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If the real estate market could talk, this is what it would be saying right now:
It feels like there is no inventory at all, when it should be the height of the spring busy season.
Yes, this year, a global pandemic threw a wrench in all of our well-laid plans, but there’s a way to talk to your clients about what the market is doing right now that can keep them calm and keep them looking to the day they can continue with their plans to buy and sell.
Whether you know it or not (and whether there is a pandemic or not), there is always a natural ebb and flow to the real estate market.
Once you identify what the natural flow is in your market, you can use it to your advantage and help your clients at the same time!
In today’s episode of Confessions of A Top Producing Real Estate Agent, we discuss how to identify what the flow of the market is where you work and live and how to talk about it with your buyer and seller clients to manage their expectations.
We also explain how you can use this knowledge to schedule in seasons of work time and personal time throughout the year.
I sometimes think running a successful real estate business feels like constantly training for a marathon and once you understand the natural ebb and flow of the inventory in your market, you can plan your year out so you know when it’s time to add those extra miles and spend a lot of time working, while other months mean you can scale back and finally “tapper” your work schedule, scale back and enjoy some much needed rest.
Understanding What The Flow Is In Your Market
Every real estate market has certain times of the year when it’s a “better” time to sell and a less “good” time to sell.
What is it in your market?
The Yearly Flow of The Market
For example, if your market is very school calendar driven, meaning many people look to move in the summer so they aren’t moving in the middle of the school year, then perhaps the best time to buy a home and sell a home is during April, May, and June, so that everyone is moved in, settled in and ready for school come August.
If that is the case where you are, then you could communicate this information to your buyer and seller clients–that the majority (but not all) of homes sell during that time frame and how those facts determine what to expect.
For example, if a client comes to you in October wanting to buy a home in that area, you can explain that you will look for them, of course, and their criteria is in line with they could find (if that is the case), but right now, the inventory is low and to keep expectations low until April.
Doesn’t mean you won’t see houses on the market at all, you’ll just see less and you can tell them not to give up hope…it’s not their criteria, it’s just the timing that is off.
Or, maybe you service a ski resort area and the best time to buy and sell is when everyone wants to go skiing.
I don’t know what it is your area, but there is one.
Here is what the “natural flow” of the market looks like in the areas I service, but there are some “micro-markets” that work on a slightly different season and when I have a client who is looking to buy or sell in one of those “mico-markets” I’m able to communicate what to expect to my clients so they can plan and manage their expectations.
Download it here, maybe it’s the same as your market! If yours in the same, you can use this free download in your buyer and seller meetings to explain what the flow of the market is and what to expect.
The Weekly Flow of The Market
There is also a weekly cycle to the market. In most markets, homes come on the market closer to the weekend, when buyers have the time off work to visit homes.
Specifically, for my market, the best day to put homes on the market is Thursday. It’s when the majority of homes come on the market (but not all) and the reason is because we want our listings to update on all the listing website and feeds overnight and show up in buyers inboxes on Friday so they can reach out to their agents an schedule showings for the weekend.
Nobody ever told me this, it’s just what I noticed and once I did, I used it to help my buyer and seller clients and plan my weeks accordingly.
How Going With The Flow Helps Sellers
For seller clients–there are certain times of the year that are better to put houses on the market that will yield higher buyer turn out, a quicker sale and for more money.
There are even certain days of the week that are better to list homes that will get your seller clients more buyers coming to the house. So, I can explain that we list homes on Thursday. That alone brings clarity and a plan to sellers and then I can explain to them why. That makes me look like an expert and also has them realize that my worth is not just in an offer, it’s what I do all along the way to get them the best offer possible.
How Going With The Flow Helps Buyers
For buyer clients–oftentimes, they are simply looking at a time when there is a lower number of houses on the market.
I keep their hopes up and say, “if the market could talk it would say, ‘it’s me, not you'” and that lightens the situation for them and helps them understand that what they want in a home is possible, just not right now.
I then go on to explain when the inventory normally comes back and why and sure enough, when it happens, they feel even more certain about move forward with a home then because they were told this is when the houses come on the market sure enough, they did.
I know many of buyers want a house the minute they decide it’s time to buy one, but sometimes it takes a little time. It’s definitely NOT like HGTV when you go out look at four houses and buy one of them. That is a grossly oversimplified version of what it’s like to buy a home (and we really wish they would stop making it look like that is what it will be like).
