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I always thought LinkedIn was a place you put up your resume once and then never log into again unless you were looking for a job.
Until I met today’s guest.
Now I realize what a powerful marketing and branding platform it can be for real estate agents.
LinkedIn is NOT just an online resume or a place to go when you need a job, it’s a powerful search engine AND the place that over 740 Million professionals use every day.
Sounds like a good place to show up and meet clients to me!
On today’s episode, I interview the foremost expert on LinkedIn, Donna Serdula, on how real estate agents can use this particular platform to grow their businesses.
Donna and I talk about:
- How LinkedIn is the most under-used social media platform that also provides the biggest opportunity for real estate agents
- How real estate agents can get more clients with LinkedIn
- How to use keywords to get more profile views
- The four steps real estate agents can use to create a powerful brand with LinkedIn
- Why quality trumps quantity when it comes to posting on LinkedIn
- And so much more!
Listen to this episode and then implement the steps to start using LinkedIn in your real estate business today.
To your success,
Links mentioned in this episode
Connect with Jennifer on LinkedIn
Connect with Donna on LinkedIn
LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies
LinkedIn Makeover
LinkedIn Headline Generator
Episode Transcript
On today’s episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. Why LinkedIn is the social media platform that is most underrated for connecting with your ideal clients, find out why and how to use it in your real estate business. On today’s episode, welcome to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. I’m your host, Jennifer Myers, Listen in, as I share exactly what I did to go from not being able to sell a house for years to becoming one of the top 1% of agents in the US even opening my own brokerage full of agents helped me serve all the clients that were coming my way. I taught those agents the same strategies I use and date two became top producing agents.
Now through this podcast and agent grad, I’m sharing those same modern marketing and business strategies with you. Most of which I learned from looking outside the real estate industry, no fluff, no theory, no outdated sales techniques or paying for leads, just the exact steps to get you the real estate business you’ve always wanted. And the life outside your business, you’ve always wanted to let’s make it happen and dive into today’s episode. There are more than 740 million users on LinkedIn. All professionals, not just searching for a job, but looking to connect with other professionals.
These people on LinkedIn are most likely your ideal clients, professionals who have jobs are looking to better their careers. And usually at the same time, looking to buy and sell a home as their career changes, maybe their location changes, maybe their income changes. So are you on LinkedIn and are you using it to its fullest advantage? I know I certainly wasn’t. I thought LinkedIn was like a place that you post your resume once and kind of never really use unless you’re in the professional world, looking for a job. I could not be more wrong about that. My guest today, Donna Serdula, she wrote, literally wrote the book on LinkedIn.
Oh, of one of those LinkedIn for dummies books. And she really is the foremost expert on using LinkedIn to brand yourself online. So I asked her to join me on today’s episode so I could ask her how can real estate agents specifically use LinkedIn to grow their businesses and connect with their clients. She has a four-step process that she shares about how to not only optimize your LinkedIn profile, but then use it to find and be found by your ideal clients. So Listen in as Donna shares her process for creating and using a LinkedIn profile so that you can show up as a true professional In your real estate business online, I have Donna Serdula on the podcast and she quite literally wrote the book on LinkedIn.
In 2009, she created a LinkedIn profile optimization mythology. And since then she and her team have helped over 6,000 professionals from all over the world, not just with their LinkedIn profiles, but really using LinkedIn to tell their stories and build powerful professional brands. She wrote the book, LinkedIn profile optimization for dummies and is seen as the foremost authority and expert when it comes to optimizing your LinkedIn profile to achieve your professional goals. So I want to thank you so much for taking the time to be here today, to help real estate agents specifically learn how to use LinkedIn, to attract the clients they want to work with and really position themselves as the go-to expert in their local markets.
So thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. So How did you become such an expert on LinkedIn? I’m so curious. Yeah, it’s kind of strange. Isn’t it like winked in of all of that works out there, like let’s pick the least sexy. How did you get into that? I was in, I was in sales and marketing. I was in like a cutthroat dog, eat dog high pressured sales environment, dialing for dollars. And I needed to really figure out a way to, you know, really grow my territory, established myself in a sales position.
