time. Because what starts to happen is if you, for example, if your lead generation quote unquote strategy is to call all your past clients every quarter or every year, then it’s going to be really hard to do that and everything else you want to do.
So just think about what is scalable as you grow your business. What does not require you to hire people and or are the activities that you’re doing only requiring you, like only you can be on the phone call only. You can be the one to pop by only. You can be the one to show up at lunch, but I can get a lot done when my assistant who has better handwriting than I ever had knows exactly what to say in the note, because I have notes put in my CRM about what’s happening in their life.
She writes the note, she includes the gift card. I, she puts it on the counter. I review it. I send it out. I’m the one who puts it in the mail because I like doing that. There’s something about it that like is satisfying for me. Okay. So I hope this helps you with how to save time and really give value to your past clients in a way that builds the relationship without taking a ton of time from you, right? Building a personalized relationship with your past clients that doesn’t require, require or request anything from them, but truly just builds the relationship.
Right? We all probably have that one friend that always seems to be asking us to do something and isn’t really giving a lot. Don’t be that kind of person to your past clients. All right. I hope this is helpful. I hope this has changed your mindset about how to keep in touch with your past clients and the purpose of keeping in touch with your past clients. And just know that if you follow this way of keeping in touch in your after Phase and you have a strategy, so you need the, the, the approach and, and you need the tactics. So the two tactics, well, it’s really three, but the two are the email list every other week.
And then the, the, after the transaction follow system, the certain touch points that I suggested. And then the third place for me, the great place to keep in touch with clients is your social media. That is a great way to keep in touch with your past clients, Harding their stuff, liking their stuff, commenting on their stuff. It’s a really powerful way to keep in touch. And that’s a great way to use social media. Again, you’re not doing it to keep, to get clients out of it. You’re getting it because you really want to be involved with their lives and like, wonder what they’re doing, because these are now people in your life. So that’s the approach that you take.
And the natural by-product is they will refer you. They will want to use you again, because why wouldn’t they? Because you’ve built an actual true relationship that doesn’t really ask anything of them, but just gives value who wouldn’t want to come back to you. Okay. And then that feeds you before Phase. And then pretty soon you’re just working with your past clients and it is such a rewarding and wonderful type of real estate business. And it’s really the business that I think is worth building. Because at some point in your career, you have to stop huffing it for new clients all the time.
Like you really shouldn’t have to be asking people for business or wondering where your next client is coming from. If you’ve had a couple years worth of transactions and settlements on your belt, they should be coming to you. And if that’s not happening, it’s because either the pillars are not set up. So the experience that they’re having and you understanding how you’re different than every other real estate agent out there, isn’t set up, or you’re not keeping in touch with them in a way that truly provides value and position you as the real estate expert in their life and is really building relationship with them.
Okay? So that’s a clue. Those will be questions on the quiz, how you know how to know which part, which Pillar you have to work on. If you’re an agent and you have, let’s see T even 10 20 transactions under your belt, if you don’t have clients coming to you on a monthly basis from your past clients, then you need to focus on your after system first and foremost, and all of you seasoned agents out there, the best place to start is your after system. Why? Because acquiring new clients and customers costs five times as much as retaining existing ones.
And also that was a stat I found from, well, I found it a couple of places, but in, in invest consulting. And it also talks about how much easier it is to convert people, to becoming a client. It was between five and 20% conversion rate from somebody who’s a stranger versus a 70 to 80% conversion rate with somebody that has been a customer or client in the past. So I don’t know about you, but like the odds are in our favor to build relationships with our past clients, give value, and then just expect that they will come back and work with us.
Now, one thing I want to mention about your after phase is always, you still have to answer that question. Remember, in the, before phase in the marketing, you Phase pillar one, we asked the question, you have to answer the question. Why should somebody choose you? You also have to answer that question for your past clients. Why should they refer you? Why should they use you again? And as you’re building this relationship, you have to be answering that question. So I’ve given you a couple examples, positioning yourself, but also kind of go one step further, make it a no brainer for them to want to refer you or want to use, use you again.
And when I really sat down and thought about it for myself, I created what I call the loyalty program. And I explained in my emails to my past clients, what my loyalty program inst was, and it was only something I offered to my past clients was a slight discounted commission and some additional services. For example, I would pay for their staging and they would reimburse me at settlement. I had a list of contractors who, well, you know, especially in COVID, they don’t have to wait for months and months and months for people to show up at their house. I had a crew, so they, I was giving them a reason to choose me.
And I was including those reasons about once a month or every other month in my marketing, in those weekly emails, I made it super clear to my past clients that they were in my loyalty club and what that entailed and answered the question, why they should choose me. I made it a no brainer from every built, the relationship position myself as the expert kept in touch with them, you know, gave them the gifts. But didn’t require a ton of time from me created that relationship truly and came from a place of not needing to get anything from them, but truly just wanted to help them be good homeowners because that’s what I was good at. And that’s how I wanted them to see me in my life.
Then I was able to make it a no brainer by having that loyalty club and giving them things that only my past clients were offered. And what was great about that is also that gave them the reason to refer me because they would say things like, Hey, if you work with Jennifer to buy your house, you get to be part of this loyalty club and this, you get this, this and this, and nobody else gets that. So it also answered why people should refer me. So I didn’t have to ask for business because the experience I created in each one of the pillars in each one of the phases of the transaction that they would go through with me, I made it super clear why I was different, why they should choose me and why they should refer me.
So getting referrals on autopilot pilot, without having to ask is created in two places it’s created in the transaction from all the little steps that you put in, and you really like create an experience that cannot be replicated. And that really wows them and says like, here’s why you need to use Jennifer because she has this really great way of approaching it. Like, for example, in my initial consultation, I approach my initial consultations as a process, I’m teaching the process of buying or selling home a home. And that alone gets people to want to refer me because they never really understood the process.
And I make it very clear for them. So each phase, each pillar, you are creating the reason why people should use you again and refer you, but don’t let it fall off a cliff. After the transaction is over, this is a really wonderful time to build upon a relationship that was started during the transaction, but it’s truly only at the beginning. All right. I hope that this approach changes the way that you think about keeping in touch with your past clients and gives you strategies to save you time while providing more value to the people that you’ve helped buy or sell at home.
And don’t forget to join the Agent Grad School, inner circle and Agent grad forward slash inner circle. So you can get that quiz coming soon to the inner circle, and you can be part of our masterclass to help you figure out how to put these five pillars or which five pillars, which of the five pillars you need to instill into your business, and then how to go about doing that. So I can’t wait to see you soon. We’ll be back in a couple of weeks when we start talking about business planning in the meantime, see you in the inner circle. Thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent.
We purposely keep those podcasts sponsor and commercial free. So we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business. And how about life? They love out five of business too, but we need your help to get this podcast in the hands of other real estate agents. So please, if you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening, and also tell your agent friends to listen in to thank you so much for supporting the show for being a listener and supporting other agents along your way to success. That’s what this is all about. See you next time. On another episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent.
And until then, Tom, hang with me over at Agent grad I’ll see you there.