Explaining the ebb and the flow of the market to buyers keeps them calm, keeps them engaged in their search even when there is not much inventory and keeps them from looking to you to do something. Instead, they understand, it’s just timing.
How Going With The Flow Helps You As An Agent
Not only does understanding and then communicating this ebb and flow of the market to your buyer and seller clients help them, but it also helps you.
1.) You don’t have to panic if there aren’t many homes on the market for a buyer when there is a natural ebb.
For example, in my market, the listings would dry up like clockwork every August and every December. Rather than panic, I would explain this to my buyers that it just wasn’t the most likely time they would find a home. Doesn’t mean we won’t find a home, but just don’t panic when you don’t see any homes on the market week after week. I’d say that the inventory comes back after the new year and like clockwork, houses would come on the market in January and they were ready for it.
Knowing this information calmed them down, they knew what to expect and it helps them realize it wasn’t them, it was just timing. It also helped me, because I knew that those months of the year would be slower and I could plan more personal things in my life outside of work and actually have the time to enjoy them.
2.) You can schedule in seasons of work and seasons of personal time.
Being in real estate can be a 24/7/365 job if you let it. But, if you know and understand the ebb and flow of the market, you can look at your real estate business like a surfer rides the waves or like a runner trains for a marathon.
Here’s what I mean…
A surfer knows when the waves are at their best. There are certain times of the day when the waves are better. That’s when they go out to catch a wave.
Once they are out there, they know that sometimes they have to wait it out before a wave comes in. They wait, but they are always looking.
They finally get the wave they’ve been waiting for and it’s worth all the planning and waiting and patience.
In the running example–if you’ve ever trained for a race or know anyone who has, you know that there is a schedule to adhere to based on when race day is. Some weeks you have a few miles to run, some weeks you have to put your head down and do the long runs. Then, there are weeks when you “tapper” and rest to get ready for the race day.
You can use the natural ebb and flows of the market to do just this in your business.
Some weeks or even months are going to be all consuming with work. You are making the hay while the sun shines so-to-speak. While other months are going to be slower. Not because you don’t have any clients, but because you are in a natural ebb of the market when it’s time o take a break. You’ve planned for this, you are ready for this and you spend this time resting, relaxing and doing all the things you put off when you were working maybe a little too much.
You can communicate these seasons to the people around you so they know what to expect from you and what’s possible as well.
I know my family really appreciated understanding the cycle in my market so they knew there were times I would be busier with work than others and we could all plan accordingly.
Just like accountants are busiest from February through April, you might need to communicate to your family that is busiest time of year work-wise, but it will be worth it come August or December when you have more free time to make up for the busy time.
3.) Positions you as an expert
When you communicate to your buyer and seller clients what the natural flow of the market is and tell them how they can use it to help them succeed in their search or sale of a home, you position yourself as a true expert.
Being able to predict what will happen before it happens and explain that this is “normal” when they aren’t hearing that from anywhere else, means you know things they can’t get anywhere else.
All the more reason for them to choose you as their agent and refer you to all their friends.
4.) Answers that question, “Why Should Someone Choose YOU?”
As always, we need to be answering that question, why should someone choose YOU as their real estate agent vs. all the other options out there.”
Understanding the flow of the market and communicating this information to your clients, no only answers that question, but also keeps clients calm, helps them manager their expectations, allows you to plan the seasons of your year according and positions you as a true expert.
I hope you’ll start using this in your business today.
To your success,
Episode Transcript
In today’s episode, how to go with the flow of your market, what that means and how do I Welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent I’m your host Jennifer Myers listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the U S even opening my own brokerage full of agents, help me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I used in day to become a top producing agents now, to this podcast and agent Grad School dot com. I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside of the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you to real estate business you’ve always wanted.
And the life outside of your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode, whether you know it or not, If your market has a natural, weekly and yearly flow to it, it’s really important for you to understand this flow for yourself. So you know what to expect from your business and what to do. When I always say being a real estate agent is running a marathon every year. You’ve got to know what to expect and pace yourself. So you can finish the year and feel great all year long without burning out, not being able to finish. You’ve got to know when to push and, you know, you need to know when to what’s called taper or pull back and rest.