And at the time I was a reseller of software. So I was basically selling the exact same software that my competitors were selling. Kind of like, How do you differentiate when the end product is the same? And it took me a little while. I’m not going to lie. Took me a little while to figure out that I was the differentiator that people were buying from me. And what I found is, as I was cold calling, one of the things I was always doing is I was Googling that person that I was going to be talking to. And this is like over 10 years ago now, but nothing has really changed when you Google a person.
What’s one of the first pertinent results. It’s almost always their LinkedIn profile. And I would look at these LinkedIn profiles and they never gave me any real, you know, anything really media, anything that I could really like grab onto. And now I started to realize like, you know, I want, I’m here to learn about this person and I’m not getting anything. And then the one day Jennifer, I had this huge epiphany, oh my God, I’m looking at these people. They’re looking at me. Both of you are just like Two ships passing in the night. So I looked at my profile and it was an out-of-date, dull, boring copy, and paste of my resume.
And I thought, oh my God, everything that I wanted from these other people I wasn’t giving. And that’s when I started to say, wait, let me really tell a story here. In fact, you know, I want to get found for opportunities. So how are people finding me? What are those keywords that they’re using? Let me start putting these things into the profile. And it was at that point where it all came together for me. And I said, you know, one, your LinkedIn profile is not your resume. You know, your LinkedIn profile needs to be a digital introduction, needs to be your first impression. This is your reputation. You have the power to control it. And you’ve got to optimize. You’ve got to take this opportunity and really do something with it.
So that’s how I got stuck. That’s amazing. And it’s one of the questions I wanted to ask you was you were the one from kind of researching you for this and also having gone through the process that we’re going to talk about, that you take people through. I learned that actually LinkedIn is not a digital resume. That’s what I actually thought it was. So here I am thinking that it’s a resume and I can ignore it. And it’s a snapshot in time and you say, no, no, no, no, no. That’s not the way to approach it before we get there though. Why should real estate agents in particular? And I would say, I’m guilty of this. Like the way I thought about my LinkedIn profile was like, you do it one day and then you forget about it and really nothing’s really happening. So tell us how we could use it specifically for real estate agents to achieve our goals, which is really to be found and attract our clients and be seen as an expert.
So really the first step is creating the foundation on LinkedIn for yourself. And that is taking control of your profile and saying, you know what, I’m just not going to not do anything. I’m going to take this opportunity. And I’m going to tell the world how to perceive me. I’m going to let them know who I am, what I do, why I do it, how I help the value that I’m providing. I’m going to give this to them in this beautiful present with this big bow on it. And it’s going to be my profile. And you need to really make sure that from top to bottom, it represents you. And it doesn’t represent you perfectly today, which is going to sound strange, right?
I want it to be aligned to the future. I want it to be the future state you that you can become. And so, you know, if you want to be that like high selling, you know, realtor who has all of this buzz and all of these great clients, write it like that, write it in that future state with that, with that enthusiasm, with that excitement, with that power, you know, five that profile that really sells you at that level and weird universe types things. When you, when you make that happen, it happens in real, real life too. It’s kind of crazy. It’s true though. I’ve had that experience multiple times.
It’s like, if you build it, they come from you say it out loud. It comes. So If you don’t have room in your current life, the universe can’t deliver. So you gotta make the room, you gotta get prepared, you gotta have everything ready to go. So for especially new agents, like someone’s brand new in real estate, they’re like, okay, I hear, I need to be on social media. And we’re thinking, you know, LinkedIn, why should they be at LinkedIn versus Instagram? Because everybody here is Instagram, YouTube, Facebook. We don’t often hear LinkedIn. The why, And here’s the thing. I’m not, I’m in no way saying do not do Instagram. Don’t do Facebook, right? I mean, you’ve got to figure out where your target audiences, but you know what a lot, I think a big amount of that target audience is absolutely on LinkedIn because they got the money.
They are high net worth individuals who are looking for those homes, those houses, those mansions. I mean, this is a perfect audience for realtors. And especially if it’s not just home realtors, if it’s, you know, office real estate or whatever it might be, I mean, LinkedIn is a fabulous place for it. And they’re there and they are devouring the content on that LinkedIn app. And if you can join that conversation, you can get seen and get known and start being liked and start getting trusted you’re forging relationships. So I think that’s a huge piece of it, you know, with LinkedIn, there’s the beauty of the network. And so as you’re meeting people, as you’re networking with people, you know, check them out on LinkedIn, let them see that you’re checking them out, that you’re doing the due diligence.