It’s crucial for your own expectations for your health and your own planning purposes. And so you can communicate what’s possible to the people in your lives that you love, like your friends and family, when you’re going to be kind of needing to focus on work. And when you can really like chill and take a rest and go somewhere fun with them. What’s interesting though, is that’s what I call the internal Flow at the Market that’s for you. And there is also what I call this external flow of the market. And that’s how you explain this natural flow and how it affects your buyer and sellers. It’s important for them to understand this natural flow of the market as well. So they know what to expect from putting their home on the market. If they’re a seller, you know, there’s an effect where if you put a house on the market at a certain time of the year, you might get a different result.
And so they need to know what meat weeks and months are better. And you need to be the one to tell them about it. There’s also some weeks and months to skip putting your house on the market for a fur, because you’re not going to get such a good result. And it’s your job to understand this natural flow and bring this information to your initial content consults with them, AKA your listing appointment, and make sure that you’re adding value to the process from the very beginning about when they should be putting their house on the market, same thing with your buyers. They need to understand this flow of the market. So they understand how to cope with what I call the feast and famine have the inventory. So they don’t go off the rails during a feast or famine.
You know, when there’s no houses to show them the first thing they’re gonna think, Oh my gosh, I can’t, this isn’t a possible, I should’ve bought, this is never gonna happen for me. And they may quit their search. You don’t want that to happen. So it’s your job to understand the flow of whatever your inventory is and explain that to your buyers. So they know to keep calm and keep the search going on. And maybe just take a break for a few weeks. For example, during the holiday, what’s also amazing about knowing how both of these flows work is that you’ll be so much more at ease in your own business and your clients will trust you more. They’ll think you’re a true expert because you know things and tell them things before they actually happen. And it’s a great tool, like I said to use in your initial consult consultation appointments.
And today’s freebie. The free download that you get with this episode is actually a visual aid that you can use in your initial consultation appointments with buyers and sellers to show your clients visually what this natural flow looks like. And it really helps for them to understand it when they see it. So go and get that download, go to agent grad and go to this episode and then get your download and use it as a visual aid in your business. And in a couple of minutes, I’m going to invite Amy to share how she uses that same visual in her own business, but just know that that’s a resource for you to start using right away. Now, one note before we dive in and I explain what all this means in more specific detail, I’m going to explain it for the markets that I’ve worked in and have personally experienced, which most likely most of you will probably have.
That’s the same Flow, but in other markets you might have a different flow. And for example, if you’re in a vacation market or a resort market, or maybe you are in a ski town or something like that, right, this Flow still exists. It might not just be exactly the months and how the week works, but you do have a version of it. And so your job is to take this information, make your own version of this and be able to explain it and use it in your own business. So my hope is that by knowing it exists, after listening to this podcast, that you look to see that this exists in your market and it’s probably close, but if it’s not, don’t think that this doesn’t apply to you just think, well, what’s my version of this.
And let me figure out how to use this in my own business. Okay. So let’s get started. Let’s get to the first started with the yearly Flow of the market, and I’ll first explain it, how I talk to buyers. Then I’ll tell you how I talk to sellers. Then I’ll tell you how to use it in your own business or how I use it in my own business. And then we’ll hear it. How Amy uses it in her business, then we’ll go on to the weekly cycle and how that’s important to communicate with your buyers than your seller’s and then how to use it in your own business, in your own planning. Okay. Inevitably, let’s start with our buyers in a buyer consultation. Oftentimes timing will come up. Not because you’ve asked, but because they might say, Oh, my lease ends on X day, or I need to be in a home by X time.
So it’s a perfect time to pull out the visual aid. Again, that’s a free download for you. So go ahead and pull out this visual aid and you could say, well, that sounds wonderful, but just so you are aware there a natural flow, a natural ebb and flow to the inventory and you show them this visual aid. And so I’m going to explain it. So if you can download that now, have it in front of you because it’s going to make a lot more sense. So it kind of looks like this rollercoaster, right? And I say the, the lowest inventory is in January. That’s where we start. Cause it’s the beginning of a year or the lowest inventory is in January. And as the spring Market comes up, that’s our best time of the inventory. That’s February, March, April, and may.