Cause they can see who looked at their profile, you know, make sure that those people, that you’re meeting you are cementing into your network and you never know with LinkedIn, it might not even be them. It could be someone that they know because with LinkedIn, when you search, you’re not just searching your first degree, you’re searching your first degree, your second degree, those are mutual connections and third-degree network. And so you may find that you have this great connection with someone. They didn’t need you right then and there, but maybe their friend did. And maybe their friend did the search on LinkedIn. You never know where this opportunity is going to stem from. So the first step, and I think what most of us think of LinkedIn is for is that profile, right?
So that’s the first step I heard you say is Foundational. Yeah. That’s step one. And so what should we be thinking about as we’re kind of looking at this? What feels like a kind of daunting or overwhelming profile? How do we know what to put in or leave out or what to put where, tell us a little bit about how to get our profile up. And then I think where I missed until I started working with you is what you could do with that profile. Oh yeah. That’s where it gets good. Real fun. I did not realize that. So, so start with like, we got to get our profile in order. So how do we do that? What’s the approach. Okay.
And you said something that I think is really important, you said daunting, but the truth is it’s robust. There’s a lot. There really isn’t a lot of people don’t think about it because you think of your Instagram profile or your Twitter bio or your Facebook page. And there’s not a lot. There’s really not that much there, but with LinkedIn, it is, there’s a depth to that profile. So the first thing I would say to you is take a deep breath and just Say, why am I on LinkedIn? What am I trying to get out of it? And is it because I want to prospect and sell more? Is it because I want to solidify myself as an expert?
Am I doing this for reputation management? Am I looking for a job? You know, why am I on LinkedIn and really figure it out and write it down, like write down what you want to get out of LinkedIn, because that’s going to be a huge piece of this whole puzzle once you’ve written down, why you’re on LinkedIn. And then I want you to start thinking about your target audience. Like, who is your target audience? What do they look like? What do they need to know about you? All right, because this is where there’s always a misalignment because a lot of times with salespeople, they’re like, oh, I want to sell. So I want to talk about how great I prospect I can sell. I can sell to anyone. I’m not afraid to ask for the check.
Like, no, because your target audience, they don’t want to know that they want to know that you’re embedded in the community, that you can help them, that you understand their issues and you can offer solutions. So like you have to align the narrative of your profile with your target audience and with what they need to know about you. All right. What my takeaway is from what you just said is like, there’s an opportunity for depth. LinkedIn is a social media platform, right? It’s just one of the social media platforms. But I think the opportunity for LinkedIn is a, there’s a depth, like what you’re saying with the meat of it. Like you could say what organizations you support, right? There’s not really room for that.
For example, on your Instagram profile. I mean, you have over 2000 characters in just the about section alone. You have 220 characters in the headline. You have over 2000 characters per experience. You can trace your complete career trajectory. You can show your education, you can go into your volunteer experiences. You can even put in your publications. If you have patents, any organizations you’ve joined. I mean, this is media, this is media. Yeah. So seeing that as an opportunity, and I think what you said in the beginning was like, you can create your future from that.
So it’s not just like, what have I done in the past? And this is something I learned from working with Audra. She says, it’s not about your past. It’s about your future, your LinkedIn profile. And I love that approach is, Hey, it’s not just a snapshot in time. It’s not an online resume. It’s talking a little bit about period pass, but really what opportunities do you want to bring to you? That’s the opportunity of LinkedIn. And Same time we don’t want to be like, I want this and the profile. Right, right. But it’s more about, this is who I am. This is what I do. This is why I do it. You know, this is how I help. This is my passion. This is my mission. You know, that’s the type of narrative we want to get into.
And for most people, you know, people do business with people, right? They to know who you are. And you know, when we get into the headline, you know, a lot of times we’ll inject some hobby or an extracurricular activity because suddenly there’s a conversation starter. There’s a commonality that people are finding, oh, we went to the same college. Oh, we know these people. Like it just increases that, know that, like that trust factor And answers why you, which is what we’re always trying to do in our marketing. Even that dislike little thing. Oh, there are hokey. I went to Virginia tech. So it’s like, they’re hokey, okay. I trust them. They understand where I came from. Kind of How Real and you’re real, you know, I think there’s, there’s so much where a lot of these profiles are written, like resumes, resumes make you sound like an automaton.
Yeah. Well that was my approach until I learned a little bit about, that’s not how it should be back to that goal. Like you said, what is the goal? And I’m trying to help real estate agents with this podcast episode, understanding what should their goal be from being on LinkedIn? I really think it’s going to be reputation management. I feel like sales and marketing. Those who go on LinkedIn with this idea of I’m going to sell. And I’m going to prospect that you’re just obnoxious and they turn people off. I just heard it. Someone wrote on LinkedIn today. It really made me laugh. They called it the pitch slap. That’s really funny.
That’s funny. You haven’t written pitch slapped on LinkedIn. I’m like, oh gosh, I haven’t seen too often. And when no one likes it. Right. And so you don’t want to go on LinkedIn with this like huge desire of like selling, selling, selling. You want to go on with this desire to educate and add value and inspire and introduce people and become that connector and become that person that people turn to. And that, that person that people just feel good about because you’re helping and you’re orchestrating, you’re doing all of this awesome stuff and people want to work with that type of a person. If you’re on there going, I can sell you a house. I can tell you any house, just come over here. Let me just, let me show you the value of homes that I like. No, It doesn’t feel right.
I love that. Okay. So we have our, we understand our goal. And then, then it’s about optimizing our profile. Anything else you want to add to that piece that you want to make sure that real estate Jennifer no one thinks keywords, but you know, what are your keywords? Like if a person didn’t know you existed, but wanted to find you, you know, what would be those words that they put in? You know, it could be realtor, it could be real estate agent. It could be home seller. How selling, like, you know, like kind of figure out the different ways, you know, is it your location? You know, you work in us certain, you know, Philadelphia Metro area, you know, but really think of those keywords because you will never get found for words that do not exist within your profile.
So if the person is searching by keyword, make sure it’s, you’ve identified it and you’ve worked it into your narrative. And I say narrative, right? I want it to sound like you’re talking. I don’t want it to sound like a third person, bio, you know, I want it to sound like, you know, it’s very conversational and you want to work those words and those keywords in, in a, not obnoxious, not redundant, not repetitive type of way, but just in a very organic way. Like, you know what the words are and you just work them into your paragraphs. So then once we’ve optimized, we really were thoughtful. We create depth with our profile. That’s usually I think, and maybe I’m the only one who thought this, but like, I feel like that’s usually where then we turn off like Dan and we expect it to be over.
And you’re saying, no, no, no, No. Now we can be. So tell us how to use, but we just put it together as the profile. So the very first step is, you know, I’m going to go for my, for my four steps. The first one is knowing your goal, having that strategy. The second thing is optimizing that profile. And I mean, we can even get into the nitty-gritty of, you know, the profile picture of the headline, all of those good things. But once you have that done, now you’ve got to start building your network. All right. And building your network is connecting with people. It’s not just following people, but it’s honestly connecting. When you connect with a person you’re adding them to your first-degree network.
And those are the ones who are going to first hear your messages. When they’re on LinkedIn, they’re going through, they’re going to see your posts. If you decide to post, we’ll get into that in a second. But you know, with first-degree connections, like they’re the ones that you can message. They’re the ones that can recommend you. You know, like that’s your people, that’s your tribe. And I always find that when a person says to me, oh, I’m getting no traction on LinkedIn. Most likely the reason is they just don’t have a big enough network. So which size should your network be? 500 plus that’s the starting point is 500 plus. And how do you know who to connect with everyone?
You kind of know, but then how do you get to 500? You’d be surprised. Most people do know 500 people. It’s not a huge number, especially if someone’s been in their career for 10 years. You know, that’s not a hard number to hit all of the people that you’ve worked with. All of the people that you went to school with, all the people that you’ve worked with, all of your colleagues, your bosses, your clients, the vendors, you know, the service providers. Think of your friends. Think of your family. Think of your neighbors. Think of your mentors. Think of, think of all of these people. These are all people you want to connect with. And then you may want to then broaden out a little bit and say, all right, who are the movers and shakers within my industry, within my area.