And you can see that there’s this kind of increase. And then all of a sudden it goes down and at least where I’m, where, where I work. It’s June, July and August is the lowest time. And then we have an uptick in September, October, right after labor day. And then things go down again during the holidays from Thanksgiving until the new year. And then it starts all over again. And it’s the same, Flow every single year. And so I tell you this, not to have you rush your search or anything like that. I’m telling you this, and you’ll hear it from me often and I’ll remind you of it, but we have to go with the flow. So if you’re looking in August, chances are, there’s not going to be a great inventory. It doesn’t mean that we won’t go out.
It doesn’t mean, you know, but there might be one or two houses for us to see every week instead of six. Whereas your best bet is in the spring, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t houses, good houses all year long. It just means we have to go with the flow. And I sometimes say, you know, How surfers like go out and they wait for a wave and then they get in on the good one. And so that’s all that means. And so I’m telling you this because I want you to understand the rhythm. And I want you to know that this is a natural rhythm that we both have to work in and we can’t go against the flow or we’re just swimming upstream and losing energy. So that’s an example of how I use the yearly cycle metaphor with my buyer clients. Now in the selling side, it’s really important to use that as well, because if you have a client who wants to a list, a house during a time when you know, they’re not going to see a good result, or they’re not going to have a lot of showings, for example, like during the holidays, you would explain that same ebb and flow of the year.
And you’d say, look, we can list your house during this time. I just want you to be aware that the outcome might not be as strong as one of these other times when we have most buyers, because here’s the thing when there’s more inventory and the buyers are expecting it, there’s also more listings. And so yes, there is a conversation about what does it more listings mean that I am going to have Market competition, but I always say, you know, yes, that could be the case, but that’s really when the buyers are out and they’re looking, they’re ready to go. So often I have clients who like want to list their home, like the first week of January. And I really try hard to push them to a little bit later in the beginning of the year, because I know how buyers work.
Right. I know that buyers are just starting their search. They’re just getting approved. They’ve woken up, you know, in the beginning of the year and they’re kind of starting over. And so for those listings, because both I’ve been on the buyer side and the seller side, I know that those listings that come early on don’t usually have as many offers or, and so that’s, you know, sometimes a benefit for my buyer, right. But if I’m helping a seller, I might say, Hey, lets wait a few weeks into February because that’s when the buyers are not just looking, not just getting approved, but they’re actually ready to buy. And so we want to hit that time. Now there’s times when sellers can’t do that, but even if they can’t weight and they have to list their home in January, you’ve already had the conversation with them.
So if the expectations are set kind of it to reality, they’re not going to be completely disappointed if you’ve given them the information and then they’ve had an outcome that maybe is less than they expected. So before I talk about the yearly cycle and what it means for you and your business, I’m just going to pause, invite Amy to, to join in and, and tell us a little bit about how you use this analogy of going with the flow of the market. And you use this visual in your own business with your buyers and sellers, then we’ll come back and talk about how you can use it in your, your own business kind of internally. Yeah. Well I think as far as using it with my sellers and buyers, so it’s, again, you’re bringing some clarity too to the conversation, right?
You’re explaining how it works because buyers and sellers come to us all the time. How long is it going to take for me to sell my house? You know, how many times have I heard? What’s the average amount of time that people look for our house to people, the clients ask you that. Yeah. Like they don’t have a sense of like, am I doing it right? You know, is it two weeks? Is it two months? Is it, is it, you know, is it it’s a year, you know, all that kind of stuff. And you know, it creates clarity and it also makes them calm down and understand when they’re not seeing things that it’s okay, it’s normal. It’s supposed to happen that way, because there will be weeks that there’ll be very low inventory. And so people get frustrated and then I don’t want them to quit because they’re going to quit right before all the good stuff comes on.
But if I tell them ahead of time, they might get frustrated, but they trust me. They trust that things are gonna start happening, you know, and they’re willing to hang in there because people will kind of quit sometimes if they feel like, well, I can’t find what I want. Well, you know, I’m, I’m just not meant to be a buyer. You know, it’s not my time. And, and, and, and that’s not necessarily the case, you know, it’s just where we are. We’re don’t have enough inventory to look at, but it will be coming up and it also gives them so they can relax. I’ve got some clients now it’s like, we can relax a little bit. We’re looking. And if something does pop up great, but we’re not panicking, no one is panicking. You know, it’s January, we know it’s a little bit slower and I’ve already given them the graph and they know what to expect.