Think about your chamber of commerce. Think about your networking group. These are all people that you want to be connected with. And have you ever seen that movie Glengarry Glen Ross? Do you know that movie? I can’t even stand it, but I under, I know I can’t watch it, but it’s horrible, Yeah, it certainly doesn’t have a feminine touch, but I love that one scene where he’s like always, but I like to say always be connecting. ABC, always be connecting. And that’s what you want to do. It’s you’re always connecting. So you go to a networking event, you go to a presentation, whatever it might be connect with those people connect with them.
It’s a touchpoint. And if you think about it, they always say, in order to make a sale, you need to have at least six. I mean, the number varies, but it’s like usually six touchpoints. That’s easy. That’s one. Hey, thanks for so much for being in my network and accepting my invite. That’s too, you know, it really helps bridge that gap. You know where you’re connecting with people, you have an excuse to reach out. Well, I love that you’re using the word connecting because it really is like a connection, right? Like I think so often so many real estate agents are taught. Like, go get a client, go get somebody. Right. And what we’re talking about here is like true connection.
So thinking about how can you connect with other human? I’m a human who has dreams, goals, depth, past future. How do I connect with other people who have those same level of depth? That’s what people want. Because how often do we get these weird messages from people we don’t know, asking for something on LinkedIn. I get it every day. So that’s not what we’re talking. We’re not talking about that kind of thing. No, you can’t, he can’t hear it, but she’s shaking her head. We are talking about an authentic connection where you’re bringing them into your network and you’re not trying to sell them something right off the bat, you know, it’s, Hey, let’s keep this moving. And you know, I think to me that like, that’s the real big thing with LinkedIn.
It’s not that you’re just connecting with everybody and their brother. I mean, you can do that. And there’s some people who have done that. They’ve brought in the follow button. So if you don’t know someone so well and you want to pay attention to them, you can follow them. You don’t have to connect anymore. Connecting really should be something that you use for people that know you’ve trust. You met, you know, they’re within your sphere. Those are the people that I want you to connect with. And if someone you don’t know, connects with you or requests that connection, take a look at their profile. You know, if they don’t seem like someone that you know, or they don’t seem professional, it’s okay to say no, but it’s also okay to say yes.
Right? Cause who knows where it could lead, you never know. It’s like meeting somebody, you know, when you’re out and about, right. It’s like you create that connection. You figure out who they are and where are you, you know, overlap and see what happens. You just don’t ask them to like, you know, marry you during that first. You know, I would say that if you’re not like, you know, it’s not so much like your two kids in the playground, it’s like, how would you want to be my best friend? You asked to go swing on the swings a little bit, get on that. See sauce. Yeah. Let’s see if we like each other and go from there. So after you connect with people, then what do you do in LinkedIn? Cause I think you say you start engaging. Yes.
Yes. So how do you engage? Well, this is my number. One thing is how do you access LinkedIn? So Jennifer, how do you access LinkedIn? Do you do it on the desktop? Do you do it through a browser or are you doing it on your smartphone? I’ll be honest. I didn’t do it for so long. I didn’t do it. And now that I’m understanding that I should do it and why I should do it and how to do it, I’m starting to do it. But I connect now with that information. I do it on the desktop for me, like kind of when I start my day, you know, I just kind of, If you are someone who is in front of a computer, Hey, LinkedIn on the desktop experience works fabulously.
But I think for a lot of realtors, you’re out in your about right. You’re meeting people, you’re going to business card exchanges. You’re meeting with clients, you’re doing an open house. Like you’ve got a lot of stuff going on. So you may not always just be, you know, sitting quietly. So get out that smartphone and load up the LinkedIn app. It’s awesome. It is so easy to use and you can do it at Starbucks. You can do it in the car. You can do it at home, watching TV in between commercials. It’s just, it’s there for you. So just as you may have like mindlessly scroll through Instagram, there’s nothing wrong with scrolling through Instagram. You know, everyone needs that time, you know, but maybe carve out five minutes and say, you know what?
I’m going to go through my LinkedIn feed. The first step is installing 10, the LinkedIn app, and then scroll through the home feed. And that whole feed is populated by your first-degree network and the people that they know and they’re engaging with. And as you scroll through, you’re going to see there are posts and people are saying things and sharing articles and you need to like, you need to comment. And I would say, almost use it like Reddit. You know how you have to like upvote on Reddit. That’s really the way LinkedIn needs to be for a long time. People wouldn’t interact at all. They would just like, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll.
But they weren’t really engaging. So I say stop. And as you scroll, if you know the person just stop, read it and then like it, or even better yet comment say something, add to that conversation. And when you do that, you’re helping the other person because in the LinkedIn realm, if you want to post to really be seen by a lot of people, it needs engagement without engagement. These posts just go And by posting or commenting, do you also then get seen by more people You do as well? Yeah. So here’s the, let’s get ready to push up your sleeves. We’re going to get into some nitty-gritty here.
All right. So here’s the nitty-gritty posting on LinkedIn. All right, right off the bat. No one wants to post on LinkedIn. And if you, if you agree with that, if you look at the stats, LinkedIn gets the percentage of monthly users who are active and creating content on LinkedIn, the percentage of LinkedIn users or S who are active, actively creating content. What is the percentage In my mind? It’s low. It’s 1%. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That’s a huge opportunity. Yes.
There are billions of views. That’s the thing. People are on it. There’s a lot of eyeballs. There are just not a lot of content creators. Huge opportunity here. Okay. So now we’ve had the mic drop moment. There’s a lot of opportunity with LinkedIn. It’s not about quantity. It’s about quality. All right. So what I first would want everyone to do, who’s listening is just spend a week or two and just look, look, and interact like, and comment like and comment, and kind of get the feel for the language of LinkedIn. It’s not hard. It’s there. It’s obvious. Once you start to see what people are sharing and what they’re saying, then you can start to join the conversation, but don’t go crazy.
You don’t have to post every day. You don’t have to post multiple times every day. If you can post once a week. That’s fabulous because these posts live for a very long time. If you were to open up your LinkedIn app right now, and you were to look at your homepage, that home feed, that LinkedIn feed, you would find that there are posts that you were seeing for the very first time that are a week old. That’s such a huge opportunity because with the other social media platforms, it’s so quick to go away. Yeah. So this means that you can actually get your work done was their presence on LinkedIn. So now what I’m saying is this. So I want you to post once a week now, Hey, if you could post three times a week, that’s great.
You know, it’s not like I’m telling you not to, but I’m just trying to like be realistic. Like we’ve got deals to close. We’ve got people to meet. We’ve got to be realistic here. So if you could post on LinkedIn once a week, that’s great. Now, what do you do the other four days if you’re not working on Saturday and Sunday? So what are you doing? The other six days Agents are usually out with their clients those days. So maybe we’ll take those days off from LinkedIn, But what are you doing these other days? I’d like for you to engage with people I’d like you to like, and comment. This is the algorithm. I’m going to tell you what the algorithm is. So when you post on LinkedIn, LinkedIn does this really quick parse where it’s like, is this good content?
Or is this bad content? If it’s bad content, they immediately see it. And they throw it away, flush down the toilet of information. If it passes most past LinkedIn, doesn’t send it to everybody. They only send it to a very small group. It’s almost like a focus group of your connections that you’ve interacted with recently. And it’s making sense, right? So if you’re commenting on other people’s stuff, they’re going to then see your stuff. They’re going to comment on it. And if they like, and they comment on this piece, LinkedIn then goes, oh, this is scoring.
Well, people seem to like, it appears to be relevant, appears to be timely. Let’s show it to a bigger group Of Pinots that when you get to the second and third, It’s not even the second and third, it’s just more of your network and more of the people who are then engaging with it. And if you have the proper hashtags, people who follow those hashtags were somehow, you know, connected with you are more likely to then potentially see it If I’m following this. Cause you know, in only, and I learned this again from you is you see like, are we connected by first, second, third? Right? And so the second and third means maybe people are not immediately connected with the people that you’re connected with.
Yvonne connected with you, which I think is a huge opportunity. And tell me if I’m missing something here. But to me that seems like a huge opportunity because I wouldn’t say with social media, social media is great, but it’s only people that you are immediately connected with your friends of friends and Facebook don’t see your posts. But when I’m hearing in LinkedIn, is that the potential is there. So yeah, if I post something and Jennifer, you comment on it, that then shows up on your feed, not on just your feed, but your connections feed the people who you’ve been engaging with. They then say, oh, Jennifer commented on Donna Serdula posts.