So when they pull up their listings and they see nothing exciting, they understand why there’s nothing exciting, as opposed to, if I hadn’t had that conversation, sharing them the graph, they would think that was it. That’s all we have. These are my choices, you know? And, and, and again, creates value because you’re, Hey, I’ve been a bit in this market for a long time. There is an ebb and flow to it, you know, and, and that, it makes everybody like, take, take a minute to relax. And on top of it, it makes a, it helps you as an agent, not look at houses that, you know, aren’t right for your clients, because they’re just going to pick any, you know, if that’s the one house they can see, and they don’t know that there are a better homes there going to say, let’s go see this house. So it eliminates a lot of driving around and looking at homes that aren’t appropriate for them, or fit the criteria.
Yeah. And wasting their time and getting them upset because they’re like, I’m never going to have a house that I like. Right. And also really, and that leads us to our next thing. You know, it, it, it gives you an excuse to, it takes a little bit of the edge off for yourself and not be showing houses when, you know, cause you’ve already created this, this expectation, right. That there is certain times of the year when it’s Go time. And there is certain times of the year when like, regardless, it’s just not the best time. And so they don’t want to be out looking at houses cause you’re telling them, it’s like, it’s a bad time. It’s all kind of leftover inventory, that kind of thing. And so that’s why, right. There’s a way to ex to explain it to your clients and how it helps them.
But knowing this for your Market also helps you. I know for me, I, I would always try to plan family vacations or, you know, my own time off in those downtimes, like for us and our Market it’s July in August. So that week of July 4th, like, ah, I knew I wasn’t gonna have any listings cause I didn’t. I told my, my clients to wait. I knew I wasn’t gonna have any buyers because I’ve told them there’s not going to be any listings because everybody waits. Same thing with August. I got to the point where I would take the entire month of August off and I would live like in a vacation world and for three weeks. And you know, I didn’t start there, but it’s because I understood this ebb and flow that I was a able to set expectations for my clients that like, this is kind of a time when we don’t need to be out looking.
It doesn’t mean I disappear. It means I’m still in touch with them. I’m still doing calls. I’m still checking the inventory. You know, I have somebody ready to show houses if they, if by chance something came on the market. But usually it was something that wasn’t very good. And so they didn’t go forward with it. Anyway, I actually remember, I just had a flashback. Amy, do you remember every August that you would come to me in like a panic for a few years? And I kept saying, this happens every year. You need to relax. You need to go back to the ebb and flow. And if you’re a panicking, because you’re like, where’s all my clients, your clients are parenting because they’re like, well, where’s all the houses. And so finally, and the same thing with me, and the only reason I understand that this ebb and flow works is because every single year for like the first five years of my real estate business, I was like, Oh my gosh.
In August, it was like clockwork. Every August. I was like, Oh my gosh, I know I’m not hearing anything. It’s really quiet. I have no clients. I have no listings. Oh my gosh. And then I would be full anxiety for three weeks and then I wouldn’t be resting. I’d be panicking. And then I would be, you know, exhausted by the time the, the feast came again, what happened like clockwork every labor day. So it’s literally like clockwork and you explain this to your buyers, but you use it to again, taper when you need to take time off, schedule something else fun and just relax a little bit because you’re on so often all the time. So anything else you want to add about how you use this?
Not only with your clients, but like in your own life and your own business, knowing this ebb and flow. Yeah. It gets really important. Even if you, you know, like I said, I had the same situation, you know, I did, I came in to every August and I’m like, it’s over my real estate career is over. And you’re like, no, it’s not. And I panicked for most of the month, like you said, and then everything would come back and you know, the more, you know, like the inventory would pick up or I’d have my sellers come back to me. And I think you really have to trust again, this ebb and flow of the market and spend that time, that downtime like restoring your energy. I, I look back and I feel like that’s like spinning my wheels a lot with the what ifs and, Oh my gosh. And, and had I trusted that, like, this is not that I didn’t trust you, but I didn’t trust myself.
You know, I was scared and financial, you know, a fear, you know, you get scared financially. You don’t know what’s going to happen. And so when I was able to let go of that a little bit and trust that process, then I could relax a little bit. And I’ll also give myself a break because, you know, we work really hard. All of us, I think that are successful and we need a break. So we can be the best that we could be in front of our clients. And you can’t do that. If you spend an entire month worrying about what F’s Yeah. I take a break or put to, you know, a marketing project aside, like I would always like redo my website or I would batch a bunch of newsletters in August or, you know, there’s things that you can do to like help your business grow behind the scenes so that you’re ready when you’re out busy again.
Right. So often real estate agents like Market themselves and then they get busy and they start or stop marketing themselves. So yes, you definitely want to take some rest, but you also want to use that downtime to prepare your marketing and your business growth for when you’re off being busy with clients. Absolutely. So that is how the yearly ebb and flow works. And again, we could go on and on about this topic and how useful it is in your own business. And I’m how important is to know to the day and communicate it with both your buyer and seller clients and put them at ease as well. Stan, you, again, look like an expert and you, and you are showing value to your clients in a way that they’re like this agent is different from every other agent.
Why is no one talking about this? Why don’t I know this already? And it starts to prove that you’re worth and that, you know, so many clients, so many clients think that real estate agents don’t do anything and make too much money. And unfortunately, you know, that’s unfortunately how a lot of the public sees us. These are the little things. If you can weave not only into your initial consultation, but also when you see them starting to panic, right? Or you prepare them right before the holidays, you know, I always say, you’ve got to be one step ahead of them. You’ve got to prepare them that there were about to be in Thanksgiving. I’m going to be away for the week anyway, visiting family, but just know that there’s not going to be anything because it’s Thanksgiving week, that’s normal. I’ll still be looking, I’ll still touch base with you.
But my expectations are low. And being able to say that as you see them panicking is really important, but also when like houses come back on the market, right? We have another episode coming up about how to slow your clients down. And so we also warn clients like, Hey, it’s the spring market. If you’re not ready, then get off those online apps and stop looking at houses because there’s going to be a good ones. So before you start, you know, getting crazy about a house that you fell in love with online really decided the right spot, right time to be buying because there’s going to be a lot on the market at that time a year. So we use it in both the feast and the famine. All right, let’s move on to the, the weekly Flow of the market. And this took me a little bit longer to understand, but I’ll first tell you how to explain it to buyer clients.
Then I’ll explain it, how we talk to our seller clients. And then, and then we’ll talk about how to use it in your own business. So here’s why I explained the weekly flow of the Market to, by our clients. I’ll say, you know, in an initial consultation, you’ll have a part towards the end where you say here’s what’s next. And you explain that yearly Flow of the Market. And then you say there’s also a weekly flow of the market. And this is just, you know, a template. This is just kind of a guide for us, but houses and again in our market tend to go on the market Thursdays and Fridays. And so you’ll always hear for me every single week on Friday with a list of homes to see during the weekend, and how’s attend to them beyond the market over the weekend, and they tend to go off the market Tuesday, Wednesday now.
And then I say, I’m not telling you this to rush because I don’t actually want you to get into this frenzy about that. I’m telling you this to put your mind at ease so that you don’t have to be on your apps or be online every second of the day. And to also explain that when you do see houses on the market, we definitely want to have a communication about them, because if it, if it is the one I need to be in touch with the other agent and make sure that it is gonna follow this normal kind of ebb and flow, because there’s always exceptions to the rule. So I would be in touch with the seller and I would say a, the seller’s agent. And I would say, you know, are you planning on presenting offers as they come? Or are you having a deadline?
That’s how our market works. So I’m not saying that this is the same for every single market that wherever you are, I’m saying something like this exists. And so you’ve got to prepare your clients and other markets, even in other markets locally, it’s different, right? In, in a different area, the houses will come on the market and they sometimes don’t last through the weekend. And so you’ve got to prepare your clients for that and say, look, if you see a house you like online, we’ve got to prepare it. We got to be prepared to get out of work and do that. You know, are you ready for that? And so that’s the conversation, right? And there’s more to it, but that’s basically what it is.