Right. So great opportunities To get in front of your people if I so chose. And so that ties into one of the things that you always say, which is make LinkedIn about giving, not receiving, but it almost seems like by giving you receive, which is always the case, isn’t it kind of sometimes. And the funny thing is it’s not always like the person that you’re giving to, you’re going to receive from you. You’re going to give it to one person. And somehow it’s going to come through another way. And with LinkedIn, a lot of times, a lot of times it’s not direct the opportunity. Isn’t always immediately obvious. I can’t tell you how many times, you know, people called me because they saw my profile.
And from my profile, they went over here and then they went over here. Like nothing tells me why the phone is ringing, but they went down the bunny trap. And that’s the thing, your job as a, I think a marketer or a salesperson is create that trail, go here next here’s who I am. Who’s who, here’s, who I help. And so often I, you know, I teach things like websites, for example. And so in LinkedIn, I think is another perfect example. It’s not like somebody calls you one day and it’s like, I saw you on LinkedIn and therefore I’m calling you. It’s more like they probably saw you on LinkedIn. And then they went to your website. And then, I mean, that’s a rabbit hole. I went down. Right. It’s like, I checked you out. And then all of a sudden, because of all the little seeds you planted, I’m like, this girl knows what she’s talking about.
And therefore, you know, I moved to the next step in the process. So it’s about building that kind of, I don’t know what the right, like the town and LinkedIn is like, you’re stopping. Yeah. Your ecosystem. I like that. It’s not about copying and paste. Right? You see it all day long, like copy and paste, pasted my about section from my company to this bio. And now I’m copying pasting and I’m putting it here. And so that person who wants to learn more about you keep seeing the same repeated information. I’m not going To work. This doesn’t work, you know, and there’s always that person, right. Who’s like, oh, I just read your profile.
It really looks like you’re trying too hard. No, no. That says the person who’s never trying enough. Right. Right. Who Do you want to do business with the person who’s trying or the person who’s just not right. This is about, you know, really putting yourself out there in an authentic way and finding that tribe because there are going to be people who resonate with, So if you’re like me, you have this LinkedIn profile that you haven’t looked at in five years and you just stare at it. And you’re like, oh God, I don’t know where to start. And that’s when I was like, you can help me. So I went through your course. It’s not even just a course. Can you tell us if somebody wants help with the first part, which is their profile?
I mean, that’s where it all begins. So, you know, a lot of the reasons I wasn’t on Linkedin is because I was kind of embarrassed that my profile is like out of date and not good. And therefore it, me from doing all the other things that you mentioned. So I worked with you to get a profile on a very proud of how do other people get help from you to be proud of their LinkedIn profile so that then they can do all the other things that you’re talking about. It is hard. You know, I started my business in 2009 and I recognized, and I even, I learned it after talking to so many people. It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a great writer, doesn’t matter if you’re a great salesperson. When it comes to yourself, it’s really hard to write about yourself.
It’s really difficult in any odious task in the world is going to be drier than doing it. So I do have a course, you know, so I have a book, I’ve got my four dummies book. So for some people, it’s just picking up the for dummies book, go to Barnes and noble. It’s usually on an end cap somewhere. You can find it. I do have a course as well that, you know, we’ll walk you through it. But for most people, it’s time to just outsource it. Don’t even cry. Just outsource it. We’ve got three levels of service you choose. Which one makes the most sense. We then send you a questionnaire that you fill out and you just give us some ideas of who you are. Just w nothing.
We’re not asking you to write a book, but just give us a little bit, so we know who you are and what you’re about. And then from there, I get you partnered with a professional writer and there’s an interview and they talk to you. They ask you questions. They really try to figure out like, who are you? You know, all of those things that I talked about, why are you doing this? Who is your target audience? All of that. They ask you and you verbalize it. You talk about it. And then, then you go about you. You have dinner with your family. You watch a movie, you go about, you do your job. And in the background, they’re creating that profile for you from top to bottom, they’re bringing in all of the information that they found about you, that they know about you that’s readily available.
That was on your resume. That’s on your website. They bring it all together and they develop it. And then once it’s developed, they show it to you. You have a chance to say, if you love it or not, or how, you know, if you need edits or if it’s perfect, we bat these things out of the ballpark all the time. It might be perfect right then and there. But if it’s not, we’ll fix it. And then once you love it, we upload it for you. You don’t even have to get your hands dirty. And then we show you what we did and we review it with you and you get a chance to see it live. And you can ask us questions and you know, the higher packages, you know, we’ll, we’ll teach you, we’ll teach you exactly what to do. We’ll talk strategy. So yeah, there’s an e-course available, but just have us do it, Which is what I chose to do.