And then same thing with the sellers. So often I have sellers who call me and say, they want to put their house in the market tomorrow. Right? And we explain we list on Thursdays I’m. And again, you’ll learn this in, when you start to learn how to have the consultation scripts in your most successful year, but you say to them, well, this is how we work. We list our houses on Thursdays because that’s the day when most buyers are expecting it. And so are most agents and you go through and you walk through what to expect from the week, right? People will see houses and they’ll want to come right away. And we really need you out that weekend because that’s when the flow of the buyers, that’s when everybody’s off.
And then we usually set deadlines of Tuesday. And so it creates this clarity and this calmness out of the chaos, because they’re thinking like, Oh, how am I going to do this? And so you create a framework for how a listing is, can be organized and not feel like chaos. And you walk them through that and a lot more detail, but that’s basically how the Flow of our weekly Market works. Now there’s always exceptions to the rule and you’re prepared. And you’re not like, you know, at the movies all day on a Wednesday, but you are setting up this kind of weekly Flow so that people aren’t panicked all the time. And that there’s a plan for what happens when something is a, a, a, an exception to the rule.
And that gives so much calmness. And what’s also nice about this is then you can start planning your life. So for me, I mean, when you got really busy, you’ve got to have a plan for every single day. And so my daily, my work week looked like this, you know, Thursday I put on all my listings Friday was usually settlements and getting ready for the weekend, sending that weekly emails to my clients about here’s what I think you should see and scheduling those outings Saturday and Sunday was work. I had three clients at a time or two hour increments if, sorry, three per day to our increments, sometimes for you, if it was a really busy, you know, and so again, setting that up, I schedule showings in two hour increments. So we have to narrow it down to five.
Again, having that kind of Flow is really important for them to understand and for you to be able to plan. So you’re not like having nine clients on a Saturday. And then Mondays was typically home inspections and getting offers ready because deadlines were Tuesday. And then Wednesday was like a reprieve. It didn’t mean that I always got the day off, but if there was a time to like schedule a hair appointment or a nail appointment, or try to push clients to do a home inspection on that day, after going under contract, that was kind of what that day was for. And so it gave such clarity to me, like I didn’t list houses on Tuesdays, that didn’t make sense for my clients. And it didn’t make sense for me. I couldn’t because I was writing offers and presenting offers.
And so it becomes this ebb and flow comes from a place of what’s in the best interest of my clients. How do I communicate this to my clients so that they’re having a good experience and then, okay, great. Now that I know that how can I apply this to my business and my life so that it can have more of a life and kind of plan what needs to happen? When, so, Amy, can you talk about how you use that a weekly cycle in your business, whether it’s with clients or with yourself internally and how you plan? Yeah. So, you know, similar to what you just said, one thing that has really, really helped it’s helped give me structure, but it’s also helped give them structure and again, setting expectations of what it’s gonna look like to go out and look at houses and not setting the expectation that we’re going to, you know, you know, w this is talked about a lot, like the internet apps, good, the good and bad of it.
Right. And we all get hooked on, you know, our apps and our social media and all of these things. And so, you know, knowing that, like, you know, if we saw a house that we liked every time in our client went to see it, you know, and jump on it, like it would be all be running around like crazy them, Some of the agents are. And that’s what I want to make sure that their takeaway is like, you don’t have to run that kind of Business. Yeah. You’ll, you’ll, you’ll wear yourself out and on, and it’s not helpful to your client either. Nobody likes, it’s already feels, you know, there’s list of things that are most stressful in life. Buying a home is one of the top ones. So like, let’s eliminate some of that stress. And we eliminate it by explaining this is the normal flow of the weak. And this is normally what happens.
There are exceptions to the rule. And if there are where you have a plan for that, too, but expect to hear for me on this day, that way, and you’ll still get emails on Mondays and Tuesdays that say, this house looks great and you can, you know, say, great, we’ll add that to the list. I’ll call the agent or whatever. There’s always a plan, but, but we’re not just fielding, you know, inquiries. I mean, we can all get caught up in that, like house Lester, why is this so cheap? Or let’s go see it today. And if you do, you can’t run a successful business in your clients. Can’t feel successful either. You know, you have to really set. And especially once you start getting super busy as a, as a top performing agent, there’s absolutely no way you have to be able to structure your weekends so that your clients, when you’re with them for this two hour increments, it’s you and them, and you are a hundred percent there.
And then when you go to the next, you’re a hundred percent There and the next, so it, all of these things have to be set up on Thursdays and Fridays and ready to go. They have a list, they have the schedule. I sent it out that evening. So they know when There, whether they have it on their phone or they print it out. This is where we’re going, max. And this is where we’re going next. And here’s the time you own it all. And sometimes things change. You know, I wake up on the Saturday and like, you know, somebody says you can’t see something or something’s happened. And a client’s adapt to that. We changed the schedule, but you try to control as many variables as you can and utilize your time for yourself and for your clients in the most productive and positive way, you know, so that they feel like she knows what she’s talking about.
She remembered this house. We looked at, she, you know, all of those kinds of things. And I agree with you, it’s kind of that same. Flow in the market with a Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday. You’re not like sitting on the couch, eating Bon bons. You know, you, you, but you, but you’re not, you’re not, you, you, you get a little, you get a little personal time in and do you know that you’re not going to list a house on a Tuesday, you know? And there’s a reason why, and we explain to With sellers, there’s all kinds of strategy that goes into when we launch a listing on a Thursday, there’s all kinds of things happening to make them get the most people to come to their house. You know, there’s no accident in the way in which we have set out our listing strategy. We don’t just show you, put your house up.
There’s, there’s a whole process that goes into it. And I think, you know, particularly in our market, in the moment where the inventory is very low, I see many agents not putting up pictures, very small descriptions, because it’s the easy route. You know, the market’s good. There’s not a lot of inventory. I don’t, you know, I’ll put, that’s never what I do in my own business. And so there is a strategy behind everything, and sometimes they were they’re anxious and they want to move quickly. I have to say, you know why this is so incredibly important because everything fires at a certain particular time for a certain reason. And the reason is to get you the most buyers in the shortest amount of time and the highest price.
And there’s a little bit of magic that goes to that, that not every agent holds that we hold. And so that’s why we do it. Not because we like Thursday. Yeah, exactly. And it, it creates this clarity out of the chaos and it, and if you can, again, add value to your clients by creating a framework for which they can understand how this is going to get achieved, your role in it, their role of it, what to expect before it happens, then it happens again, you set yourself apart, you are adding value in a way that they can’t do it on their own. And that’s our job as a real estate agents. So lets wrap this up and understand the key takeaways and how you can apply all this to your business. Number one, understand that there is a natural flow in every single Market.
It might not be the exact same days or weeks or months that we just talked about in this one. But there is one in your market. Your job has to figure out what it is. And there’s two versions of it. There is a weekly cycle and there’s a yearly cycle. And your job is to see it, see what they can’t see or understand it for yourself and your business, and be able to communicate how that natural ebb and flow is going to impact your sellers and your buyers. So you use this information inside your business to finish that marathon, like we said, and, and be a real estate agent that’s strong all year long and taper. When you have the chance, you know, you don’t want to go against the grain. And if you know, your busiest month is going to be April, probably a bad time to take two weeks off.
But if you know, the downtime is August, take your two weeks off. It actually shut off your phone. Cause you can, and then explain this Flow of the Market to your clients, from their perspective of their search or their listing and how this Flow impacts them in both positive and negative ways. It makes them feel more confident about the timing of, of their outcome. It, it makes them feel more confident in you and it actually gives them more knowledgeable. They, they think that they, they know something that other buyers and sellers don’t, and that’s true because it’s, for some reason, people don’t seem to notice and you’ll look like a true expert when you have told them what to expect.
Well, before it happens and then it actually happens. So they’ll trust you more and they’ll see you as an agent that knows more than them answering that question. Why should they choose you among all other real estate agents and how can they accomplish their goals of buying or selling a home with your help? So thanks for listening, apply these tips to your business, get the free download and start using it as a visual to explain this to your buyer and seller clients and join us next time. On another episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent thanks for being here. Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode. Remember change happens when you take action.
So apply what you learn today to your own real estate business. If this episode has helped you subscribe, leave a review and share it with all your real estate agent friends, and as always, if you want even more great resources to create the real estate business you’ve always wanted and have the life you want outside of your business to head over to agent grad and sign up for the free weekly trainings, you’ll get free classes, discounts, and other goodies that only go out to real estate agents on that email list. See you next week right here on Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent the Agent Grad School Podcast.