So for everybody listening, I chose, I think the middle package with you guys, and I’ll be perfectly honest. I mean, I bought a lot of things in my life that didn’t work or that kind of fell flat. And so I walked in with kind of that expectation, cause I was like, I can’t be that good. They, how can they get to know me at one conversation? Like, and low and behold, my expectations were blown away. I had Audra on your team and the same process. I had to fill out pretty lengthy, like get ready to fill out that. But it was really helpful because it actually helped me stop. And think the questions that you guys were asking me, I was like, well, yeah, I should actually have answers to some of these questions, but I don’t. So the fact that I had to struggle through that was actually super helpful for me in other places other than LinkedIn.
And then I got on the phone with Audra and she kind of reviewed, I could tell she did her homework about me and the way that she reflected back, who I wanted to be seen as, and my LinkedIn profile, it was like, I couldn’t have said it better. Exactly what you said is exactly what I was trying to say. And so somehow she has this ability to do that. Then she went away for two weeks and I was like, oh my gosh, how’s this going to go? And then she came back and it was like all done with a masthead at the top. And it really blew my expectations. And frankly, it was for a very reasonable price based on what I got for it. So I just want to say thank you to your, and your team. You guys have like mastered this, not just from a like output, but also like the process was such a pleasure to go through.
So I’d be happy to hear. Yeah. And I’m a tough consumer. So truly, I don’t say that lightly, which is why I invited you on this podcast because my stipulation was, I want to go through the process before I talk about it here. So I will link to all these opportunities. I’ll link to the dummies book. I’ll link to the options. So you can work with Donna. And for those of you who are students, I’m working with Donna on doing a little workshop, just for our students on how we can really dive in and get your LinkedIn profile done or started. What’s our plan there? I don’t know. We’ll figure it out, but little dive in a little bit deeper, right? I have like hands-on exercises.
Like this is not going to be me and toning. It’s going to be, get out your phone phones on and let’s dive in and let’s do some updates. Let’s do some exercises. Let me show you things you didn’t even know were even possible on LinkedIn. Yeah. So we’ll do that for our students this month. And then for everybody else, if you want to work with Donna directly, I will link to the show notes, go to And you can get to know Donna Moore there. So Donna, thank you so much for what you’re doing in the world. And I think you’re such a shiny example also of like a niche. I teach niches and it’s like, you are the expert on LinkedIn and you’ve been doing it for how many years now, how many years is that?
I joined 2005. Right? These are five is when I joined 2009 is when I started my company. It has been a wild ride. Yeah. And you kind of solely focus on LinkedIn, but then also how to build brands from there even more. I, I will say this. I, I really see us as storytellers and brand builders. Our medium is LinkedIn. Yeah. That’s the way I look at it. Well, thank you for the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of LinkedIn with our audience today. And then also thank you for doing a workshop for our students later this month. So thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. So Donna is also giving all of our listeners something for free, which I think will help you at least begin getting your LinkedIn profile a little bit, something you’re more proud of and it’s called a headline generator.
So again, I’ll put that in the show notes, but Donna, if people want to grab that from you directly, how did they get? Yeah, it just, all they need to do is visit my website, LinkedIn They go to free resources and it says, makeover my LinkedIn headline, they just click it. And it’s a free online tool and it generates a LinkedIn headline for you. It’s almost like the old fashioned Madlibs where you just put in like urban and choose a couple of things, enter a few words and it spits out an optimized headline that you’ll find you’re going to turn up higher in search and you’re going to get more views to your profile and with more views comes more opportunity.
Okay. Awesome. So say the website one more time and I’ll also link it to, but where do they go directly for LinkedIn? Yeah, it’s just my website, and they go to free resources. I get that. That’s so cool. I actually want to use it even though I went through that. I like want to see what it spits out when I put in the word. So thank you for that. Anytime. I’m happy. Thank you for listening to this episode of Confessions of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent. We purposely keep this podcast sponsor and commercial-free so we can focus solely on providing real estate agents with the content that will help them grow their real estate business. And how about life?
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